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2023-03-20 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Where was Atlantis?


Brian Desborough

There is no bar to knowledge greater

than contempt prior to examination.

—Herbert Spencer

The year 1584 was not particularly good for one Turkish pirate. It was the year that

he was beheaded. Among the possessions which he left after his unfortunate demise was a

strange portolan map, which had been made in 1513. Remarkably, the map, known as the

Piri Re’is, depicted South America and a portion of Africa. Most remarkable of all was an

outline of Antarctica devoid of ice; the map even indicated the location of bays in the

portion of Antarctica known as Queen Maude Land. Amazingly, these individual bays,

which currently are concealed by a thick layer of ice, were undetected until revealed by

sonar soundings in 1949.

Medieval maps were notoriously inaccurate, yet a collection of such portolans

compiled by E.E.Nordenskiold in 1889, were of such high accuracy that he became

convinced that the maps in question had been redrawn from originals of very great

antiquity.1 One such portolan known as the Haji Ahmed portolan, depicts an ice-free

Antarctica and an accurate outline of America replete with the Baja Peninsula. Its ancient

origins are attested to by the outline of a wide land bridge connecting Alaska and Siberia.

The accuracy of the portolan maps implies that they were redrawn from originals

which had existed prior to the last ice age; their accuracy suggests that the cartographers

who drew the original maps clearly were part of an advanced culture, not hunter-gatherers.

That advanced civilizations existed prior to the last ice age is also attested to by the

discovery of ancient manufactured artifacts, such as the nickel-alloy spheres that were

discovered in pyrophilic rock in the Wonderstone silver mine, near Ottosdal, South Africa.2

In addition, let us not ignore the Vedic literature of India, which describes ancient aerial

craft known as Vimanas. These were claimed to have been developed by a black race

known as the Dravidians. The maps and artifacts demonstrate that contrary to what

academia would have us believe, history is not linear, but in reality appears to be a series of

advanced civilizations, each of which have devolved in the aftermath of a cataclysmic


Before investigating whether or not Atlantis ever existed, it is necessary to

reconstruct known patterns of the very ancient past. Unfortunately, the earliest written texts

only date from circa 3500 B.C.. Since it is apparent that the original maps upon which the

portolans were based had to have been drawn prior to the last ice age, it behooves us to

determine the approximate period in which the last ice age began.

Fortunately for our narrative, Admiral Byrd led a United States expedition to

Antarctica in 1949. Core samples of ice obtained during the expedition revealed that the last

time that Antarctica was free from ice was more than six thousand years ago.

It is customary to find the maximum precipitation, in the form of rain or snow, in

coastal regions, not near the center of a land mass, unless a major rain forest is present.

This is not the case with either of the polar icecaps, where the ice is thickest near the center

of both land masses. Another anomaly requiring explanation is that the Northern Yukon


region remained free from ice during the last so-called ice age.

Professor Charles Hapgood postulated that the current polar land masses formerly

were in warmer regions, and consequently ice-free. An excessive build-up of ice in the

polar regions caused the earth’s crust to slip, according to Hapgood, causing the

landmasses to slide into their present polar locations. This theory recently has been adopted

by author Randy Flemming.3

When lava flows begin to cool, the geomagnetic field strength becomes

permanently locked into the lava’s magnetite crystals. Core samples taken from ancient lava

beds by members of the United States Geologic Service, have revealed that the earth’s

magnetic field drops to a zero value approximately every five hundred thousand years, then

slowly rebuilds. The core samples also indicate that when the earth’s magnetic field drops

to zero, cataclysmic earth changes occur. These could be caused by a temporary cessation

of the earth’s rotation. Such an awesome event would, indeed, cause the earth’s crust to

slip, resulting in horrendous earthquakes, gigantic tidal waves and mountain building.

The writer feels that Hapgood’s theory of earth crustal displacement caused by

polar ice accumulation is flawed. In order to create such a massive accumulation of ice from

regular snowfalls, incredible amounts of thermal energy would have to be generated in

equatorial regions, in order to evaporate sufficient water to provide such prodigious

snowfalls in the polar regions. Such a high magnitude of thermal energy probably would

destroy all life forms in the equatorial zone.

We also must account for the fact that most of the Northern Yukon territory

remained free from ice during the last ice age, and that mammoth elephants have been

discovered in Siberia with undigested foliage in their mouths, implying that they were

flash-frozen during a very abnormal cataclysm—not necessarily of terrestrial origin. Arctic

temperatures are not sufficiently low to accomplish the flash-freezing of large mammals;

perhaps this is why the Book of Job pondered: “Whence cometh the ice?” This particular

Old Testament book is believed to be an Arab work much older than the rest of the Bible.

