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2023-04-11 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
济宁市二〇二二年初中学业水平考试英 语 试 题注意事项:1.本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,第I卷为选择题:45分;第II卷为非选择题:55
示的答题区域内作答。5.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题 共45分)一、听力选择(共15小题,满分15分) (
案。(每组对话读两遍)1. Which animal are the speakers talking about?A. B.
C. 2. What does the girl want to be?A. B. C. 3. What is To
m looking for?A. B. C. 4. How long has the man waited for the
bus?A. 10 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 30 minutes.5. Where will
Mary go after school?A. To the cinema. B. To the club. C. To th
e library.6. How was the weather in the mountains yesterday?A. Ho
t. B. Cool. C. Cloudy.7. What’s the relationship between the tw
o speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C
. Guide and tourist.8. Why does the man say sorry?A. He speaks to
o fast. B. He can’t help the woman. C. He doesn’t know the
answer. (二)请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答
案。(每段对话读两遍)听第一段较长的对话,完成第9至第11三个小题。9. What are the speakers mainly
talking about?A. Their weekends. B. The Science Museum. C. A
fter-school classes.10. How was Tom’s weekend?A. Awful. B. Great
. C. Boring.11. What is Laura going to do this weekend?A. To pay
a visit to his friend. B. To take after-school classes.C. To go
to the Science Museum.听第二段较长的对话,完成第12至第15四个小题。12. How are the spe
akers communicating?A. By phone. B. By e-mail. C. By video.13 W
hat’s the problem between Paul and his mom?A. They don’t care for
each other. B. They often argue with each other.C. They never co
mmunicate with each other.14. What does Jenny advise Paul to do?A
. To buy a present for his mom. B. To help his mom do housework.C
. To have a good talk with his mom.15. What can we know about Pau
l’s mom from the conversation?A. She knows her son well. B. Sh
e often listens to her son. C. She always controls her son.二、阅读选择
(共15小题,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。AA Picture of M
y Own CityHow will your dream city look in 100 years’ time? What
kind of city do you hope our children, grandchildren or great gra
ndchildren will be living in? Now paint your very own idea about
our city & you’ll have a chance to win 5,000 dollars! What: ① The
ides of your painting must be your won. ② Write down the idea be
hind your painting in 100 words. Where: Send your painting to A P
icture of My Own City 9F, No. 168, Swan Road, Swan City. When: Se
nd your painting before June 30, 2022. Prize: 1st Prize: $5,000 (
3winners)2nd Prize: $2,500 (5 winners) 3rd Prize: $1,000 (10 winn
ers)4th Prize: $500 (20 winners)To learn more, please visit: http
://picturemyowncity.swancity.gov/.1. What does the ad ask people
to do?A. To paint a future city.B. To live with their children.C.
