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Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, XX, 1-10 1


1871-5303/XX ? XXXX Bentham Science Publishers

Italian Guidelines for the Management of Non-Functioning Benign and

Locally Symptomatic Thyroid Nodules

Enrico Papini1, Anna Crescenzi2, Annamaria D’Amore3, Maurilio Deandrea4, Anna De Benedictis5, Andrea Frasoldati6, Roberto

Garberoglio7, Rinaldo Guglielmi1, Celestino Pio Lombardi3, Giovanni Mauri8, Rosa Elisa Miceli9, Soraya Puglisi10, Teresa

Rago11, Domenico Salvatore12, Vincenzo Triggiani13, Dominique Van Doorne14, Zuzana Mitrova15, Rosella Saulle15, Simona

Vecchi15, Michele Basile16, Alessandro Scoppola17, Agostino Paoletta18, Agnese Persichetti19, Irene Samperi20, Renato Cozzi21,

Franco Grimaldi22, Marco Boniardi23, Angelo Camaioni24, Rossella Elisei11, Edoardo Guastamacchia13, Giulio Nati25, Tommaso

Novo26, Massimo Salvatori27, Stefano Spiezia28, Gianfranco Vallone29, Michele Zini6 and Roberto Attanasio30,

1Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Ospedale Regina Apostolorum, Albano Laziale, Rome, Italy; 2Department of Endocrine

Organs and Neuromuscolar Pathology, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy; 3Endocrine Surgery Division, Agostino Ge-

melli School of Medicine, University Foundation Polyclinic, Rome, Italy, 4Endocrinology and Center for Thyroid Diseases, Ospedale Mau-

riziano "Umberto I", Turin, Italy; 5Quality Management - Clinical Direction, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico,

Rome, Italy; 6Struttura Complessa di Endocrinologia, Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova, IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy; 7Freelancer at Thyroid

Multidisciplinary Center at Humanitas Cellin , Turin, Italy; 8Interventional Radiology, IRCCS European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy;

9Private practice, Rome, Italy; 10Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Internal Medicine, AOU San Luigi di Orbassano, University

of Turin, Turin, Italy; 11Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 12Department of Public Health,

University Federico II, Naples, Italy; 13Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine-Section of Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Endocrinology

and Rare Diseases, University of Bari, Bari, Italy; 14Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, relationship with Patients’ Associations, Rome

Italy; 15Department of Epidemiology, Lazio Region Health Service, Rome, Italy; 16High School of Economy and Management of Health

Systems, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy; 17Department of Endocrinology, Ospedale Santo Spirito, Rome, Italy; 18Depart-

ment of Endocrinology, ULSS6 Euganea, Padova, Italy; 19Department of Firefighters, Public Rescue and Civil Defense, Ministry of Interior,

Rome, Italy; 20Department of Endocrinology, ASL Novara, Novara, Italy; 21President of Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, Milan, Italy;

22Past-president of Associazione Medici Endocrinologi, Udine, Italy; 23General Oncologic and Mini-invasive Surgery Department, ASST

Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy; 24Otolaryngology Department, San Giovanni-Addolorata Hospital, Rome, Italy;

25ASL Roma, Rome, Italy; 26Department of Endocrinology, Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, Turin, Italy; 27Nuclear Medicine Unit, Fondazione

Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS and Department of Radiological and Hematological Sciences, Catholic University of Sacred

Heart, Rome Italy; 28Department of Endocrine and Ultrasound-Guided Surgery, Ospedale del Mare, Naples, Italy; 29Department of Radiol-

ogy, Federico II University Hospital, Naples Italy; 30AME Scientific Committee, Milan, Italy

Abstract: Aim: This guideline (GL) is aimed at providing a reference for the management of non-functioning, benign

thyroid nodules causing local symptoms in adults outside of pregnancy.

Methods: This GL has been developed following the methods described in the Manual of the National Guideline Sys-

tem. For each question, the panel appointed by Associazione Medici Endocrinology (AME) identified potentially rele-

vant outcomes, which were then rated for their impact on therapeutic choices. Only outcomes classified as “critical”

and “important” were considered in the systematic review of evidence and only those classified as “critical” were

considered in the formulation of recommendations.