A major anomaly of the past ignored by academia, is that botanist Nikolai

Ivanovitch Vavilov studied more than fifty thousand wild plants collected from various

global regions, and determined that they all originated in only eight different areas, all in

mountainous terrain. This suggests that a major cataclysm obliterated life in lowland

regions of the planet, sometime in the distant past. Such an horrendous catastrophe would

have changed the face of the earth, possibly destroying any advanced civilization in the


Astronomers claim that the solar system was created through the condensation of a

spinning cloud of stellar dust. If this were the case, then the axes of all the planets which

comprise our solar system should lie on the same plane of rotation if the solar system has

remained in a steady state since its formation. This is clearly not the case however, for the

polar axes of Earth and Mars are tilted almost thirty degrees from their orbital planes.

Moreover, the polar axis of Uranus is more than ninety degrees out of alignment.

We must question why, if our solar system began as a rotating spiral nebula, is a

very low-density planet, such as Saturn, orbiting at a much greater distance from the sun

than the massive Jupiter, which possesses far greater angular momentum?

The above-cited solar anomalies lend credence to Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky’s

hypothesis that a gigantic comet entered our solar system, perturbing the polar axis of

Uranus. The near-collision caused the comet to lose its tail, which coalesced into the ball of

ice and gas we know as Saturn. This hypothesis accounts for its abnormally-low specific

gravity. Careening at high speed towards the sun, the massive comet collided with a small

planet, which disintegrated, thereby forming the asteroid belt.

Losing momentum as a result of the collision, the comet slowed sufficiently for

capture by a vacant primary node of the solar system’s standing wave structure, thus

enabling it to orbit as the new planet Jupiter. It was the tremendous velocity of the comet


immediately prior to its transformation into the new planet Jupiter, that enabled the latter to

attain its present angular momentum. Jupiter’s momentum is far greater than that of the

sun, even though the sun’s diameter is ten times larger than that of Jupiter—a feat

unattainable if Jupiter was an original member of a steady-state solar system.

According to Velikovsky, the collision between the comet and the small planet

caused a large mass to be ejected from the comet, thus forming a second comet which

finally went into orbit as Venus. This would explain why ancient cultures held Venus in

such awe. Native American tribes sometimes performed human sacrifices whenever Venus

was particularly bright, and Greek mythology claimed that Venus was born from the

forehead of Zeus, who was associated with Jupiter.4

Some astrophysicists have speculated that Venus, while still an ice-coated comet,

temporarily was captured by the earth’s gravitational field for several orbits, but still

possessed too much angular momentum, and consequently adopted its present orbit.

By combining this hypothesis with that of Velikovsky’s, a rationale for the

previously-mentioned terrestrial anomalies is presented: if Venus initially was formed as a

comet arising from a collision that spawned Jupiter, it is possible that Venus entrained large

amounts of water, which formed a thick coating of ice over its surface.

When two celestial bodies are on a collision course, the one with the least mass

begins to disintegrate when it reaches a distance between the two bodies known as Roche’s

Limit. In this instance, the Venusian ice coating would have disintegrated as the Venusian

comet approached Planet Earth; at a height of three hundred miles above the earth’s surface,

the ice would have melted due to the comet’s high velocity as it encountered the friction of

the earth’s atmosphere, only to freeze once more as the moisture descended to a lower

altitude. As the ice crystals passed through the Van Allen belt, the ice crystals would have

become ionized, and therefore attracted to the earth’s magnetic poles, which explains why

the polar ice caps are closer to the geomagnetic poles than to the geographic axis.

Such a massive volume of ice crystals, raining down upon the polar regions from

space, probably would have prevented the ice from elevating its temperature much above

the black body radiation temperature of the upper atmosphere, which is approximately

minus fifty degrees Fahrenheit. This in turn quite possibly could have lowered the jet

stream to near ground level, which would account for ancient tales of phenomenal winds

removing mountain tops. It would also provide a rational explanation for the fact that the

arctic tundra contains billions of mammoth elephant bone fragments. One can visualize

herds of hapless elephants being flash frozen, then torn to shreds by winds attaining

velocities of many hundreds of miles per hour.

Chinese folklore claims that at the time of the global deluge, a terrible groaning

noise was heard in the sky, which sounded like the word “Yahoo”. So profound was the

experience that one of the first historically-recorded Chinese emperors was named Yahou,

in commemoration of the horrific event. Very significantly, the proto-Israelite Kenite clan,

domiciled in the Negev region, named their principal deity Yehu, which at a later date,

etymologically gave rise to the fearsome and vengeance-wreaking deity “Yahwey”. The

awesome groaning noise well could have been the result of very powerful electrical

capacitance discharges between planet Earth and the temporarily orbiting comet Venus.

