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102Day 55 讲义
2023-03-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
P1 /Day 55

Dale Carnegie - A Man of Influence

I think it''s fair to call him the father of the self-help movement that swept across

America. Sixty years ago, Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and Influence

People, since then thirty million copies have been sold.

Carnegie called himself “a common man from the midwest with a simple

philosophy for self-improvement”. Enough people agreed that his book and his

courses remain popular around the world.

Dale Carnegie had his critics. The writer Sinclair Lewis called his methods

“yessing the boss and making big business right with God”. But as Biography

discovered, Carnegie also won a legion of disciples and ignited a revolution built

on a set of ideas that are remarkable, only for being so basic.

一、 核心词汇

sweep [swi?p] vt.&vi. 打扫;席卷;扫视

copy [‘k ɑpi] vt.&vi. 复制;复印;抄袭 n. 副本;一册

philosophy [f?’l ɑs?fi] n. 哲学;人生哲学

self-improvement 自我提升;自我完善

P2 /Day 55

critic [‘kr ?t?k] n. 批评者;评论家;爱挑剔的人

legion [‘li:d ??n] n. 军团;众多

disciple [d?’sa ?pl] n. 门徒,弟子;信徒

ignite [?ɡ’na ?t] vt.&vi. 点燃

remarkable [r?’m ɑrk?bl] adj. 卓越的;引人注目的


It’s fair to do sth. 做某事很公平 /很妥当

sweep across 横扫;席卷

How to Win Friends and Influence People《人性的弱点》(戴尔 ·卡耐基代表作)

a legion of 一大批

ignite a revolution 点燃一场革命

a set of 一套


P3 /Day 55

戴尔 ·卡耐基:一个有影响力的人

我认为把他称作横扫美国的自我提升运动之父是很妥当的。 60 年前,戴尔 ·卡耐基写了

《人性的弱点》,从那以后,这本书已经出售了 3000 万册。

卡内基称自己是 “ 一个来自中西部、带着简单的自我提升人生哲学的普通人 ” 。足够多的


也有人批评戴尔 ·卡耐基。作家辛克莱 ·刘易斯称他的方法是 “ 拍老板的马屁,和上帝做大交

易 ” 。 但是,正如《传记》所发现的那样,卡内基也赢得了一大批门徒,并引发了一场革




在这个片段的最开始,主持人首先用一句话概括了自己对戴尔 ·卡耐基的评价:

I think it''s fair to call him the father of the self-help movement

这句话里有个结构,叫做 It’s fair to do sth.,表示 “ 做某事很公平 /很妥当 ” ;

这里的 It 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式:

to call him the father of the self-help movement(把他称为自我提升运动之父);

P4 /Day 55

紧接着是一个 that 引导的后置定语,来修饰前面的 the self-help movement(自我提


that swept across America.

这里的 swept 是 sweep 的过去式。 sweep 这个词,除了可以表示 “ 打扫 ” ,比如说

sweep the floor(扫地),也可以 抽象地表示 “ 席卷、横扫 ” ,这里的 that swept

across America,也就是 “ 横扫美国 ” 的意思。



Sixty years ago, 60 年前,

Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People, 戴尔 ·卡耐基写出


since then 从那以后

thirty million copies have been sold.(这本书)已经被卖出了 3000 万册。

copy 作名词,除了有 “ 复制 ” 的意思,也有 “ 一册 ” 的意思。另外我们要注意这个句子

的时态,用的是现在完成时的被动语态 have been sold,表示 “ 已经被卖出 ” 。


Carnegie called himself 卡耐基把自己称作

P5 /Day 55


“a common man from the midwest 来自(美国)中西部的一个普通人

然后是一个 with 引导的后置定语:

