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《计算机专业英语》Unit 5 What is Operating System
2023-05-24 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Unit 5 What is Operating System?ContentsLearning ObjectivesAfter you
have read this unit, you should be familiar with:1. The main func
tions of the operating system2. The categories of the operating s
ystem ⊙Words&Expressions⊙Text What is Operating System?An oper
ating system acts as an intermediary between the user of a comput
er and the computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system
is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs
in a convenient and efficient manner. An operating system is sof
tware that manages the computer hardware. The hardware must provi
de appropriate mechanisms to ensure the correct operation of the
computer system and to prevent user programs from interfering wit
h the proper operation of the system. Text Who are charged with
operating systems such as management and configuration of memory,
system resources, supply and demand determine the priorities, co
ntrolling input and output devices, operation and management of n
etwork file systems and other basic services. Operating system is
to manage the computer system all the hardware resources, includ
ing software resources and data resources; control program is run
ning; to improve the human-machine interface; to provide support
for other applications, so that the computer system to maximize t
he role of all the resources to provide users with a convenient ,
effective, friendly service interface. Text The operating syste
m of a large computer system has even more work to do. Such opera
ting systems monitor different programs and users, making sure ev
erything runs smoothly, without interference, despite the fact th
at numerous devices and programs are used simultaneously. An oper
ating system also has a vital role to play in security. Its job i
ncludes preventing unauthorized users from accessing the computer
system. The operating system is a huge management control proce
dures, broadly include the following five aspects of management f
unctions: process and processor management, operations management
, storage management, device management, document management. Tex
t At present a common PC operating systems are DOS, OS / 2, UNIX
, XENIX, LINUX, Windows, Netware and so on. However, all operatin
g systems with concurrency and shared, virtual and uncertainty fo
ur basic features. The patterns are very diverse operating syst
ems; OS can be installed on different machines from simple to com
plex, from the phone''s embedded systems to large-scale supercompu
ter operating system. Many operating systems, the definition of m
anufacturer of the OS is not much consensus, for example, that so
me OS integrated graphical user interface, and some OS to use onl
y a text interface, while the graphical interface as a non-essent
ial applications. TextCategories At present a wide range
of operating systems, it is difficult to use a single standard un
iform classification. Depending on the application to div
ide the area can be divided into the desktop operating systems, s
erver operating systems, host operating systems, embedded operati
ng system. An embedded operating system is an operating system fo
r embedded computer systems. These operating systems are designed
to be very compact and efficient, forsaking many functions that
non-embedded computer operating systems provide, and which may no
t be used by the specialized applications they run. They are freq
uently also real-time operating systems.Text Examples of
embedded operating systems could include the software used in Au
tomated Teller Machines, Cash Registers, CCTV systems, TV box set
, GPS, jukeboxes, etc. According to the number of users
supported can be divided into single-user (MSDOS, OS / 2), multi-
user systems (UNIX, MVS, Windows). A multiuser operating system e
nables multiple users to run programs simultaneously. This type o
f operating system may be used for just a few people or hundreds
of them. In fact, there are some operating systems that are used
to allow thousands of people to run programs at the same time.
According to the hardware structure, can be divided into n
etwork operating system (Netware, Windows NT, OS / 2 warp), a dis
tributed system (Amoeba), multimedia system (Amiga).Text A ne
twork operating system (NOS) is a computer operating system that
is designed primarily to support workstation, personal computer,
and, in some instances, older terminal that are connected on a lo
cal area network (LAN). Artisoft''s LANtastic, Banyan VINES, Novel
l''s NetWare, and Microsoft''s LAN Manager are examples of network
operating systems. In addition, some multi-purpose operating syst
ems, such as Windows NT and Digital''s OpenVMS come with capabilit
ies that enable them to be described as a network operating syste
m. A network operating system provides printer sharing
, common file system and database sharing, application sharing, a
nd the ability to manage a network name directory, security, and
other housekeeping aspects of a network.Text According
to the operating system on the operational use of the environment
and the approach in mind, and batch processing systems can be di
vided into (MVX, DOS / VSE), time-sharing system (Linux, UNIX, XE
NIX, Mac OS), real-time systems (iEMX, VRTX, RTOS, RT WINDOWS). R
eal-time operating systems are designed to allow computers to pro
cess and respond to input instantly. Usually, general-purpose ope