The writer accordingly suggests that a previously advanced civilization was

destroyed in a cataclysmic celestial event, which involved the temporary orbital capture of

Venus, still a comet, by planet Earth; this catastrophe resulted in a simultaneous global

flood and a reshaping of the earth’s topography. Still possessing too much angular

momentum to remain in a stable orbit around Earth, Venus eventually adopted its present

orbit and became a planet. Recorded history can only be traced back little more than five

thousand years, which suggests that the cataclysm occurred shortly prior to that period.

Significantly, Sumerian clay texts state that King Ziusudra was advised to construct

a Tibatu —a ship designed to survive a capsize, in order to survive a predicted massive


flood. The Babylonian chronicler and priest Berossus, also described a flood epic in his

Babylonian Antiquities, in which he mentioned the construction of an ark possessing the

capability of withstanding a capsizing. Sumerian textual data implies that King Ziusudra

lived approximately 6800 years ago. This date fits favorably with the data obtained from ice

cores during Admiral Byrd’s Antarctic expedition, which suggests that Antarctica was still

ice-free 9000 years ago.

During the past century, several sightings of an ark have been made in the Ararat

region formerly known as the Kingdom of Uratu. The remains of an ancient ship

supposedly were observed there in 1917 by a Russian expedition, while another sighting

was claimed by Ed Davis in 1943.

Claims have been made that the remains of what appears to have been an ark have

been sighted embedded in a glacier on the slopes of Mount Ararat. In actuality, wood

samples taken from the site carbon date to the medi?val era. This suggests that the remains

are from the site of a medi?val monastery known to have been constructed on the

mountain by edict of St. Jacob. The wily monks sculpted a rock out-cropping into the form

of an ark, then sold what they claimed were timbers salvaged from the ark to gullible

pilgrims. Naturally, the corrupt monks prevented visitors from approaching too close to the

vicinity of the “ark”. What is notable, however, is that salt crystals have been found on the

mountain at the 6000 foot level, indicative that oceanic floodwaters once inundated the

Ararat region at one time.

Even though St. Jacob’s ark clearly is a grand deception, the same cannot be said

for a curious structure that was the subject of an aerial photograph taken in the 1950’s, by

U2 pilot Gary Powers. The photograph showed that approximately fourteen miles south of

Mount Ararat, an earthquake had resulted in soil slippage which revealed the outline of a

large ship. An archaeological team explored the anomaly, never bothered to conduct a

materials analysis, and promptly concluded that the site was of natural origins.

During the 1980’s, American amateur archaeologist Ron Wyatt visited the site and

collected samples of what he suspected were iron oxide and petrified wood. A laboratory

analysis of the samples verified his suspicions; returning to the site, Wyatt and his team of

assistants conducted a site exploration involving the use of metal detectors and interface

radar instrumentation. Amazingly, the investigation revealed the outline of a ship which

corresponded to the dimensions of the biblical ark!

A wooden ship of such great antiquity normally would be undetectable at the

present time, if left exposed to the elements. In this case however, a lava eruption,

followed by subsequent mudflows, had encapsulated the vessel, thereby facilitating the

petrification of the wood and preserving the rusted remains of iron rivets.. Fortunately, the

Turkish government has preserved the location as an historical site, for thanks to the

superlative efforts of Mr. Wyatt, what could have been dismissed as yet another apocryphal

tale, serves instead to corroborate the flood accounts depicted by Berossus and the authors

of the Book of Genesis.

Mr. Wyatt claims to have discovered fossilized animal dung at the sight. This

should not necessarily be construed as corroboration of the accommodation of two of every

species of creatures as the Bible states—surely a logistical improbability. It is more likely

that the ark occupants had a relatively small number of animals on board as a food supply

for themselves. Let us not ignore the fact that some pre-flood civilizations appear to have

possessed a very high degree of scientific knowledge. Is it not possible therefore, that the

ark occupants took with them cell cultures from many different species of creatures, then

cloned these particular species after the floodwaters had subsided? In addition, let us not

discount the fact that possibly many similar vessels were constructed, which could account

for ark sightings in disparate regions surrounding Mount Ararat.

Shortly after the chapter was commenced from which this article was abridged, the

news media announced the discovery of a submerged house in the Black Sea; the

discoverer was Commander Robert Ballard (USN Rtd.) noted for finding the wreck of the


ill-fated Titanic. Ballard believes that the daub and wattle house was submerged during the

global flood. Of great significance to our narrative is the fact that carbon dating suggests

that the house is 7000 years old—further evidence that the global flood occurred less than

7000 years ago.