with a simple philosophy 带着一种简单的人生哲理

philosophy 作名词,除了可以表示 “ 哲学 ” ,也可以表示 “ 人生哲理 ” 。什么人生哲理


for self-improvement”. 对于自我提升(的人生哲理)。


Carnegie called himself “a common man from the midwest with a simple

philosophy for self-improvement”. 卡内基称自己是 “ 一个来自中西部、带着简单的

自我提升人生哲学的普通人 ” 。


1888 年 11 月 24 号,戴尔 ·卡耐基出生在美国密苏里州的乡下。他的父亲是一个诸事不顺

的农民,种庄稼经常遇到洪灾,养的猪也因为霍乱( cholera)而频频遭殃。据卡耐基自

己说,他在读高中的时候经常凌晨 3 点起床去喂猪、挤牛奶,然后才会去学校。可以说,


P6 /Day 55





出众的推销口才和良好的业绩,很快就进入了公司的管理层。不过戴尔 ·卡耐基的志向并不

是一辈子做个推销员。 24 岁那年,他利用自己的口才优势,开始在纽约的一所夜校里教学


一天晚上,卡耐基讲着讲着课,突然 发现自己准备好的内容全都提前讲完了,为了避免冷





的名气也变得越来越大。 20 世纪 30 年代,美国经济大萧条期间,在戴尔 ·卡耐基的帮助


1936 年,卡耐基在一个从事出版行业的学生建议之下,写出了 How to Win Friends

and Influence People 这本书,一直到现在这本书都畅销不衰。


Enough people agreed 足够的人赞同

赞同什么呢?紧接着是一个 that 引导的宾语从句:

P7 /Day 55

that his book and his courses 他的书和他的课程

remain popular around the world. 在世界各地仍然很受欢迎。


作家和学者。我们继续往下看 :

Dale Carnegie had his critics. 戴尔 ·卡耐基有他的批评者。


The writer Sinclair Lewis 作家辛克莱 ·刘易斯

也就是凭借长篇小说《巴比特》( Babbitt)在 1930 年获得了诺贝尔文学奖的美国小说

家。他也是美国历史上第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家。辛克莱 ·刘易斯是如何评价戴尔 ·卡


called his methods 把他的方法叫做

“yessing the boss and making big business right with God”.

yes 本身是副词 “ 是 ” ,这里是作动词表示 “ 肯定 ” 。所谓的 yessing the boss,就是

“ 老板说什么都不会反驳,一切都听老板的 ” ,有点 “ 投其所好、拍老板马屁 ” 的味道。

后面有一个结构,叫做 make business with sb.,表示 “ 和某人做生意 /交易 ” 。原文里

加了个 right, right 除了可以作形容词表示 “ 正确的、右边的 ” ,也可以作副词,表示

P8 /Day 55

“ 准确地、恰当地 ” 。比如说: He was standing right behind his father.(他 就站在

父亲身后。)或者说: The bus came right on time.(公交车正好准时到达。)

这里的 making big business right with God,字面意思是 “ 恰如其分地和上帝做大交

易 ” 。站在宗教的角度,这个表达指的是一个人会按照宗教的教条做事。

有的同学可能会问:这听起来应该是好事才对啊?为什么是批判的意思呢?因为戴尔 ·卡耐


说,卡耐基曾经讲过一个人如何才能瞬间赢得别人的喜欢,他说: “Remember: If you

want to be liked instantly, do as a puppy does. Become genuinely interested

in other people and show it.” (记住:如果你想让别人立刻喜欢上你,就学学小狗的

做法 。对其他人充满真正的兴趣,并表现出来。)也就是像小狗见到人摇尾巴一样,让对






上帝,自己一直在按照教条做事,希望自己死后上帝不要让自己下地狱,这其实就 是一种

变相的交易。这就叫做 “yessing the boss and making big business right with

God” ( “ 拍老板的马屁,和上帝做大交易 ” )。


度。我们继续来看看 “ 传记栏目 ” 是如何评价他的:

P9 /Day 55

But as Biography discovered, 但是正如 “ 传记栏目 ” 发现的那样,

这里的 Biography 指的就是 A&E Biography 这档栏目。

Carnegie also won a legion of disciples 卡耐基也赢得了一大批信徒

legion 作名词,意思是 “ 军团 ” ,延伸含义是 “ 众多 ” ;这里的 a legion of,意思是

“ 一大批 ” 。

and ignited a revolution 而且点燃了一场革命


built on a set of ideas 建立在一套观念之上(的革命)

紧接着又是一个 that 引导的后置定语,来修饰前面的 ideas(观念)