rating systems, such as disk operating system (DOS), are not cons
idered real time, as they may require seconds or minutes to respo
nd to input. Real-time operating systems are typically used when
computers must react to the consistent input of information witho
ut delay. For example, real-time operating systems may be used in
navigation.Text According to the technical complexity of
the operating system can be divided into a simple operating syst
em, smart operating system. The so-called simple operating system
, refer to the initial configuration of computer operating system
s, such as IBM''s disk operating system DOS/360 and micro-computer
''s operating system CP / M and so on. The main function of such o
perating system is to operate the command execution, file service
s, and support high-level programming language compilers and cont
rol of external equipment. ⊙TextExercises1. Answer the following
question according to the text.(1) What are management functions
of operating system?(2) What is main function of simple operatin
g system?(3) What does a network operating system provide?(4) Wha
t is the purpose of an operating system?(5) What is operating sys
tem to manage?2. Translate the following terms or phrases from E
nglish into Chinese and vice versa:keyExercises3. Fill in the bl
anks with the information given in the text: (1) An operat
ing systems are designed to be very compact and efficient, forsak
ing many functions that non-embedded computer operating systems p
rovide, and which may not be used by the specialized applications
they run.(2) operating system enables multiple users to run
programs simultaneously.(3) Depending on the to divide the
area can be divided into the desktop operating systems, server op
erating systems, host operating systems, embedded operating syste
m.(4) ___operating systems are designed to allow computers to pro
cess and respond to input instantly. (5) According to the___struc
ture, can be divided into network operating system (Netware, Wind
ows NT, OS / 2 warp), a distributed system (Amoeba), multimedia s
ystem (Amiga). keyExercises4. Choose the best one from the items
given below to complete the following passage. Applicatio
ns put computers to practical business _(1)__,but below the _(2)_
__ it''s the heart of an operating system --the kernel-- that prov
ides the technical wizardry to juggle multiple programs, connect
to networks and store __(3)__.A traditional kernel provides all t
he functions for applications. The kernel _(4)_ memory ,I/O devic
es and parcels out processor time. The kernel also supports secur
ity and fault _(5)_,which is the ability to recover automatically
when parts of the system fail. (1) A. used B. us
e C. apply D. applied(2) A. earth B. bottom
C. table D. surface(3) A. graphics B. data C. text D. image
(4) A. manages B. manage C. managed D. managing(5) A. error
B. question C. tolerance D. problemkeyExercises5. Mark the fo
llowing statements with T(true) or F(false) according to the text
.(1) An operating system acts as an intermediary between the use
r of a computer and the computer hardware.(2) According to the h
ardware structure, can be divided into network operating system,
a distributed system, multimedia system.(3) UNIX isn’t a kind of
multi-user systems.(4) According to the technical complexity of
the operating system can be divided into time-sharing system, re
al-time systems.(5) Operating system is to manage the computer sy
stem all the hardware resourceskeyExercises6. Select the one ans
wer to each question.(1) Which of the following is the most impor
tant type of computer system software. ? ___ A. Operating
system B. DBMS C. Application software D. I
E(2) 18. Where is the operating system loaded when a computer is
powered on? ___ A. buffer B. RAM
C. ROM D. hard diskExercises(3) An
operating system is ___that manages the computer hardware A.
software B. Application software C .browser D. re
gister(4) Which of the following is not a kind of multi-user syst
ems? ____ A. UNIX B. MVS C. Windows D. MSDOS
Exercises(5) GPS stands for___. A. Global Position System
B. Global Pointer System C. Global Hospital System D. G
lobal Positioned System(6) An operating system acts as an interm
ediary between the ___of a computer and the computer ___. A.
user; hardware B. user; software C. user; printer D
. user; keyboardkeyExercises7. Translate the following sentences
into Chinese. An operating system acts as an intermedia
ry between the user of a computer and the computer hardware. The
purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in wh
ich a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient man
ner. An operating system is software that manages the computer ha
rdware. The hardware must provide appropriate mechanisms to ensur
e the correct operation of the computer system and to prevent use
r programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system. Who are charged with operating systems such as management and configuration of memory, system resources, supply and demand determine the priorities, controlling input and output devices, operation and management of network file systems and other basic services. keyExercises1.略2.3. (1) embedded (2) A multiuser (3) application (4) Real-time (5) hardware4. (1) B (2) D (3) B (4) A (5) C5.(1) T (2) T (3) F (4) F (5) T6. (1) A (2) B (3) A (4) D (5) A (6) A7. 操作系统是计算机用户和计算机硬件的中介。操作系统的目的是提供一种环境,使用户可以方便、有效地执行程序。操作系统是可以管理硬件的软件。硬件必须提供适当的机制以确保计算机系统的正常运行,并防止用户程序对正常系统操作的干扰。操作系统身负诸如管理与配置内存、决定系统资源供需的优先次序、控制输入与输出设备、操作网络与管理文件系统等基本事务。