Imagine what would happen today if the global land masses were to be devastated

by a series of cataclysmic earthquakes and a deadly plague broke out worldwide, as the

result of geophysical and biological warfare. Destruction of highways and airports, in

addition to lack of manpower, would force the relatively few survivors to become hunter-

gatherers of food, a task which would occupy most of their waking hours, thus preventing

the education of children. Within a few generations, most surviving communities probably

would have devolved to a primitive and superstitious level of existence. Even if some

survivors remained literate, modern books, printed on acid paper, would have become

brittle and useless after several decades, thereby expunging records of past history.

Even though the close passage of a celestial body such as Venus, could account for

our polar icecaps and the biblical global flood, as described above, the temperature of the

snow and ice cascading down from space would not be sufficiently low as to cause the

flash-freezing of mammoth elephants. If we are to comprehend the patterns of the past, we

simply cannot ignore the problem of the flash-freezing of mammoth elephants, as academia

has elected to do. Clearly some catastrophic event almost instantaneously lowered the

ambient temperature to less than minus one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit! This is

the temperature at which flesh can be flash-frozen.

A possible mechanism for the rapid temperature drop may be deduced from the

inventions of that great researcher Nikola Tesla. During the 1930’s, Tesla invented a beam

weapon which generated longitudinally-pulsed scalar waves. At a target distance equal to

one quarter wavelength of the weapon’s resonant frequency emissions, the air in the target

area would expand very rapidly, followed by a massive implosion, which possessed the

capability of lowering the air temperature to almost absolute zero. As Venus temporarily

orbited the earth, massive electrical discharges between the celestial body and the magnetic

poles of planet Earth well could have created an effect similar to that of Tesla’s beam

weapon. It should also be noted that developments of Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter

currently are being employed by several major powers as geophysical warfare devices. In

one particular mode, such weapons are capable of flash-freezing the inhabitants of cities

located thousands of miles from the weapon in question.

Fossilized plants indicate that at one time, the earth experienced a uniform tropical

climate. This would have been the case if a canopy of water vapor had enveloped the

earth’s atmosphere, as is suggested in the Book of Genesis. Such a water canopy

immediately would have been condensed by the falling snow and ice from the temporarily-

orbiting comet, which eventually became the planet we know as Venus.

Satellite images have revealed that every minute of the day and night, approximately

twenty ice comets weighing approximately one hundred tons apiece, enter our atmosphere,

thereby continually adding to the volume of water in our oceans. According to

astrophysicist Dr. Louis Frank, the gentleman who first discovered the ice comets, our

solar system is believed to be surrounded by a vast belt of ice comets.5 According to Dr.

Frank, some of these ice comets are perturbed by the passage of a tenth planet, whose orbit

passes through the cometary belt (this is not the planet Niburu envisaged by author

Zechariah Sitchen). Dr. Frank hypothesizes that every few million years, this tenth planet

perturbs a gigantic ice comet so large that it crashes to earth, causing a major cataclysmic

event. As Venus, in its cometary form, temporarily orbited our planet, there is a possibility

that its mass as it traversed the comet belt, was sufficiently great as to knock one of these

giant ice comets out of its orbit. If such a catastrophe did in fact occur, the disintegrating ice

coating of Venus, plummeting toward the earth’s atmosphere, would accordingly be

accompanied by the remains of such an ice comet. Such an event would explain why the

earth’s polar icecaps are so large.


If such a massive amount of snow and ice was suddenly deposited in the polar

regions in this manner, it would flow radially outwardly, travelling along valleys and

avoiding mountains, which may be the reason why areas of the Northern Yukon region

were not impacted by the last ice age. If the comet Venus lost its ice coating as it neared

Earth, we would expect that the present-day planet Venus would possess very little

atmospheric water vapor. This was indeed verified in 1981 by the Pioneer space probe, as

it entered the lower levels of the Venusian atmosphere.

It is also quite possible that the mass of Venus, possessing too much angular

momentum to permanently remain in orbit around planet Earth, perturbed the sun as the

wayward comet streaked toward its final orbital location. If this occurred, the sun’s

perturbation well may have created very large solar flares, causing Earth’s oceans to boil as

the flares seared various regions of the earth. Much of the resultant steam may have

condensed and fallen as snow in the polar regions, thus adding to the mass of the polar ice


If Venus did indeed orbit planet Earth temporarily, its mass would have induced a

major tidal wave in the earth’s crust, creating new mountain ranges and causing the oceans

to surge over continents, expunging most life forms.

During its temporary orbits around our planet, the close approach of the luminous

comet Venus with its writhing tail, undoubtedly struck such terror among the global

populace, that archetypal images of Venus in its role of Lucifer the light bringer, remain

until the present era. Thus Illuminist Albert Pike, in his tutorial for 33rd Degree

freemasons, known as Morals and Dogma, states that Christianity should only be applied

in the masonic instruction given to masons of the lower degrees, but that the masonic

hierarchy worships Lucifer. Similarly, the esoteric works of Alice Bailey, possibly written

for the purpose of indoctrinating New Agers into the acceptance of eugenics and the New

World Order, are published by the Lucis Trust, formerly the Lucifer Publishing Company

(Bailey’s husband was a 33rd degree mason).

