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2012 The coming of Heaven on Earth
2023-03-20 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2012: The coming of Heaven on Earth?

Since the end of the eighties, powerful winds of change have been sweeping

across our beautiful planet. The whole of humanity is becoming increasingly

aware that time is accelerating, that our thoughts have a true impact on the

reality surrounding us and that our health is directly influenced by both our

stress and our moods.

On the environmental level, it seems that nature is in the midst of a full rebellion

and that natural disasters are on the rise all around the globe. Some blame

pollution and the outrageous exploitation of natural resources; others see in them

the harbingers of the Apocalypse. What if we were simply witnessing the rebirth

of Heaven on Earth, promised since the very birth of humanity? If all those

planetary “symptoms” were only little tremors, like those of a chick trying to

break through its eggshell, some inherent “contractions” necessary to allow the

“delivery” of a New World, healthier and brighter?

Let’s take a deeper look at this. Our world is changing. Mentalities are

transforming. It seems like some entire populations feel more and more confined

by the constraints of the social and political norms “tolerated” for many

generations… These no longer make any sense once we become open to a more

global and universal vision.

Everywhere, both in the Eastern and Western worlds, groups and communities

are breaking their silence to express their views (as presently happening in Tibet

for instance). Peaceful demonstrations and worldwide meditations are being

held (such as the one that took place on July 17th last summer), bringing together

millions of people who dream of a better world.

Books on spirituality or New Age are growing in numbers and attract increasing

amounts of people. Conferences and seminars about the Universal Laws are

more and more popular (such as the Law of Attraction, which the film “The

Secret” gives a brief outline of). Isn’t this a tangible evidence of the emergence of

a new awareness?

It is wonderful, fabulous and extraordinary at the same time! At last each

individual on Earth is able to reconnect to the deeper meaning of his own

incarnation, his unique mission here: storing as much energy as possible to share

with the whole of humanity, with the entire planet!

The end of duality?

For centuries, our world has been separated in two clans as if most of the souls

incarnating on Earth could only remember one part of the mission entrusted to


On one hand, we have those who focus all their attention on the need to "store

energy" in all its forms: belongings, goods, money, power, etc.

On the other hand, we find all those who give themselves unreservedly to others,

even to the point of forgetting themselves, expecting that the entire planet would

benefit from the best possible conditions… Perhaps some of you recognize

themselves amongst those?

I’m talking about those who would readily give everything, up to their last shirt,

in order to help a person in difficulty. Those who get involved in their

community, their area, their country to get things moving and to improve the

living conditions of their fellow human beings or else are dedicated to defending

the environment and/or endangered species…

Yet, if the first ones appear to be entirely wrong in your eyes, you might notice

that the second ones don''t do much better. Rejecting their own needs, living only

in a dream and utopia and/or not being properly anchored in the material plane:

doesn''t this contribute to maintaining the general climate of duality in place? Up

to the extent of even feeding some resentment towards the "other ones", those of

the first group? How many wars have been fought for pseudo "benevolent" or

"spiritual" motives?

Fortunately, all this is changing on both sides. Quantities of people who only

swore by material security and the power of money are now asking themselves

innumerable existential questions about the meaning of life and the events

affecting them: "Why did I get sick?" , "Why did my wife leave me?", "Why can’t I

communicate healthily with my children, my boss, my friends etc.."?

These "Why" inevitably lead to "How": "How can I get healthy again?", "How can

I have more fulfilling relationships with those near me?", "How can I be happy at

last and feel good about being myself?" As their spirits awaken to the awareness

that everything originates from them, their vibrations rise accordingly.

At the other end of the spectrum, resting on the "second tray of the scale", those

who were irreparably turned towards others realize that they have a tendency to

"drain themselves out" by continuously giving their energy away. More and

more people along their spiritual path are becoming aware of the importance of a

right balance between "giving and receiving". They realize that beyond the acts

of generosity shared around them, people often only remember the contradictory

message they send out of "the one that sacrifices himself for those around him to

get better". Instead, most of them end up learning to "preach through example";

that to "suffer" for another or with them doesn''t take their pain away but, on the

contrary, that living in joy, serenity and abundance remains the most powerful

incentive for the other person to find their own solutions within.

In short, mystics and awakened people "go down" more and more into matter,

while materialistic people "lift up" their hearts, their spirits and their awareness a

bit more each day. Visualize the first ones, on one tray of the scale, slowly go

down; while the second ones inexorably lift up towards the sky. At some point,

both trays will no doubt end up meeting at the center, situated right in the

middle, in perfect balance... Isn''t that the famous principal of the "Zero Point

Balance", so popular in the late 90s?

A second of lucidity is enough!

Imagine that all those who have the financial "means" and the "power" to change

the world finally meet face to face with those who have for so long nourished the

"vision" and the "precepts" of a better world... That the "human souls" that are

opening to the universal energy and rising in the Light at last ally themselves

with the "spiritual beings" who are incarnating more and more deeply into the

human plane.

The only sparkle required to start that up is one intention, one prayer for peace in

the world, sincerely shared by the whole of humanity, for harmony to reestablish

itself in all four corners of the world. It would only take a simple unanimous

decision, in solidarity, for pollution to cease and for a big cleanse to happen at

the blink of an eye everywhere on Earth. Thought creates. Collective thought


We are presently witnessing a first in the history of our Planet. The divine and

celestial energy is "coming down" densifying into matter at the same pace as the

telluric and planetary energy is getting lighter and is purified on the vibratory

level. As consciousness is taking root in every living being on the planet,

everything is becoming possible again. Heaven on Earth is no longer a

potentiality but rather a reality manifesting itself under our very eyes.

Will 2012 be the year of that long awaited planetary birth? Why not!

However, it is today that it is happening!

From now on your thoughts, your actions and your feelings can make a

difference in the scale! Aim for balance, take care of maintaining your inner

balance, constantly evolving in the peace of your heart… And so it will be all

around you, starting with those near you, your family, your friends and your

neighborhood. All of them need you to give them a pre-taste of Heaven on Earth.

It''s easy: you just need to take care of yourself, cultivate joy and happiness at

every second and fully savor the present moment… while firmly believing that

"everything is already accomplished".

Then you don’t have to "do" anything, you just need to "be" well, healthy, in

harmony and in joy. The whole of humanity is counting on you: store the

celestial energy in all of your Being and radiate it at every second, in all the areas

of your life.

Such is the ultimate secret of happiness… both individual and planetary!!!

Channeling from Bianca Gaia/Diane LeBlanc,

published in Cheminement, a french canadian magazine, edition of may-june 2008,

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