that are remarkable,(这些理念)很引人注目、很非凡,

only for being so basic. 只不过由于(这些理念)太过简单了。

这里的 for 相当于 because of(因为、由于)。最后一句话的言外之意也就是说: “ 传

记栏目 ” 承认卡耐基的价值所在,但是也理解为什么他的书和课程会遭到非议,原因就在



《纽约时报》( New York Times)在给戴尔 ·卡耐基《人性的弱点》写书评的时候,就很

客观地提到: Carnegie indeed offered insightful advice in dealing with people,

P10 /Day 55

but that his wisdom was extremely simple and should not overrule the

foundation of actual knowledge.也就是说: “ 卡耐基确实在人际沟通方面提出了深刻

的见解,但是他的智慧太简单了,所以不应该对真正知识的基石造成影响。 ” 说白了,就


但是这又怎么样呢? 1936 年 《人性的弱点》一出版,一直到现在这么多年,销量还是经




2011 年,《人性的弱点》这本书被《时代周刊》列入 “ 最具影响力的 100 本书 ” 当中的

第 19 位( The 19th on Time Magazine''s list of 100 most influential books)。无

论社会各界怎么批评,大家都无法忽视一个事实,那就是在戴尔 ·卡 耐基的帮助之下,世界





1. philosophy [f?’l ɑs?fi] n. 哲学;人生哲学

这个词来自希腊语,前面的 phil-是词根 “ 爱 ” ,后面是元音字母 -o-引导的词根 -soph-表

示 “ 智慧 ” ,加上一个名词后缀 -y。 philosophy 的字面意思是 “ 爱智慧 ” ,作名词表示

P11 /Day 55

“ 哲学 ” ,也就是人们对于一些基本和普遍问题的深入思考。 “ 哲学家 ” ,英语就叫做


在实际生活当中, philosophy 也可以表示 “ 人生哲学、哲理 ” 。比如说: His

philosophy of life is to take every opportunity to promote himself.(他的人生哲


和 phil-(词根 “ 爱 ” )相关的单词,我再给大家举个例子:

philanthropy [f?’l?nθr ?p?] n. 博爱;慈善

前面的 phil-是词根 “ 爱 ” ,中间的 anthrop-是词根 “ 人类 ” ,比如说 anthropology,

就是 “ 人类学 ” 。 philanthropy 的字面意思是 “ 爱人类 ” ,作名词指的是 “ 博爱、慈

善、慈善事业 ” 。 “ 慈善家 ” ,英语就叫做 philanthropist。

和 -soph-(词根 “ 智慧 ” )相关的单词,我也为大家举个例子,比如说:

sophomore [‘s ɑf?m?r] n. 大学二年级学生

名词 “ 大学二年级学生 ” 。这是一个很有趣的单词,前面的 -soph-是 “ 智慧 ” ;中间一个

连接字母 -o-;后面的 more 是 “ 傻子 ” ,和 moron(傻子)有关。之所以说

sophmore 很有趣,是因为这个单词想表达的是一个 “ 一面聪明,另一面又很愚蠢的

人 ” ,这个人没有新手的青涩,但是又没有老手的世故,来形容大学二年级的学生,是非


P12 /Day 55

在大学校园里, “ 大一新生 ” 叫做 freshman, “ 大二学生 ” 叫做 sophmore, “ 大三学

生 ” 叫做 junior, “ 大四学生 ” 叫做 senior。而这四个单词里最有戏剧性的,就是

sophomore 这个单词。人生总要经历一个半瓶子醋的状态,成熟不是一蹴而就的,所以


2. critic [‘kr ?t?k] n. 批评者;评论家;爱挑剔的人

这个词前面的 crit 和 secret(秘密)后面 cret 一样,都表示 “ 区分、筛选 ” 。所谓的秘

密,就是 “ 区分出来不想让人知道的事情 ” 。而 critic 这个词,指的是 “ 把不好的东西挑

出来的人 ” ,专指 “ 批评者、评论家 ” 。比如说: He’s a professional film critic.

(他是一名职业 的影评人。)

critic 的动词,叫做:

criticize [‘kr ?t?sa?z] vt. 批评

比如说: You should not criticize so sharply in his face.(你不应该当面这么严厉地


3. legion [‘li:d ??n] n. 军团;众多

这个词前面的 -leg-是词根 “ 挑选 ” ,和 collect(收集)后面的 -lect-一样。 legion 早期

指的是古罗马军队里 “ 挑选出来一帮士兵组成的一个团体 ” ,也就是 “ 军团 ” 的意思。

P13 /Day 55

生活当中,和 legion 有关的 一个表达,叫做 a legion of,表示 “ 一大批 ” 。比如说:

His sense of humor won him a legion of friends.(他的幽默感为他赢得了一大批朋


4. disciple [d?’sa ?pl] n. 门徒,弟子;信徒

这个词前面的 dis-表示 “ 分离 ” ,中间的 cip 是词根 -cept-的变体表示 “ 拿 ” 。 disciple

的字面意思,是 “ 分开接受 ” ,指的是 “ 跟着特定的人学习特殊的学问 ” ,早期专门指的

是耶稣的十二个门徒。我们看到的意大利画家达芬奇画的 “ 最后的晚餐 ” ( The Last

Supper),主人公就是耶稣和自己的十二个门徒。后来 disciple 这个词的词义逐渐变得

通用化,也就成了名词 “ 门徒、弟子 ” 的意思。

英语里还有个单词和 disciple 相关,叫做:

P14 /Day 55

discipline [‘d ?s?pl?n] n. 纪律

这个词指的是在学习过程当中应该遵守的规则,也就是名词 “ 纪律 ” 的意思。比如说:

She keeps good discipline in class.(她严格执行课堂纪律。)

另外,生活当中我们说的 “ 自律 ” ,英语就叫做 self-discipline。

5. ignite [?ɡ’na ?t] vt.&vi. 点燃;着火

这是一个来自拉丁文的单词,作动词表示的是 “ 点燃、着火 ” 。比如说: A cigarette

can ignite a big forest fire.(一根香烟就可以燃起一场丛林大火。)或者说: Gas

ignites very easily.(汽油很易燃。)

ignite 也可以抽象地表示 “ 点燃、激起一种情绪 ” 。比如说: His words ignited their


6. remarkable [r?’m ɑrk?bl] adj. 卓越的;引人注目的

前缀 re-反复表强调,中间的 mark 是 “ 标记 ” 的意思,我们平时用的 “ 记号笔 ” ,英语

叫做 marker,也就是 “ 马克笔 ” 。 remarkable 的意思,是 “ 值得标记的 ” ,作形容词

指的是 “ 突出的、引人注目的、非凡的 ” 。比如说: Nelson Mandela was a truly

remarkable man.(纳尔逊 ·曼德拉确实是个非凡的人。)或者说: The 20th century

was remarkable for its inventions.( 20 世纪由于众多的发明而引人注目。)


P15 /Day 55



I think it''s fair to call him the ‘ father / of the''self↗ -

''help↗ movement↗ that s''wept↗ across A''merica↘ .

( 1)语调:注意重读词汇(下文全部标出,不再强调); 1 处断句; 4 处升调;

( 2)语音:注意 th 咬舌音(下文全部标出,不再强调); think it’s 连读; to 弱读 [t

?]; that 引导词读音很短 +尾音 t 不读; s''wept↗ across A’ merica 连读。

''Sixty years ago, ''Dale↗ ''Carnegie wrote↗ /''How↗ to ''Win↗ ''Friends and


( 1)语调: 4 处升调; 1 处断句;

( 2)语音: Sixty years ago 连读; to 弱读 [t?]; Friends and ‘I nfluence 连读。

since ''then↗ / ''thirty ''million ''copies have been‘ sold↘ .

( 1)语调: 1 处升调; 1 处断句;

( 2)语音: been 读成 [b?n]。

''Carnegie ''called himself “a ''common man↗ from the ''midwest with a ''simple

phil''osophy for ''self↗ -im''provement↘ ” .

P16 /Day 55

( 1)语调: 2 处升调;

( 2)语音: called himself “a 连读; midwest 中间 d 不读; with a 连读; self↗ -

im’ provement 连读。

E''nough↗ people a''greed that ''his ''book↗ and

his ''courses↗ re''main ''popular↗ a''round↗ the''world↘ .

( 1)语调: 5 处升调;

( 2)语音: people a’ greed 连读 +尾音 d 不读; that ‘hi s 连读; book↗ and his 连

读; a’ round 尾音 d 不读。

''Dale↗ ''Carnegie ''had his ''critics↗ .

语调: 2 处升调。

The ''writer Sinclair ''Louis called his

methods /“ ''yessing the ''boss↗ and making ''big''business ''right↗ with ''God↘

” .

( 1)语调: 1 处断句; 2 处升调;

( 2)语音: called his 连读; and 读成 n; big 尾音 g 不读; right 尾音 t 不读。

But as Bio''graphy dis''covered, ''Carnegie ''also ''won a ''legion of dis''ciples and

ig''nited arevo’ lution /

P17 /Day 55

语音: But as 连读; won a 连读; legion of 连读; dis''ciples and ig''nited a 连读。

''built on a ''set of i''deas↗ that are / re''markable, ''only for being ''so↗ basic↘ .