Mexican myths suggest that the comet possessed a serpent-like tail and was adorned

with appendages similar in appearance to feathers. Such appendages are referred to by

astronomers as a comets “beard”; this cataclysmic event probably gave rise to the legend of

the plumed serpent Quetzalcoatl. On its approach to earth, the comet’s luminous coma

apparently created the illusion of possessing two appendages like the horns of a bull, to the

terrified viewers on Earth. Sanchuniathon, a contemporary of the Assyrian Queen

Semiramis, wrote that Astarte (another appellation of Venus) had the head of a bull, while

the oral tradition of the Samoans held that: “The planet Venus became wild and horns grew

out of her head.”

In describing the resultant cataclysm, the Mayans claimed that oceans inundated

continents, volcanoes erupted, mountains rose and fell and a ferocious wind roared across

the face of the earth, sweeping away all forests and towns. The Mayans named this terrible

wind Hurrakan, from which the word “hurricane” is derived.

It is a consensus of academia that the earth’s topography has evolved in a

uniformitarian manner, i.e. no global cataclysms have occurred in recent millennia. This

belief structure obviously is incorrect, as is evidenced by the data presented in this article.

Having suggested that such a global disaster did, in fact, occur only approximately six

thousand, eight hundred years ago, which destroyed existing civilizations, including

possibly the Atlantean one, it now behooves us to determine the location of Atlantis, if it

ever existed.

Writers have provided us with a plethora of possible Atlantean locations, including

Tantalus in Turkey, the Bosphorus, Cuba and the Amazonian floodplains of Bolivia.

Another proposed location, which has received considerable attention in recent years, after

first being suggested by Greek archaeologist Professor Galanopoulos, is the Mediterranean

island of Crete. Admittedly its Minoan civilization virtually ended when much of the island

was destroyed by a catastrophic eruption of its volcano, known as Thera, which occurred


circa 1500 B.C.. The Minoan civilization was not an advanced original culture as

described by Plato, however, since the island’s wealth was simply derived by virtue of its

geographical location as a strategic intermediary stage in the trade route between the

Ottomani culture of the Carpathian Basin to the north, and its terminus in Egypt. A major

problem is that the above cited possible locations for Atlantis are too small to correlate with

the vast geographical continent described by Plato.

The most popular site claimed for the location of the fabled Atlantis is in the Atlantic

Ocean, either off Bimini, as claimed by Edgar Cayce, or along the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

Unfortunately, Cayce was not the infallible psychic, as claimed by some Cayce

biographers; in fact, many of his predictions were extremely vague, while others were

totally incorrect, such as his predictions that San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York

would be destroyed and submerged before the end of the twentieth century. The author

suggests that many of Cayce’s predictions were influenced by the beliefs of his early

financial mentor, Arthur Lammers. Lammers was a Theosophist who, in turn, probably

was influenced by the writings concerning Atlantis made by Theosophists Helena

Blavatsky and W. Scott-Elliot.

The 19th century congressperson Ignatius Donnelly, wrote an erudite book entitled

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, which became a best seller. He was prompted to write

the book after learning of the discovery of the Mid Atlantic Ridge–a subterranean mountain

range up to six hundred miles in width, which extends from Iceland to near the coast of

Antarctica. Unfortunately for Donnelly, extensive underwater explorations of the Atlantic

Ocean ( which includes numerous core drillings) have failed to locate the remains of any

large cities.

It is not unreasonable to imagine that if the continent of Atlantis was as militarily

powerful as claimed, it would possess either an empire, or a commonwealth. If this were

indeed the case, a landmass as large as an ice-free Antarctica could suffice as either Atlantis

itself, or as an Atlantean satrapy. Since it presently is covered with an ice coating up to a

mile thick in places, it is unlikely that core drillings will yield any ancient artifacts in the

foreseeable future. Be that as it may, we have only two meaningful accounts of Atlantis and

its purported location, which have survived from antiquity.

The first of these accounts is to be found in the writings of Plato (427-347 B.C.).

In his dialogue Timaeus, Plato reports on the visit to Egypt undertaken by the Greek

legislator Solon circa 600 B.C.. Psonchis, an Egyptian high priest, revealed to Solon that

at one time an advanced civilization existed on a vast continent called Atlantis; the continent

rapidly sank beneath the waves, together with most of its inhabitants, about 9000 years

prior to the time of Solon. The cataclysm was preceded by “a deviation in their course of

the bodies moving around the Earth and the Heavens....”, a possible reference to the

celestial catastrophe that spawned Venus as a comet. Plato’s Critias, which was never

completed, states that Psonchis, the high priest, relates to Solon that the Atlanteans were

accomplished architects; their capital city was eleven miles in diameter and contained a

series of wide canals in the form of concentric rings.