To offer 5,000 dollars.D. To write a 100-word story.2. How much
do you get if you win the third prize?A. $5,000.B. $2,500.C. $1,0
00.D. $500.3. Which of the following is most probably a picture f
or the competition?A. B. C. D. 【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D【解析】【导语】本文
是一则广告,是关于梦想中的城市在100年后会是什么样子的绘画比赛信息。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据“Now paint your
very own idea about our city”可知,比赛要求画出未来的城市,故选A。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据“3r
d Prize: $1,000 (10 winners)”可知,三等奖的奖金是1000美元,故选C。【3题详解】推理判断题。比赛要
求画出未来的城市,结合选项,D符合主题,故选D。BWhen I got up this morning, I was so sur
prised to find a new watch on my desk. I couldn’t help crying. I
lost my old watch last Monday It was a present from my father for
my thirteenth birthday. I still don’t know where or how I lost i
t. I felt really sad when I couldn’t find the watch. I stayed at
school to look for it until very late. When I came home, no one w
as there. At nine o’clock, Mom called back and told me that Dad w
as hit by a car on his way to look for me. He was sent to the hos
pital. I went to the hospital that night and told Dad I was sorry
. I also told him I lost my watch, but he did not get angry. Dad’
s left leg was badly hurt, and he stayed in the hospital for seve
ral days. He just came back home yesterday, and this morning I fo
und the new watch. Thank you, Dad, for loving me so much.4. Why d
id the writer start crying this morning?A. Because she got up too
late.B. Because she had lost her watch.C. Because her dad was in
hospital.D. Because she was moved by her dad.5. Where did the wr
iter lose her watch?A. Nobody knows.B. In the hospital.C. On the
playground.D. On her way to school.6. What happened to Dad while
he was looking for her?A. He suddenly fell ill.B. He lost his way
.C. He was hit by a car.D. He hit someone.7. Who most probably bo
ught the new watch?A. Her mom.B. Her dad.C. Her friend.D. Her tea
cher.【答案】4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B【解析】【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述自己的经历,展
现了父亲的爱,同时表达自己对父亲的感谢。【4题详解】推理判断题。根据“When I got up this morning, I
was so surprised to find a new watch on my desk. I couldn’t help
crying.”和下文“He just came back home yesterday, and this morning I
found the new watch.”介绍可知,作者的手表丢了,爸爸住院回家后,但是仍然送了一块新手表给作者,作者很感动,所以
哭了,故选D。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据“I still don’t know where or how I lost it.”
并结合文章内容可知,文中并未提及手表丢在哪里了,所以没有知道作者在哪里弄丢了手表,故选A。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据“Mom c
alled back and told me that Dad was hit by a car on his way to lo
ok for me”可知,爸爸在找作者的路上被车撞了,故选C。 【7题详解】推理判断题。根据“He just came back
home yesterday, and this morning I found the new watch. Thank you
, Dad, for loving me so much.”可知,手表是爸爸送的,故选B。CAs we all know, too
much trash is a big problem for our environment. A woman in Indo
nesia’s Java island has come up with a great idea—lending books t
o children in exchange for trash. Raden Roro Hendarti, nearly 50
years old, is a librarian in Muntang village. She started a “tras
h library”, hoping to make children read more as well as make the
m realize the importance of environment protection. Each weekday,
Raden puts all kinds of books on the back of her three-wheeler (
三轮车) and rides to Muntang village. There, children line up to exc
hange plastic cups, bags and other trash for books from Raden’s m
obile library. After finishing the exchange, Raden carries back a
ll the trash. In the library where Raden works, there are thousan
ds of books. Every time she shows up, children run to her “trash
library”. They all carry trash bags, and Raden’s three-wheeler qu
ickly fills with trash as the books fly out. Raden collects about
100kg of trash each week. It is then sorted out (分类) and sent fo
r recycling or sale. She is happy that children spend less time o
n online games because of the books. Raden plans to take the mobi
le library service to neighboring areas as well. She says, “We al
l should take care of our trash in order to fight climate (气候) ch
ange and save the earth.”8. What does the underlined word “trash”
mean?A. plasticB. rubbishC. paperD. information9. Which of the f
ollowing shows how Raden’s idea works?①She rides to Muntang villa
ge. ②She carries back all the trash.③Children line up to get book
s for their trash.④She puts books on her three-wheeler.A. B. C. D