Results: The present GL contains recommendations about the respective roles of surgery and minimally invasive treat-

ments for the management of benign symptomatic thyroid nodules. We suggest hemithyroidectomy plus isthmectomy

as the first-choice surgical treatment, provided that clinically significant disease is not present in the contralateral thy-

roid lobe. Total thyroidectomy should be considered for patients with clinically significant disease in the contralateral

thyroid lobe. We suggest considering thermo-ablation as an alternative option to surgery for patients with a sympto-

matic, solid, benign, single, or dominant thyroid nodule. These recommendations apply to outpatients, either in primary

care or when referred to specialists.

Conclusion: The present GL is directed to endocrinologists, surgeons, and interventional radiologists working in hos-

pitals, in territorial services, or private practice, general practitioners, and patients. The available data suggest that the

implementation of this GL recommendations will result in the progressive reduction of surgical procedures for benign

thyroid nodular disease, with a decreased number of admissions to surgical departments for non-malignant conditions

and more rapid access to patients with thyroid cancer. Importantly, a reduction of indirect costs due to long-term re-

placement therapy and the management of surgical complications may also be speculated.


Received: January 06, 2023

Revised: January 06, 2023

Accepted: January 11, 2023



Keywords: Thyroid nodule, thyroidectomy, hemi-thyroidectomy, ablation, thermo-ablation, radiofrequency, laser, microwave,

HIFU, ultrasound, ethanol injection.

Address correspondence to this author at the AME Scientific Committee, Milan, Italy; E-mail: roberto.serena@libero.it

This is an Open Access article published

under CC BY 4.0



2 Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Papini et al.


Thyroid nodules are detected in 5-7% of the adult popula-

tion at physical examination [1] and in up to 60% of adult fe-

males as an incidental finding during imaging procedures [2,

3]. Most nodules are benign, but 5-15% may be malignant,

with a risk level depending on sex, age, and medical history

[2, 3]. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a reliable procedure to

stratify the risk of malignancy [2, 3] and no therapy is required

for cytologically benign, non-hyperfunctioning thyroid nod-

ules if they are asymptomatic [4]. However, a low but not neg-

ligible fraction of these nodules progressively grows until lo-

cal pressure symptoms develop [4].

The diagnostic workup and the therapeutic management of

this frequent clinical problem drains considerable health re-

sources, while patients’ quality of life (QoL) may be nega-

tively affected by aggressive treatment modalities. Data from

the USA demonstrate a progressive increase in thyroid sur-

gery (+39% from 1996 to 2006) [5] and in total thyroidecto-

mies for benign disease (from 17.6% during 1993-1997 to

39.4% during 2003-2007) [6]. European data are aligned: 60%

of thyroid surgeries are performed in France for benign nodu-

lar thyroid disease [7] and only 30% of thyroid surgeries for

benign diseases in Germany are due to hyperthyroidism or lo-

cal pressure symptoms [8].

An appropriate work-up for nodular thyroid disease,

aimed at decreasing unwarranted surgery, should follow the

sequential steps listed below [1-3, 9-12].

1. History: pay attention to family history of thyroid sur-

gery, thyroid tumors, genetic syndromes associated with

thyroid neoplasms, and personal history of external radi-

ation or nuclear fall-out.

2. Physical examination: pay attention to the anterior and

lateral neck for lymphadenopathy.

3. Laboratory: first assay thyrotropin [TSH) to rule out al-

terations of thyroid function. If they are present, free thy-

roid hormone levels should be determined. If TSH is low,

perform a thyroid scintiscan to disclose regional hyper-

function. Hot nodules are generally benign and do not re-

quire cytologic examination. If TSH is high, anti-thyroid

antibodies should be evaluated. Normal serum calcitonin

reliably rules out medullary thyroid carcinoma.

4. Neck ultrasound (US): examination should be performed

by a skilled operator with a high-frequency linear probe.