Was the story of Atlantis, as reported by Plato, fact or fiction? Many present-day

scholars dismiss Plato’s Atlantean account as a fable, but Solon, Timaeus and Critias all

were real historical figures. Timaeus hailed from southern Italy and was an explorer and

astronomer, while Critias, a cousin of Plato’s mother, was a poet and astronomer, who

was killed in a battle in 403 B.C.. Krantor, a disciple of Plato, purportedly travelled to

Egypt in order to verify for himself Plato’s Atlantean account. Visiting the Temple of Neith

at the former Egyptian capital city of Sais, Krantor, who was a scholar at the Great Library

of Alexandria, claimed to have seen tablets which confirmed Plato’s account of Atlantis.

Some aspects of Plato’s narrative are troubling to the author. Plato claimed that the

Atlanteans were defeated in a battle by the Athenian troops. This would imply that the city

of Athens existed more than nine thousand years prior to Plato’s era—a date far older than

the founding of the Greek city. Psonchis, the name of the Egyptian high priest visited by


Solon, is a Greek derivation of “Sebek,” an Egyptian water deity and the son of the

Goddess Neith. One of the pre-dynastic deities, Neith was associated with the Waters of

Chaos, possibly an allusion to the demise of Atlantis (the Greek Goddess Athena was a

later personification). There is a possibility that the high priest had a different birth name,

“Psonchis” being selected by Plato in order to present factual information in the form of an

allegorical story.

According to Plato, the continent of Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean

beyond the Pillars of Herakles, and was larger than North Africa and Asia Minor

combined. As was stated previously, extensive undersea explorations of the Atlantic seabed

conducted by several individual nations, has failed to indicate the remains of possible major

artifacts, other than a possible subterranean causeway and a purported pyramid observed in

separate areas of the Caribbean. Does this imply that Plato’s claim that Atlantis was in the

Atlantic Ocean was a fallacious statement? Not at all—it simply means that the typical writer

on Atlantean matters has failed to conduct sufficient research, and consequently seeks the

fabled continent in the wrong geographical region of the planet!

Exactly which region of the world was Plato referring to when he claimed that

Atlantis had been situated in the Atlantic Ocean? A perusal of classical authors demonstrates

that Aristotle (384-322B.C.) in his De Coelo states that the term “Atlantic Ocean”

encompassed all the world’s oceans, while Herodotus, who predated Plato by a century,

claimed that the Atlantic Ocean was the ocean we now refer to as the Indian Ocean.

It therefore behooves us to refer to the only known extremely ancient historical

body of knowledge which makes reference to the continent of Atlantis.This is the official

history of the world, as meticulously kept for millennia by the historians of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati is not the short-lived secret society founded in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt,

as is popularly believed, but rather is comprised of thirteen interconnected satanic family

bloodlines, who have covertly been the overlords of humankind since prior to the dawn of

recorded history. Certain mind controlled Illuminati slaves who attain the exalted rank

known as Mother of Darkness, are programmed to possess photographic memories, in

order to perpetuate an oral tradition of maintaining an accurate history of the world. Such

slaves are provided access to the world’s most closely guarded repositories of ancient

historical works, such as the Vatican Library and the works of antiquity found in certain

Asian monasteries.

Occasionally, the mind control programming of a few high-level Illuminati slaves

begins to unravel upon the death of their programmers. Through working in a support

capacity in order to assist such hapless victims to escape the clutches of the Illuminati, the

author has learned how to access much historical data believed by the arrogant Illuminati

hierarchy to be irretrievable by mere members of humanity.

According to the official Illuminati history, Atlantis was a vast continent which

divided the Indian and Pacific oceans. According to contemporary geologists, continents

can be subjected to uplifting forces, but cannot sink. As previously stated in this essay,

evidence of fossilized tropical plants has been found in all areas of this planet, suggestive

that prior to the Noahic global flood, the atmospheric water canopy referred to in the Book

of Genesis was an actuality.

Since the water vapor is a far more efficient greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide,

the resultant greenhouse effect enveloping the planet at that time period would have created

far more vegetation globally, than is existing at the present time.

The oxygen transpired by plantlife is derived from dissociation (splitting) of the

water molecules in the vegetation, not from dissociation of carbon dioxide molecules

during photosynthesis. In practical terms, this means that water taken in by plantlife is not

recoverable as part of the normal hydrological cycle, since the hydrogen atoms contained in

the dissociated water molecules are used in the formation of plant carbohydrates. At the

present time, some six hundred billion tons of water are dissociated by land and marine

plantlife annually.