. 10. How much trash can Raden collect each weekday?A. About 100
kg.B. About 50 kg.C. About 25 kg.D. About 20 kg.11. What’s Raden
going to do next?A. To ask her neighbors for help.B. To give the
mobile library to her neighbors.C. To exchange books for trash in
more villages.D. To tell children to spend less time on online g
ames.【答案】8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C【解析】【导语】本文介绍Raden发明了移动图书馆服
务,让孩子们用垃圾换图书,既保护了环境,又帮助了孩子们。【8题详解】词句猜测题。分析“There, children line u
p to exchange plastic cups, bags and other trash for books from R
aden’s mobile library. After finishing the exchange, Raden carrie
s back all the trash.”可知,孩子们排队用塑料杯、塑料袋和其他垃圾换取流动图书馆的书籍,完成交换后,Raden
会把所有的垃圾运回。此处trash的意思是“垃圾”。故选B。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据“Each weekday, Raden
puts all kinds of books on the back of her three-wheeler (三轮车) an
d rides to Muntang village. There, children line up to exchange p
lastic cups, bags and other trash for books from Raden’s mobile l
ibrary. After finishing the exchange, Raden carries back all the
据“Raden collects about 100kg of trash each week.”可知,Raden每周收集大约10
0公斤垃圾,所以每个工作日大约是20公斤。故选D。【11题详解】推理判断题。根据“Raden plans to take the
mobile library service to neighboring areas as well.”可知,Raden计划将移
动图书馆服务也推广到周边地区。故选C。DWhen you first meet Meggie, you may think she
’s strange. She often tells people which word “tastes” good and w
ho has a “delicious” name. But she’s not crazy. She has synesthes
ia (伴生感觉), something only one in 2,000 people has. People who hav
e synesthesia experience the world differently. For some people,
different words “taste” differently, for some, numbers or letters
have colors, and for some, music “touches” parts of their bodies
. Many of them experience more than one kind of synesthesia, whil
e some have just one, like Meggie. Each of them has their own exp
erience- two people with synesthesia may both “feel” music, but t
hey almost never feel the music in the same way. For example, one
may feel the music of the violin lightly brushing his face; the
other may feel it on her ankle (脚踝). And one’s experience of syne
sthesia is always the same. If they see the number 5 in the color
blue, then 5 is blue every time they see it. There’s one thing a
bout synesthesia: it can’t be “turned off”. If you have synesthes
ia, you’ll experience it all the time. Meggie once met a guy and
his name made her think of the taste of bad eggs. He was a fun gu
y, but after thinking about his name all night, she felt too sick
to be friends with him. Even so, she still likes this “gift” bec
ause that’s what makes her different.12. What do you learn about
Meggie from the first paragraph?A. She has a strange name.B. She
is a good person.C. She is a crazy person.D. She is special in a
way.13. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?A. People with synes
thesia experience the world differently.B. For some people with s
ynesthesia, different words “taste” differently.C. For some peopl
e with synesthesia, numbers or letters have colors.D. Many people
with synesthesia experience more than one kind of it.14. What di
d Meggie stop being friends with the guy?A. He often played jokes
on her.B. He enjoys eating bad eggs.C. She couldn’t stand his na
me.D. She did not like his gift.15. Which of the following might
be said by Meggie?A. “The sound of drums touches my back.”B. “The
number zero tastes like an apple.”C. “The name Shakespeare is in
bright purple.”D. “The music of the violin lightly brushes my fa
ce.”【答案】12. D 13. A 14. C 15. C【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍通感的
相关内容。【12题详解】细节理解题。根据“But she’s not crazy. She has synesthesia (伴生
感觉), something only one in 2,000 people has.”可知,Meggie有两千分之一的人有的通
感,所以她在某种程度上是特别的。故选D。 【13题详解】段落大意题。分析第二段内容,尤其是“People who have syn
esthesia experience the world differently.”可知,本段主要介绍有通感的人对世界的体验是不
同的,故选A。【14题详解】细节理解题。根据“Meggie once met a guy and his name made he
r think of the taste of bad eggs. He was a fun guy, but after thi
nking about his name all night, she felt too sick to be friends w
ith him.”可知,Meggie曾经遇到一个男人,他的名字让她想起了臭鸡蛋的味道,他是个有趣的人,但是Meggie觉得太恶心了
,不想和他做朋友。所以 Meggie不想和他做朋友是忍受不了他的名字,故选C。【15题详解】推理判断题。根据“She often
tells people which word “tastes” good and who has a “delicious” n
的,故选C。第II卷(非选择题 共55分)三、听力填词(共5小题,满分5分)请听下面一则通知。根据所听到的内容,写出可以填入下表1
—5空格处的适当单词,每空限填一词。(通知读两遍)A Welcome PartyPurposeTo welcome the 1.