Malignancy risk classification should be applied to the

nodule according to EU-TIRADS system [1-3, 9, 10, 13].

5. US-guided FNA: thyroid sampling should be performed

according to an algorithm integrating clinical suspicion,

nodule size, and US risk classification [9, 10, 13]. Use a

validated classification for cytology reporting [14],

mainly the 2014 Italian Consensus for the Classification

and Reporting of Thyroid Cytology [15]. In several major

series, malignancy risk is lower than 3% for the TIR2 cat-


The standard treatment for nodular thyroid disease that

causes clinical symptoms is surgery [2]. Selective resection of

the nodule is no more employed, due to the high rate of peri-

and post-operative complications and recurrence. The resec-

tion of the affected lobe and isthmus is currently suggested for

benign monolateral nodules and also for differentiated thyroid

carcinomas (DTC) staged as clinically pT1 and pT2 [2, 11].

This approach prevents the need for complete replacement

therapy [16]. Conversely, total thyroidectomy remains the

first choice for bilateral multinodular goiter, Graves’ disease,

and advanced DTC. Importantly, high-volume thyroid sur-

geons achieve better outcomes with a lower rate of complica-

tions [17-19]. A suggested cut-off is 50 thyroidectomies

yearly per surgeon or 100 thyroidectomies per center [20].

In the last decades, image-guided non-surgical procedures

(MIT) have become available for the management of benign

thyroid nodules, aiming to relieve of local pressure symptoms

[21]. MIT includes chemical ablation with ethanol injection

[PEI] [22, 23] and thermal ablation with laser [LTA] [24], ra-

diofrequency [RFA] [25-27], microwaves [MWA] [28, 29], or

high intensity focused ultrasounds (HIFU) [30]. The long-term

follow-up of these procedures is still limited (up to 5 years in

most series) and in 10-15% of the cases, a partial regrowth of

the nodule occurs, warranting further treatment [21].

TSH-suppressive treatment with levo-thyroxine (LT4)

[31-33] and radioiodine ablation [34] are no more employed

in this setting due to low efficacy and potential side effects.

Due to the high prevalence of benign nodular disease, the

management algorithm should be based on the risk-benefit

and cost-efficacy ratios of the different procedures as well as

on their accessibility. Physicians should advice patients about

the therapeutic options, and inform them about the risks and

benefits of the available procedures and of their impact on

QoL to allow a shared decision with patients.

The aim of this guideline (GL) is to answer the question:

What is the efficacy of hemithyroidectomy plus thyroid isth-

mus resection vs. total thyroidectomy vs. ablative procedures,

vs. other non-invasive treatments, vs. no treatment for patients

with benign symptomatic thyroid nodules?


This GL was developed according to the Methodological

manual for the production of clinical practice GLs developed

by the National Center for the Clinical Excellence, Quality

and Safety of Care of the Italian National Institute of Health

(http://www.snlg-iss.it). Appendix 1 details the names and

roles of all the people involved in the GL development team.

2.1. Clinical Questions

The recommendations are the answers to a clinical ques-

tion, formulated by the panel using the Population-Interven-

tion-Comparison-Outcome (PICO) framework (Appendix 2).

2.2. Selection of Outcomes

For each question, the panel identified potentially relevant

outcomes, which were then rated for their impact on therapeu-

tic choices using a 9-point scale, namely:

? 1–3 points: outcomes of limited relevance

? 4–6 points: important, but not critical outcomes

? 7–9 points: critical outcomes.

Italian Guidelines for Management of Thyroid Nodule Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 3

Only outcomes classified as “critical” and “important”

were considered in the systematic review of evidence and only

those classified as “critical” were considered in the formula-

tion of recommendations [35].

2.3. Literature Review and Assessment of the Quality of


A systematic search for each question was performed on

the following databases: Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Em-

base, Web of Science, and CINAHL (from inception to Octo-

ber 2020).