This figure would have been far greater in Atlantean times, due to the luxuriant

plantlife pervading all regions of Earth, which in turn would suggest that the oceans were

much more shallow in those days. According to Illuminati global history, the vast Atlantean

continent encompassed Japan to the north, Indonesia in the south, and the Indus Valley to

the west. The continent would have included the land now covered by the South China

Sea. Significantly, the depth of the South China Sea seldom exceeds three hundred feet.

In summation, evidence has been presented in this essay which suggests that

Atlantis did, in fact, exist. It was a continent approximately three times the size of present-

day India; moreover, it did not sink—most of its landmass simply was submerged when an

enormous volume of ice of extraterrestrial origin was deposited in the polar region. Japan,

Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines are the remnants of Atlantis which were not

submerged, but had their topography modified by tidal waves and volcanic activity arising

from the cataclysm.

The causal factor of this catastrophic event, according to the author’s hypothesis,

was an ice-coated comet, which orbited Earth temporarily, creating geophysical havoc in

the form of mountain building and volcanic activity. This horrendous event annihilated

most terrestrial lifeforms which existed at lower elevations of the planet. Agglomerations of

Venusian rock may have been sufficiently insulated by a thick enough ice coating, as to

withstand excessive frictional heating as it encountered Earth’s atmosphere. If this were the

case—the ice coating functioning as a sacrificial ablative insulator, then the rock may have

contained deadly pathogens which caused certain terrestrial species of megafauna, such as

the mastodon and diprotodon to become extinct. Even though paleontological evidence has

revealed that mass extinctions of very large mammals occurred after the appearance on earth

of humankind, it may mean that deadly pathogens released during the above-described

cataclysmic event were the causal factor in the hapless creatures demise, not that they were

hunted to extinction by homosapiens. The author hopes that modern dating methods, e.g.

the optical dating technique, which records the last time that grains of quartz were exposed

to sunlight, be used in order to determine such extinction periods.

The wayward comet eventually orbited the sun as the planet Venus, apparently

perturbing Earth and Mars in the process. This explains why the Mars Pathfinder survey

revealed that rocks on the Martian surface exhibited very little erosion, despite the

occurrence of sandstorms, suggestive that the present Martian landscape is only a few

thousand years old. The Krakatoa volcano, which erupted so explosively in the 19th.

century, well may have been an extremely tall mountain during the Atlantean era–possibly

the fabled Mount Atlas; the resultant caldera would therefore have created the present-day

Sunda Straights, which are located between Sumatra and Java.

The author’s contention that Atlantis spanned both the Indian Ocean and the Pacific

Ocean would appear to be in conflict with the claims of writers who believed that this was

the site of other submerged continents. Thus the previously-mentioned Theosophist W.

Scott-Elliot, after writing his book concerning Atlantis, wrote another book in which he

claimed that he psychically perceived that there was a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean.

Zoologist L.P. Sclater called this purported continent Lemuria, after the animal known as

the lemur.

In 1926, a young Englishman by the name of James Churchward, had a book

published called The Lost Continent of Mu. Churchward claimed that while in India, a

Brahmin priest permitted him to copy ancient tablets which purported to describe a lost

continent in the Pacific Ocean called Mu. According to Churchward, he later encountered a

mining engineer named William Niven, who hailed from Scotland. Niven showed

Churchward some engraved stone tablets which he had discovered in a Mexican village

located near Acapulco. According to Churchward, the tablets were written in the same

language as that on the tablets previously shown him by the Brahmin priest in India.

Churchward claimed that the Mexican tablets had been written by Naacal priests, who had

been sent to Central America from Mu.


Churchward wrote five books about the mysterious submerged continent of Mu,

which have been regarded as fraudulent by some scholars, due to Churchward’s failure to

provide a meaningful location for the Indian temple that held the supposed tablets. There is

a possibility that Churchward, lacking the ability to decipher the Mexican tablets which had

been discovered by Niven, concocted the fictitious account of the Mu civilization after

making the acquaintance of an elderly adventurer named Augustus Le Plongeon, who died

in Algiers, in 1915.

A former lawyer, Le Plongeon and his English wife settled in Yucatan in 1873.

After learning the Mayan language, Le Plongeon translated the Mayan text known as the

Troano Codex, which significantly, according to Le Plongeon, described the cataclysmic

submergence beneath the waves of an ancient continent that the Mayans called Mu.

What we appear to have then, are not two ancient continents—Atlantis in the

present-day Atlantic Ocean and Mu in the Pacific, as is currently claimed by writers of the

New Age genre, but in reality only one partially submerged vast continent situated in both

the Indian and North Pacific Oceans!