_______ members. TimeAt 5:00 o’clock on 2. __________ afternoon.
PlaceIn Room 4, on the 3. __________ floor, Zhi Yuan Building. Ac
tivitiesHave a welcome 4 ______________. Sing, dance and exchange
5. __________. 四、单词拼写及运用(共8小题;满分8分)16. A_______ is the fourth mo
nth of the year.【答案】(A)pril【解析】【详解】句意:四月是一年中的第四个月。根据“A...is the f
ourth month of the year.”和常识可知,四月是第四个月,April“四月”符合语境,故填(A)pril。17
. The sun rises in the e________ and sets in the west.【答案】(e)ast【
解析】【分析】【详解】句意:太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。根据“sets in the west.”及所给的首字母可知,太阳从东方升
起,east意为“东方”,in the east在东方。故填east。18. I’m h_______. I want to bu
y something to eat.【答案】(h)ungry【解析】【详解】句意:我饿了。我想买点吃的。根据“I want to
buy something to eat.”可知,想买点吃的,因为饿了,hungry“饥饿的”,在句中作表语,故填(h)ungr
y。19. Alan is an honest boy. You can t________ him.【答案】(t)rust【解析
】【详解】句意:艾伦是一个诚实的男孩。你可以信任他。根据“Alan is an honest boy.”以及首字母可知,艾伦是诚实
的,所以可以信任,trust“信任”,情态动词can后用动词原形,故填(t)rust。20. I usually _______
(借) some books from our school library.【答案】borrow【解析】【详解】句意:我通常从我
们学校图书馆借一些书。borrow“借”,动词,时态是一般现在时,主语是I,动词用原形,故填borrow。21. Go to be
d if you feel _______ (困倦的).【答案】sleepy【解析】【详解】句意:如果你觉得困就上床睡觉。slee
py“困倦的”,在句中作表语,故填sleepy。22. My sister Sally is always _______ (有礼
貌的) to others.【答案】polite【解析】【详解】句意:我妹妹莎莉对别人总是很有礼貌。polite“有礼貌的”,在句
中作表语,故填polite。23. China _______ (成功地) held the 24th winter Olympi
c Games.【答案】successfully【解析】【详解】句意:中国成功举办了第24届冬季奥运会。successfully“
单词或括号内单词的正确形式, 必要时可加助动词或情态动词。AWe can’t imagine our life without i
nventions. TIME magazine has picked the 100 best inventions of 20
21. Here is one of ____24____ (they).Paper ShootPaper Shoot is a
camera made mostly out of paper! Paper Shoot ____25____ (work) ju
st like any other camera. But it is much ____26____ (small) and l
ighter. You can take it around easily and get the fun moments of
your life. It can hold 800 pictures. But be careful when you take
____27____ (photo) on rainy days. Don’t get it wet!【答案】24. them2
5. works 26. smaller27. photos【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍Paper Shoo
t这项发明。【24题详解】句意:这就是其中之一。在介词后作宾语,用宾格,故填them。【25题详解】句意:Paper Shoot的
。【27题详解】句意:但在下雨天拍照时要小心。take photos“拍照”,固定短语,故填photos。BMrs. Green
is an old lady. She has a small car, and she always drives to the
shops ____28____ (buy) food. Sometimes her grandchildren say to
her, “Please ____29____ (not go) out in your car all by yourself,
Granny. We can take you to the shops.”But she always says, “No,
I like driving. I ____30____ (drive) for thirty years, and I’m no
t going to stop now.” Last Saturday she ____31____ (stop) her car
at some traffic lights because they were red, and then the car d
idn’t start again. The lights were green, then yellow, then red,
and then green again, ____32____ her car did not start again. “W
hat ____33____ I ____34____ (do) now?”Then a policeman came and s
aid to her kindly, “Good morning, madam! Don’t you like any of ou