Specific search strategies were used for each database, as

specified in each section of Appendix 3. No time or language

limits were imposed for all the searches. References of re-

trieved items were searched for further studies meeting inclu-

sion criteria.

A systematic review was performed through the following


1. Selection of the eligible studies obtained with the initial

search, based on title and abstract, for retrieval as full text.

2. Identification among retrieved full-text items of relevant

studies, based on a priori inclusion and exclusion criteria.

3. Assessment of potential bias using validated instruments

(Cochrane criteria for RCT – [36] - and checklist New-

castle-Ottawa Scale for observational studies – [37]).

4. Extraction of main characteristics of the selected studies

(enrolled population, considered outcomes, results), sum-

marized in tables.

5. Quantitative synthesis for each outcome, calculating odds

ratio (OR) for categorical outcomes and weighted mean

difference (WMD) for continuous variables with 95%

confidence intervals (CI). Quantitative meta-analysis was

performed with RevMan 5.4 using fixed effects models.

6. Assessment of heterogeneity (I2) by the I2 statistic stating

the percentage of variability in effects esteem due to het-

erogeneity rather than to chance.

7. The overall quality and strength of available evidence for

outcomes selected by the panel were rated using the

GRADE criteria.

8. Synthesis of results, using the GRADEPro Guideline De-

velopment tool (https://gradepro.org), with the frame-

works EtD, which summarize results of systematic re-

views for problem priority, desired and undesired effects

of treatments, the strength of available evidence, values

and preferences of stakeholders, economic resources

needed, equity, acceptability, and feasibility of interven-


2.4. Pharmacoeconomic Studies

The economic evaluation was performed by a pharmaco-

economist with specific expertise (MB).

Since official data about costs of surgery and thermoabla-

tion for thyroid nodules were not always available, we per-

formed a survey among panel members from different disci-

plines and regions that were representative of the Italian health

system setting, looking for specific drivers that contribute to

the total cost of each procedure (either surgery or thermoabla-

tion). Specifically for each procedure, we investigated the du-

ration, type, and dosage of employed drugs, type and quanti-

ties of disposable materials, number and time of involvement

of each operator, and percentage of patients requiring a care-

giver during and after the procedure (indirect costs).

We calculated the mean value for each parameter to allow

their use in the different regional settings under Italian Na-

tional Health Service (NHS).

The Activity based costing (ABC) analysis is a useful tool

to calculate resource employment and evaluation of the gross

cost of procedures. ABC follows three steps:

1. Resource identification using a specific survey among the

interdisciplinary panelists. The resources required to pro-

vide the investigated procedures were detailed to quantify

each component (time of operators’ activities, materials,

drug dosage, technical resources, etc.).

2. Cost determination by consultation with scientific litera-

ture and specific databases (such as price lists) [38-43].

3. Valorization of results: the data obtained during the pre-

vious steps were combined to define the aggregate value

of each action and the whole process [44].

The economic analysis evaluated the four large resource

categories employed in the procedure under investigation:

? The direct cost paid by NHS for drugs.

? The direct cost paid by NHS for disposable materi-


? The direct cost paid by NHS for the working time of

operators and the use of structures.

? Indirect costs sustained by patients and caregivers.

To assess the costs driven by potential complications, we

evaluated the rate of occurrence for each complication of the

various procedures and we expressed the relative cost as the

corresponding fraction. Namely, if the cost of a specific com-

plication was € 5000, including all the drivers (employed

drugs, hospital stay, and loss of productivity), and if the com-

plication is reported to occur in 1% of patients, the sum of €

50 was added to the total cost of the procedure.

2.5. Development of Recommendations

The GL panel examined and discussed each clinical ques-

tion: the EtD frameworks, the tables of evidence, and the sum-

maries of results (forest plots of meta-analyses). The GL panel

formulated recommendations (which were rated as strong or

weak) based on the priority of the problems, benefits, and

harms of the options, strengths of evidence, values and pref-

erences, use of resources, feasibility, acceptability, and equity

of the procedure.

Disagreements were settled through collective discussion.