If the global flood destroyed most life existing on the surface of Planet Earth, it

presumably would have destroyed civilization as it existed in the pre-flood era.

Surprisingly, a trace of a previous advanced culture is to be found in the remarkably

advanced catamarans still sailed in the Pacific Ocean by the inhabitants of the Marianas

Islands. These catamarans, locally known as proas, date back at least five thousand years;

they not only possess an asymmetric hull, thus eliminating the necessity for a centerboard,

a feature only reintroduced in the 20th century by catamaran designer Hobie Alter, but also

incorporate a mast inclined at an acute angle, in order to provide a vertical lifting component

to the hull.

The science of ethnomusicography also provides us with clues to incredibly

complex music of great antiquity, such as very ancient clay flutes discovered in Central

America capable of accommodating a musical scale consisting of eighty microtones. One

would hope that traces of a very ancient culture would be found in the vicinity of the

appropriately-named Atlas Mountains of Morocco. This is indeed the case, for local

woodwind musicians perform very complex music characterized by holding notes for

incredibly long periods of time—a feat far beyond the capabilities of western trained

musicians.The holding of such long notes is accomplished by boring a hole extending from

behind the ear to the windpipe of the musician. The origins of this unique surgical

procedure are lost in the mists of time, and could be a legacy from Atlantis, retained by

migrating flood survivors.

According to the official Illuminati history of the world, which has been shielded

from the general public for millennia, the Atlanteans were a race of reptilians and the

overlords of humanity. Curiously, a very politically-oriented and powerful international

group of five interconnected Japanese cults exists at the present time. Known in intelligence

circles as the Black Hand, this very subversive and politically dangerous organization is

composed of the financial power group that determines the political policies of the Japanese


This power group believes that the world was ruled from Japan during the pre-

flood era, and that it is the destiny of the present Japanese Emperor to be the new global

ruler. Japan has entered into a covert scientific treaty with Russia, in which Russia has

provided the Black Hand cults with Tesla geophysical warfare technology, receiving

advanced computer chips for Russian missile guidance systems in exchange. Since the

author’s hypothesis suggests that Japan once formed a part of the Atlantean continent,

perhaps a new Atlantean global dictatorship headed by the Japanese faction of the

Illuminati, will become a grim reality in the very near future, if the Black Hand succeeds in

its endeavors. A crucial component of this subversive plot is the plan to entice key western

personnel who have been trained to preside over Illuminati rituals, to permanently relocate

in Japan, thereby reducing the occult clout of the western Illuminati factions.



1. Portolan is a term meaning “port to port.”

2. Jochmans, J. Forgotten Ages. P.O. Box 10703, Rock Hill, South Carolina.

3. Flem-Ath. 1995. When the Sky Fell. Weidenfeld.

4. The publication in 1950 of Dr. Velikovsky’s book “Worlds in Collision,”

resulted in a malevolent and unwarranted attack being unleashed against him by prominent

members of academia, led by Dr. Carl Sagan. Many of Velikovsky’s predictions, e.g. the

composition of the Venusian atmosphere, were vehemently rebutted by Sagan, but

subsequently verified by later NASA space missions. Since publication of his book,

several younger astronomers have also proposed that planet Earth has been subjected to

catastrophic upheavals initiated by celestial bodies, without giving credit to the trailblazing

efforts of Dr. Velikovsky.

Sadly, prominent astronomer Patrick Moore referred to Velikovsky as a charlatan,

yet hypocritically praised the book “The Cosmic Serpent,” by astronomers Napier and

Clube as “revolutionary” and “....an honest effort to link astronomy and paleontology,

geology, mythology and even history”—the very reasons for which Moore and the

academic mafia crucified Velikovsky! Even more galling is the fact that the basic theory

propounded in The Cosmic Serpent is that the earth has been devastated in the past by

comets, asteroids and meteors, which gave rise to ancient myths. The crowning insult is

that the authors cite what is essentially Velikovsky’s evidence in support of their own

hypothesis! Fortunately, some ethical scholars and scientists are now promoting Dr.

Velikovsky’s research in several countries.

5. Like Dr. Velikovsky before him, Dr. Frank was branded a heretic by

several leading scientists, for publishing his ice comet hypothesis, until overwhelming

supportive space satellite data proved him correct and silenced his detractors.

The writer was born in the county of Dorset, in southern England. He has served as

a Technical Director for Research and Development for several American high technology

companies, and has provided consultation to a company engaged in deep space research.

He is currently engaged in the development of free energy systems in Southern California,

and is the author of the books “They Cast no Shadows”—a collection of his essays on

revisionist history, the Illuminati and suppressed technologies, and “A Blueprint for a

Better World.”