r colors today?”【答案】28. to buy29. don’t go30. have driven31. stop
ped32. but 33. should 34. do【解析】【导语】本文为一个小故事,讲述格林太太80岁了,仍旧经
小汽车,她总是开车去商店买食物。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填to buy。【29题详解】句意:奶奶,请不要一个人开车
出去。此次是祈使句,用“don’t+动词原形”,故填don’t go。【30题详解】句意:我已经开了30年车了,现在我不会停下来的
。根据“for thirty year”可知,此处用现在完成时,故填have driven。31题详解】句意:上星期六,她在交通灯
前停车,因为交通灯是红色的,然后车又发动不起来了。根据“Last Saturday”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填st
7分)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空。方框中有两个词语是多余的。 badly, because, family, fri
ends, health, leave, perfectly, poor, stay withMatt Owens of New
Zealand was on his way home one day when he saw an injured (受伤) b
ird on the side of the road. The ____35____ bird looked very lone
ly, so Matt decided to take him home and bring him back to ____36
____. And he gave the bird a name: Swoop. After spending plenty o
f time caring for his new friend, Matt helped him walk and even f
ly. Finally, it was time to set Swoop free back into the wild, bu
t the bird chose to ____37____ Matt and his cat Mowgli instead! A
t the beginning, Matt didn’t want to introduce Swoop to Mowgli __
__38____ he was afraid Mowgli might not like him. But since Swoop
was part of their ____39____, Matt sat down with Mowgli and help
ed the cat accept his new brother. It worked out ____40____! Toda
y, Swoop gets on well with Mowgli. “They have become very good __
__41____, and they play with each other all the time,” Matt said.
Swoop has made Matt’s life better in more ways than one!【答案】35.
poor36. health 37. stay with38. because39. family 40. perfe
ctly41. friends【解析】【导语】本文讲述Matt Owens捡到一只受伤的鸟并带回家照料,最后这只鸟选择留下来,成为
“an injured (受伤的) bird”可知,鸟儿受伤了,所以很可怜,poor“可怜的”符合语境,故填poor。【36题详解
】句意:这只可怜的鸟看起来很孤独,所以Matt决定把他带回家,让它恢复健康。根据“so Matt decided to take
him home and bring him back to”和前文介绍可知,鸟儿受伤了,要让他它恢复健康,health“健康”,
li待在一起!根据“it was time to set Swoop free back into the wild, but t
he bird chose to...Matt and his cat Mowgli instead”可知,放生的时候,鸟儿没走,
而是选择和Matt和他的Mowgli待在一起,stay with“和……待在一起”符合语境,故填stay with。【38题详解】
句意:一开始,Matt不想把Swoop介绍给Mowgli,因为他怕Mowgli不喜欢他。“he was afraid Mowgli
might not like him”是“Matt didn’t want to introduce Swoop to Mowg
Mowgli坐在一起,帮助这只猫接受他的新兄弟。根据“helped the cat accept his new brothe”可
知,鸟成为了家庭成员,family“家庭”符合语境,故填family。【40题详解】句意:结果非常完美!根据“Today, Swo
op gets on well with Mowgli.”可知,鸟和猫相处得很好,所以结果很完美,用副词perfectly修饰动词
短语,故填perfectly。【41题详解】句意:他们已经成为了非常好的朋友,他们一直在一起玩。根据“They have beco
me very good..., and they play with each other all the time”可知,鸟和
阅读短文,根据要求完成各题。 On the evening of September 26, 2019, the streets
of Geneva in Switzerland went dark. This usually happens when the
re is a problem with the electricity, but this time the lights we
re turned off to allow people to go outside and look at the stars
. This is often impossible in a city because of light population.