If evidence was not available or it was inappropriate for a

formal rating of the quality of evidence, the GL panel devel-

oped indications for good clinical practice, which should be

considered complementary to recommendations.

4 Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Papini et al.

2.6. External Review

The panel appointed a board of external reviewers with

specific expertise in thyroid disease management. External re-

viewers received a draft version of the GL and submitted their

comments to the panel, which included, after a dedicated dis-

cussion, the amendments to the GL document.

2.7. Value of Recommendations

Quality of evidence was rated as:

? High: highly reliable data whose confidence in es-

timated effects is very unlikely to be modified by

further studies.

? Moderate: moderately reliable data whose confi-

dence in estimated effects could be modified by fur-

ther studies.

? Low: still limited and uncertain results which need

further research for a reliable assessment of the pos-

itive and negative effects of the intervention.

? Very low: available data are not reliable and the es-

timates of effects should be considered with cau-


The strength of recommendations was rated as strong or


A strong recommendation implies:

? For clinicians: the majority of patients should re-

ceive the recommended intervention.

? For patients: almost all properly informed patients

should follow the recommendation whereas only a

small fraction of them may choose different op-


? For the policy makers: the recommendation can be

employed for planning the use of the available re-


A weak recommendation implies:

? For clinicians: the final choice should include care-

ful consideration of patients’ values and prefer-


? For patients: the majority of properly informed pa-

tients will follow the recommendation, but a minor-

ity of them may choose different options.

? For the policy makers: a discussion involving the

stakeholders should be performed on the issue.


The PRISMA flow diagram for the selection of the stud-

ies is illustrated in Appendix 4. Two randomized controlled

trials (RCT) [45, 46] and 12 observational studies (nine ret-

rospective – [47-55] and three prospective – [56-58]) met all

the inclusion criteria. The methodological quality evaluation

of selected studies is detailed in Appendix 4 and Appendix

5, respectively.

No studies that compared thyroidectomy with TSH-sup-

pressive or semi-suppressive treatment with LT4, iodine sup-

plements, food integrators, radioiodine treatment, or clinical

observation were retrieved.

3.1. Comparison between Hemithyroidectomy and Thy-


One RCT [45] and eight observational studies evaluated

this topic [56, 58].

Major peri-procedural complications were addressed in

two studies [48, 52] but no quantitative synthesis could be per-


Minor peri-procedure complications were addressed in an

RCT with 90 participants [45] and in five observational stud-

ies with 1390 patients [46, 48, 52, 56, 58]. Both studies re-

ported a much lower incidence of hypocalcemia after he-

mithyroidectomy (relative risk - RR -, 0.12; 95% confidence

interval - CI -, 0.06-0.25).

No study addressed the outcome of the cure for local signs

and symptoms.

3.2. Comparison between Hemithyroidectomy and Ther-


This topic was addressed in one RCT with the use of

MWA [46, 53] and four observational studies with the use of

RFA [53], HIFU [54, 56], and MWA [55].

QoL was evaluated in two studies [45, 52] but no quanti-

tative synthesis could be performed. The RCT [46] employed

the questionnaire SF-36 and after a 6-month follow-up re-

ported an improvement in general health, vitality, and mental

health in the MWA group (N = 28) compared to the surgical

group (N = 24). QoL scores were lower in the surgical group

and superimposable in the MWA group when compared to the

general population. In an observational study employing the

HRQoL scale [53], the group treated with RFA achieved after

6 months a significantly higher improvement in general

health, vitality, and mental health as compared to the surgical

group (N = 108 for both groups).

The same RCT [46] did not observe any difference be-

tween the two groups for persistent local pain, acute hy-

pocalcemia, and wound infection. An observational study of

101 patients [55] reported an increased risk of acute hy-

pocalcemia in the surgical group as compared to MWA (RR,

13.61; 95% CI, 0.80-232.14). Three observational studies

with 401 participants [54, 55, 57] showed an increased risk of

wound infection or skin burn in the surgical group (RR, 4.54;

95% CI, 0.22-92.2).

