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THE AGE OF AQUARIUS-a renaissance of the 21st century
2023-03-21 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
THE AGE OF AQUARIUS-a renaissance of the 21st century

by EdB

...take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beautyKabir

We are no longer at “the dawn” of the age of Aquarius. We have arrived. Currently a major shift is

affecting all of humanity. Change is happening on a large scale, and it is happening at such an increased

speed that it is impossible to predict the future. As a result, many of us feel strangely out of tune with

reality. We recognize that clinging to old ways of planning out our life no longer works for us. We feel

the need to get in tune with the energies around us; the vibrational energy the universe is emitting.

For some a drastic change feels appropriate; we might decide overnight, to sell our home and move to

another country or quit our job and start a new career. Others will allow (this energy) these changes to

proceed slowly; maybe we begin to allow ourselves to envision a new life or just ask deeper questions

that encourage us to discover our true purpose in life. This process is a natural sign of a growth we are

going through ''en masse'' and it is a calling of the universe to have faith and trust.

REFLECTION: a tool used to help tune out useless diversions so that we can tune into the

voice of our inner self.


This year has provoked positive change for humanity. It is imperative that we stay consistent and vigilant

about our goals . We do this by concentrating on our vision. This in itself produces a complimentary

energy to the energy being emitted by the universe. Nothing at this point will cost us as much as resisting

the inherent change. If we can let go and empty ourselves we can let the universe fill us. It takes courage

to let go. But after all the letting go, we may find ourselves open for, and capable of, new fulfillment.

With world events as they are, it is challenging to believe in a bright, prosperous future. All things

considered can severely cloud the horizon. But the age of Aquarius brings about revival of the spirit.

Planetary cycles supports the echo''s of JFK and Martin Luther King. At the dawn of the age of Aquarius,

in the sixties, Martin Luther King had a dream of the promised land. A ''renaissance'' and ''golden age'' is

right around the corner.

Hopefully you are becoming aware of the many positive changes around you, as we are sliding from the

age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius.. A change of this magnitude only happens every two thousand

years; the last time this happened, it coincided with the arrival of Jesus Christ. Powerful changes

sweeping through our world right now, facilitating a shift in mood, action and intention.

With the age of Aquarius the human race becomes unified. We awaken to all our diversities and

similarities, realizing a new elixir of spirit, designed by integrating all into one. Evolution has brought us

thus far. We synchronize with the energy of the universe and our drastic differences dissolve as we

integrate into the whole.

Just the other day I purchased a pound of coffee that supported a village in Indonesia for single moms.

A company run by single moms. I contributed, in my humble way, toward the greater good. We are all

making gestures like this, as these kind of transactions are slowly becoming the norm. All over the world

people are helping people and suddenly we are becoming aware of our impact on others and at the same

time our interdependence.

My soul is in the sky.” William Shakespeare


This era is one of peace, unity and pure love. It is about a growth of our inner being; a growth of our

hearts. In the age of Aquarius we break free of axiom, integrating our individuality with our unity with

the universal spirit. The present pulse is created by enlightened human beings who have begun their

individual journey within. This spiritual awakening brings us, the human family, true liberation of the

mind. A synchronization of spirit.

These ages are “....celestial landmarks that guide to review and re-chart the future of mankind and

planet earth.” and “...determined by the equinox precession, were shown to last approx. 2000 yrs.,

were named after the zodiac crossed during the interval. For each age there corresponds and aeon; the

revealing of a new divine attribute.” ( - D. Costian, Ph.D.)

EPOCH: - the beginning of a new period marked by radical changes and new developments.

(c.6000-c.4000) The age of Gemini corresponded to the flourishing period of early Hinduism.

(c.4000-c.2000) The age of Taurus – governing this age was Krishna.

(c.2000-c.1 B.C.) The age of Aries- Characterized by the establishment of the monotheistic Judaism

through great personalities like Abraham (19th century B.C.), Moses (13th century B.C.) Confucius and

Lao Tse (6th century B.C.) and Socrates (5th century B.C.).

(A.D.1- 2000) The age of Pisces brought the birth of Jesus and Christianity appeared.

Now we are entering the age of Aquarius generating a new awareness, a new spiritual order. Mystically,

Aquarius signifies friendship and Pure Love.

Personal knowledge that goes beyond a mere belief in the words of others is the sacred principle of the

age of Aquarius. Go beyond faith to find truth. Creed and Precept of the past will be over ruled and

replaced by true faith in ourselves and our knowledge. We will come to touch our own interior well of

knowledge, and have faith because we know in our hearts what is real, pure & true and what is not.

The presence of pure love & possibility in the midst of our ordinariness is a response to the idea that our

planet is sacred as is the desire to work together in ways that are mutually empowering and co -creative.

We have been too unconscious to our inner life. This spiritual re-birth forces us to look inward for the

tenets that uphold renewed ideals of love, honor and truth.

This is a significant event of organic metamorphosis of the historical condition of humanity. We are

blessed to witness and partake in such a momentous occasion.