Light pollution is when light from streetlights or buildings mak
es the night less dark. There are many reasons why this is a prob
lem. Animals sleep less because they think it is still daytime. B
irds that fly to warmer countries in the autumn need to see the m
oon and stars to find their way, but light pollution makes this d
ifficult. Insects and birds in cities often fly towards lights at
night, knock into buildings and die. Light pollution is also bad
for us. It can stop us sleeping and give up headaches. Also, we
don’t see the same sky that people in the past did. This means we
almost never see one of the greatest scenes in the world: the mi
llions of stars. Hundreds of thousands of people have never seen
it in their lives. However, it is not difficult to do a few thing
s to reduce (减轻) light pollution: we can all turn lights off when
we don’t need them and we can cover our windows. If there is les
s light pollution, we will once again be able to enjoy the beauty
of the night sky.42. Why were the streetlights turned off in Gen
eva? (no more than 11 words)__________________________43. What he
lps birds find their way? (no more than 4 words)_________________
________44. Please list one way we can reduce light pollution. (n
o more than 3 words)_____________________45. 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。_____
___________________46. 请给短文拟一个适当地英文标题。_________________________【答
案】42. To allow people to go outside and look at the stars.43. The
moon and stars.44. Turn off lights./Cover our windows.45. 如果光污染少
一点,我们将能再次欣赏到夜空之美。46. Light pollution.【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍光污染的相关
内容。【42题详解】根据“but this time the lights were turned off to allow pe
ople to go outside and look at the stars”可知,灯被关掉了,让人们出去看星星。故填To a
llow people to go outside and look at the stars.【43题详解】根据“Birds t
hat fly to warmer countries in the autumn need to see the moon an
d stars to find their way”可知,秋天飞往温暖国家的鸟儿需要看月亮和星星来找到路,故填The moon a
nd stars.【44题详解】根据“we can all turn lights off when we don’t need
them and we can cover our windows”可知,当我们不需要灯的时候,我们都可以关灯,我们可以遮住我们的
窗户。故填Turn off lights./Cover our windows.【45题详解】If“如果”,there is le
ss light pollution“光污染少一点”,we“我们”,will once again be able to do s
th“将能再次做某事”,enjoy the beauty of the night sky“欣赏到夜空之美”。故填:如果光污染少一
点,我们将能再次欣赏到夜空之美。【46题详解】本文主要向我们介绍光污染的相关内容,可以将“光污染”作为本文标题,故填Light p
ollution.八、写作(共1小题,满分15分)47. 假设你是李华,正和英国笔友Jack寻找假期共读的书。你发现下图中的书特别
适合你们共读。请你根据下面的提示信息,给他写一封e-mail,介绍此书并征求他的意见。 ◆tell how things chan
ge from start to finish ◆win many world awards (奖) ◆six topics of
interest (nature, food, animas…)◆written in both English and Chinese. ◆hundreds of color photos 注意:1.须包括以上所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现任何透露考生真实身份的信息;3. 100词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Jack, I’ve just found a book and can’t wait to tell you about it. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua【答案】例文Dear Jack, I’ve just found a book and can’t wait to tell you about it.It tells how things change from start to finish. It is very interesting and meaningful. It won many world awards. It is well-known in the world. There are six topics of interest, including nature, food, animals and so on. So no matter what topic you are interested, you will find something you like. It was written in both English and Chinese and it will not only improve students’ understanding, but also improve students’ English. It has hundreds of color photos and it is fun to read. What do you think of the book? Do you have other suggestions?Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua【解析】【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇邮件作文。要求根据提示内容,介绍《Start to Finish》这本书,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2.写作指导:写作时要以第三人称来介绍,时态用一般现在时。作文可分为四段,第一段引出话题;第二段详细介绍这本书;第三段询问对方的意见;第四段收尾。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。