3.3. Economic Evaluation

The mean cost per patient of the procedures under evalua-

tion is € 4211,92 for hemithyroidectomy, € 5185,36 for total

thyroidectomy, and € 1560,06 for thermoablation (Table 1).

Table 2 Details the summary of evidence for the different

domains evaluated by the panel.

Italian Guidelines for Management of Thyroid Nodule Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 5

Table 1. Comparison of the costs of the procedures.

Procedure Hemithyroidectomy Total Thyroidectomy Thermoablation

Before Treatment

- € 281.80 € 281.80 € 369.25


Drugs € 12.08 € 11.49 € 1.94

Materials € 149.97 € 199.54 € 661.98

Operators € 184.65 € 232.47 € 40.64

Operating room € 1356.98 € 1685.28 -

Hospital stay € 1348.00 € 1617.60 € 193.78

Sub-total € 3051.77 € 3746.39 € 898.34


Standard course € 105.34 € 133.03 € 91.11

Course with acute complications € 7.98 € 9.06 € 7.93

Course with chronic complications° € 9.07 € 10.40 € 9.66

Sub-total € 49.79 € 152.50 € 108.70

Loss of Patient’s Productivity

§ € 755.97 € 1004.68 € 183.77

Gross total € 4211.92 € 5185.36 € 1560.06

Note: Acute complications were estimated to involve 3.5% of patients.

°Chronic complications were estimated to involve 3.5% of patients.

§Caregivers were estimated to be involved in the assistance of 2.5% of patients undergoing hemithyroidectomy, 5% of patients undergoing total thyroidectomy,

and 10% of patients undergoing thermoablation. Days required for recovery after the procedure were estimated, as a mean, 8.50, 11.22, and 1.82, respectively.

Table 2. Summary of evidence.

- Hemithyroidectomy vs. Thyroidectomy Hemithyroidectomy vs. Thermoablation

Desirable effects Large Moderate

Undesirable effects Small Moderate

Quality of evidence Very low Very low

Values Probably large uncertainty or variability Probably large uncertainty or variability

Balance of effects Favours hemithyroidectomy Probably favours thermoablation

Required resources Moderate savings Moderately higher costs

Quality of evidence for required resources Moderate Moderate

Cost-efficacy ratio Probably favours hemithyroidectomy Unknown

Equity Unknown Unknown

Acceptability Probably yes Probably no

Feasibility Probably yes Probably yes

6 Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Papini et al.

3.4. Recommendations

Based on the reported analyses, the panel issued the fol-

lowing recommendations.

Question 1. What is the efficacy of hemithyroidectomy

plus isthmectomy compared to total thyroidectomy for pa-

tients with a symptomatic benign thyroid nodule?

Recommendation 1: we suggest hemithyroidectomy plus

isthmectomy, provided that clinically significant disease is not

present in the contralateral thyroid lobe (weak recommenda-

tion, very low quality of evidence).

Recommendation 2: we suggest considering total thy-

roidectomy for patients with clinically significant disease in

the contralateral thyroid lobe (weak recommendation, very

low quality of evidence).

Question 2. What is the efficacy of hemithyroidectomy

plus isthmectomy compared to ultrasound-guided ablative

treatments for patients with a symptomatic benign thyroid


Recommendation 3: we suggest considering MIT as an

alternative option to surgery for patients with a symptomatic,

solid, benign, single, or dominant thyroid nodule (weak rec-

ommendation, very low quality of evidence).

3.5. Indications for Good Clinical Practice

The following statements reflect the opinions of the panel

members about issues not addressed by studies directly com-

paring the different therapeutic options. These statements are

complementary to the formal recommendations, are based on

clinical experience, and are unanimously agreed upon by the

panel. Thus, they are provided as an aid for good clinical prac-


1. The treatment choice for symptomatic benign thyroid

nodules is based on neck US examination and FNA cy-

tology report.

2. TSH-suppressing treatment with LT4 is not a routine op-

tion in euthyroid patients due to poor efficacy and poten-

tial side effects.