( 1)语调: 2 处升调; 1 处断句;

( 2)语音: built on a 连读( built 尾音 t 读成 d); set of i’ deas 连读; that are 连读

( that 尾音 t 读成 d)。


I think it''s fair to call him the ‘ father / of the''self↗ -

''help↗ movement↗ that s''wept↗ across A''merica↘ .''Sixty years

ago, ''Dale↗ ''Carnegie wrote↗ / ''How↗ to ''Win↗ ''Friends and

''Influence ''People,since ''then↗ / ''thirty ''million ''copies have been ‘ sold↘ .

''Carnegie ''called himself “a ''common man↗ from the ''midwest with a ''simple

phil''osophy for ''self↗ -im''provement↘ ” .E''nough↗ people a''greed that

''his ''book↗ and his ''courses↗ re''main ''popular↗ a''round↗ the ''world↘ .

''Dale↗ ''Carnegie ''had his ''critics↗ . The ''writer Sinclair ''Louis called his

methods / “ ''yessingthe ''boss↗ and making ''big ''business ''right↗ with ''God↘

” . But as Bio''graphy dis''covered,''Carnegie ''also ''won a ''legion of dis''ciples

and ig''nited a revo’ lution / ''built on a ''set of i''deas↗ that

are / re''markable, ''only for being ''so↗ basic↘

P18 /Day 55


1. 核心语言点回顾:

a 核心词汇回顾:



Dale Carnegie - A Man of Influence

I think it''s fair to call him the father of the self-help movement that swept ( )

across America. Sixty years ago, Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and

Influence People, since then thirty million copies ( ) have been sold.

Carnegie called himself “a common man from the midwest with a simple _______( 哲

学 ) for _______(自 我提升 )”. Enough people agreed that his book and his courses

remain popular around the world. Dale Carnegie had his critics ( ). The writer

Sinclair Lewis called his methods “yessing the boss and making big business right

with God”. But as Biography dis covered, Carnegie also won a legion ( ) of

disciples ( ) and ignited ( ) a revolution built on a set of ideas that are

_______(卓越的 ), only for being so basic.

P19 /Day 55

b. 核心表达回顾:

Dale Carnegie - A Man of Influence

I think it''s fair to call him the father of the self-help movement that swept across

America. Sixty years ago, Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and Influence

People, since then thirty million copies have been sold.

Carnegie called himself “a common man from the midwest with a sim ple

philosophy for self-improvement”. Enough people agreed that his book and his

courses remain popular around the world. Dale Carnegie had his critics. The writer

Sinclair Lewis called his methods “yessing the boss and making big business right

with God”. But as Biography discovered, Carnegie also won a legion of disciples

and ignited a revolution built on a set of ideas that are remarkable, only for being

so basic.


1.It’s fair to do sth. _____________________

2.sweep across _____________________

3.How to Win Friends and Influence People_____________________

4.a legion of _____________________

5.ignite a revolution _____________________

P20 /Day 55

6.a set of _____________________

c. 举一反三 :

1. Wintry weather continues to sweep across Britain. (英译汉)


2. 他送给我一套漂亮的瓷器。(汉译英)


3. His delightful sense of humor won him a legion of friends. (英译汉)


4. 曾经有一位老师真正激起 /点燃了我对文字的兴趣。


5. He has displayed remarkable courage in his efforts to reform the party. (英译汉)


2. 翻译训练

1. 60 年前,戴尔 ·卡耐基写了《人性的弱点》,从那以后,这本书已经出售了 3000 万册。



2. 但是,正如《传记》所发现的那样,卡内基也赢得了一大批门徒,并引发了一场革命,这



P21 /Day 55



1. 核心语言点回顾:

a 核心词汇回顾:

sweep 席卷 copy 一册 philosophy 哲学

self-improvement 自我提升 critic 批评者;评论家 legion 军团;众多

disciple 门徒,弟子;信徒 ignite 点燃 remarkable 卓越的;引人注目的

b 核心表达回顾:

1. 做某事很公平 /很妥当 2. 横扫;席卷

3. 《人性的弱点》(戴尔 ·卡耐基代表作) 4. 一大批

5. 点燃一场革命 6.一套


1. 寒冷的天气继续席卷整个英国。 2. He gave me a set of beautiful china.

3. 他的幽默风趣为他赢得了众多的朋友。 4. There was one teacher who really ignited

my interest in words.

5. 在政党改革中,他表现出了非凡的勇气。

P22 /Day 55

2. 翻译训练

1. Dale Carnegie wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People, since then thirty

million copies have been sold.

2. But as Biography discovered, Carnegie also won a legion of disciples and ignited

a revolution built on a set of ideas that are remarkable, only for being so basic.