3. Radioiodine treatment, with or without rhTSH priming,

is not an appropriate option due to modest volume reduc-

tion, slow symptom decrease, potential side effects, and

risk of late hypothyroidism.

4. PEI should be considered as the first-line option for

symptomatic benign, single or dominant, nodules which

are completely or nearly completely cystic.

5. In patients with comorbidities, increased surgical risk, or

refusal of surgery, US-guided TA procedures are the ap-

propriate approach to symptomatic, benign thyroid nod-


6. US-guided ablative procedures (PEI or TA, performed

with different techniques) are safely performed in a day-

hospital setting, unless patients’ clinical conditions war-

rant hospitalization.

3.6. Guideline Update

This systematic review will be updated with the use of

the same search strings, three years from the date of the GL

final approval. The ERT and the GL panel will assess the

availability of new clinical data that could modify the overall

quality of evidence and the risk/benefit ratio and, conse-

quently, the formulation of the recommendations and their


The GL panel will also consider updating, adding, or re-

moving clinical questions or outcomes of interest and their

relative relevance. In case of changes in clinical questions

and/or critical outcomes, the process of evidence review and

development of the recommendation will be performed again.


Hemithyroidectomy is a well-known and standardized

procedure, while TA for thyroid nodules was introduced re-

cently. TA is a less standardized treatment modality, is per-

formed with different devices and techniques, and requires a

specific operator’s training.

The key problem in the cost determination of MIT is the

unavailability of consistent data about the various methodol-

ogies used for TA and the value of NHS reimbursement in the

different Italian regions. Thus, a preliminary survey on this

issue was performed on clinicians with specific expertise in

MIT who are routinely involved in the management of thyroid

nodular disease.

The direct cost of the surgical procedure results in the main

expense for both hemithyroidectomy (72.45% of total) and to-

tal thyroidectomy (72.24%), while is only 57.58% for TA. It

is worth noting that the cost item for health operators should

be interpreted as a “cost-opportunity”. Italian NHS operators,

indeed, are paid regardless of their specific activities.

The implementation of this GL [59] should not increase

the costs generated by the management of thyroid nodules,

though a conclusive assessment needs the evaluation of real

practice data.

Only a quarter of thyroidectomies are now performed be-

cause of malignancy, as demonstrated by two large series in

France [7] and Germany [8]. The average yearly number of

thyroidectomies (summing up the total and partial operations)

performed in Italy in the last 20 years was 40,000, but only a

quarter of them was due to malignancy [60]. These data were

retrieved from the hospital discharge forms, information that

could be biased by a few drawbacks:

? Inconstant accuracy in the compilation.

? Occasional lack of histology report.

? Missing information about laboratory data, number

and size of the nodules, US, and scintigraphic char-

acteristics of the lesion.

? Procedures performed in private structures are not


Based on their own clinical experience, panel members

esteem that at least 30% of patients operated on for benign

thyroid disease are affected by uni- or multi-nodular goiter

Italian Guidelines for Management of Thyroid Nodule Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX 7

with a dominant nodule that causes local pressure symptoms.

Accordingly, a range of 8,000-10,000 patients per year could

be suitable for TA. During the next three years, after the pub-

lication of this GL, the number of ablative treatments will

not reach this potential estimate due to the insufficient avail-

ability of centers with skilled operators in our country. Thus,

TA treatments will range from 3000 up to 9000/year, as a

consequence of increased treatment accessibility.

According to cost estimates reported in this GL, the mean

saving for each TA treatment performed in lieu of hemithy-

roidectomy could be € 2651 per patient (that is, € 4211 for

hemithyroidectomy minus € 1560 for ablation). Conse-

quently, the estimated yearly saving for NHS might range

from an initial amount of 7,953,000 to a maximum of €

23,859,000, if the NHS accessibility to TA procedures will be

adequate to satisfy all the requests.

Reimbursement for hemithyroidectomy, as for any proce-

dure performed in public hospitals, is not derived from the plain

sum of reported expenses but is controlled by regulatory agen-

cies. In this regard the reimbursement for hemithyroidectomy

corresponds to ICD9-CM 06.2, 06.3, and 06.51 that produce the

DRG 290, corresponding to a maximum reimbursement of €

3340 for thyroidectomy without complications. TA treatments

for thyroid nodular diseases are presently not coded by NHS. In

clinical practice, most hospitals use the code ICD9-CM 06.98

for this issue which corresponds to “other surgical procedure on

the thyroid gland”. The treatment should be performed in day-

surgery and is reimbursed with € 1373. By applying the NHS

rules, the difference between the costs of the two procedures

can be estimated in € 1967. Accordingly, the yearly saving for

NHS might range from a minimum amount of 5,901,000 (for

3000 TA-treated patients) to a maximum of € 17,703,000 (if all

suitable patients would be treated).

A few limits in the calculation of the expected costs should

be considered.

First, the estimated costs may change due to the fluctua-

tion of the price of the disposable material employed during

both surgery and TA. Second, the 15% rate of recurrency after

TA that was presumed for this analysis might be higher if this

procedure will be performed in centers without specific exper-

tise. Third, cost analysis considered the same follow-up length

for surgery and TA. This might imply an underestimation of

costs associated with TA because it is presumable that the

long-term follow-up after hemithyroidectomy might be less

intensive. Fourth, the costs of possible replacement treatments

after surgery and of its monitoring might change in the future.

Finally, the cost for the operators during surgery should be

increased because the reported calculation does not consider

the loss of time between surgical procedures, such as re-set-

ting of the operating room, preparation of the operators, and

patients weaning from anesthesia.


In conclusion, the available data suggest that the imple-

mentation of this GL recommendations will result in the pro-

gressive reduction of surgical procedures for benign thyroid

nodular disease, with a decreased number of admissions to

surgical departments for non-malignant conditions and more

rapid access to patients with thyroid cancer. Importantly, a re-

duction of indirect costs due to long-term replacement therapy

and the management of surgical complications may also be


Additionally, an improvement in the management of thy-

roid nodular disease and thyroid patients’ QoL may be

achieved based on the indications for good clinical practice

provided by the experts’ panel.


ABC = Activity Based Costing

AME = Associazione Medici Endocrinologi (Italian

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists)

CI = Confidence Interval

CINHAL = Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied

Health Literature

DRG = Diagnosis Related Group

DTC = Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma

EtD = Evidence to Decision

FNA = Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy

GL = Guideline

GRADE = Grading of Recommendations Assessment,

Development and Evaluation

HIFU = High Intensity Focused Ultrasound

HRQoL = Health Related QoL

LT4 = Levo-Thyroxine

LTA = Laser Ablation

MESH = Medical Subject Headings

MIT = Image-Guided Minimally Invasive Treat-


MWA = Microwave Ablation

NHS = National Health Service

OR = Odds Ratio

PEI = Percutaneous Ethanol Injection

PICO = Population, Intervention, Comparison, Out-


QoL = Quality of Life

RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial

RFA = Radiofrequency Ablation

RR = Relative Risk

SF-36 = The Short Form Health Survey

TA = Thermal Ablation Procedure

TIRADS = Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System

TSH = Thyrotropin

US = Ultrasonography

WMD = Weighted Mean Difference

8 Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets, XXXX, Vol. XX, No. XX Papini et al.


Written informed consent was obtained from all partici-



Dr. Vincenzo Triggiani is the associate editor of the jour-

nal Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets.




This paper is dedicated to the memory of Marco Grandi

and Massimo Torlontano.


Supplementary material is available on the publisher’s

website along with the published article.


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G.; Piffer, S.; Vaccarella, S.; Vicentini, M.; Zorzi, M.; Franceschi, S.;

Elisei, R.; Dal Maso, L. Thyroidectomies in Italy: A population-based

national analysis from 2001 to 2018. Thyroid, 2022, 32(3), 263-272.

http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/thy.2021.0531 PMID: 35018816

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