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2023-05-28 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
2022北京通州初二(上)期末英 语2022年1月考生须知:1.本试卷共8页, 共五道大题, 39道小题, 满分60分, 考试时间90
分钟。2.请在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、班级、姓名。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上
, 选择题用2B铅笔作答, 其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束, 请将答题卡交回。第一部分一、单项填空从下面各题所给的A、
B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Lily has a little brother. She wants
to buy a birthday gift for __________ today.A. herB. himC. youD.
them2. My father gets up __________ 6:00 every day, then he prep
ares breakfast in the kitchen.A. atB. inC. onD. to3. —Did you hav
e a nice weekend, Lucy? —Yes. I__________ back to my hometown to
visit my grandparents. We had a good time together.A. goB. wentC.
goesD. was going4. —Mike, _________ you swim?—No, I can’t. But m
y brother will teach me to swim this summer holiday.A. shouldB. m
ustC. canD. need5. Jack is good at basketball. He is __________ b
asketball player in his school.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best
6. My uncle is in a volunteer group. He __________ some young chi
ldren to read books every weekend.A teachB. taughtC. is teachingD
. teaches7. —__________ do you play tennis?—Twice a week. I go to
the gym to play tennis with my sister.A. How manyB. How oftenC.
How longD. How much8. You should keep your hands clean __________
it helps you stay healthy.A. whenB. althoughC. becauseD. but9. W
e can get vitamin D from food __________ we can also get it from
the sun.A. butB. soC. ifD. because10. Peter _________ with his br
other on the phone at 9:00 last night.A. was talkingB. talksC. is
talkingD. talked11. —Carrie, what are you going to do this weeke
nd?—I __________ some cleaning for our community.A. doB. didC. am
going to doD. am doing12. She __________ model ship when her bro
ther came in.A. was makingB. makesC. is makingD. made二、完形填空阅读下面的短
文,掌握其大意,然后从每文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The Best Vacation EverWint
er holiday was fast coming. All Scott wanted to do was going ____
13____. But Scott’s parents had different plans. They had booked
a weeklong tropical cruise (热带乘船游览). Scott didn’t like warm weath
er and asked if he could just stay at his best friend’s house so
he could snowboard every day with his friends at the local mounta
in. His parents didn’t want to hear anything of it. He kept ____1
4____ to his parents about it, but they would not change their mi
nds. Family time was important to them and they should spend wint
er break together.The week of the cruise arrived, and Scott still
complained as he and his family left their house to head south.
Scott’s dad told him that he would only make the vacation ____15_
___ if he didn’t change his attitude (态度) and open his mind to a
new experience. Scott still couldn’t stop thinking about all of t
he ____16____ he was leaving behind. When they got on the ship, S
cott found a surfing pool. He asked his parents if he could try s
urfing. They said, “Of course.” Much to Scott’s surprise, they wa
nted to try surfing too.When Scott and his parents had their swim
suits on, they headed back to the surfing pool. Scott’s dad went
first and only ____17____ about five seconds before he fell off.
His mom made it longer than his dad did. When it was Scott’s tur
n, he was excited and a little ____18____. He carefully jumped on
the board and stood just like he was standing on his snowboard.
Then the waves (海浪)started. It felt similar (相似的) to snowboarding
but different at the same time. On his first ride, Scott rode fo
r almost 30 seconds before falling off. He was hooked(入迷) though.
Many people tried surfing the first day of the cruise, but only e
ight people really ____19____ to it. Scott got to know these peop
le quite well. By the time the weeklong cruise was over, Scott ha
d some new friends, a new ____20____, and great memories. He told
his parents it was his best vacation ever.13. A. divingB. swimmi
ngC. hikingD. snowboarding14. A. complainingB. listeningC. shouti
ngD. replying15. A. betterB. worseC. fasterD. shorter16. A. exams
B. homeworkC. tasksD. snow17. A. lastedB. swamC. jumpedD. found18
. A. tiredB. boredC. nervousD. proud19. A. ledB. tookC. pointedD.
got20. A. raceB. recordC. hobbyD. prize三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给
的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。AHealthy living is important for everyone.
We only need 21 days to form(形成)good healthy habits. Here is some
advice for you.Healthy Lifestyle TipsHealthy BreakfastEating hea
lthy breakfast is the most important thing of the day. So, begin
your day with a good healthy breakfast. Bread, milk, eggs, fruits
and vegetables are all good choices(选择). There are some facts to
suggest that eating breakfast can help people to solve their hea
lth problems.Fruits & VegetablesWe should eat at least 5 kinds of
fruits and vegetables in daily diet. This healthy diet will help
the body to be healthy and strong. So make it a habit of eating
fruits in your daily diet because it not only improves your healt
h but also reduces(减少) health problems.Exercise for 30 minutesAlw
ays have some exercise routines when you’re at home. It’s importa
nt to get some forms of physical activities every day to have a h
ealthy lifestyle. At least 30 minutes of exercise is needed to ke
ep your health in good form. You can use the stairs instead of 1i
ft walk in the park or walk to school.Get 8 hours of sleepOne of
the most important good healthy habits is to get eight hours’ sle
ep every day. It is important to the body and it can help you kee
p away stress(压力)and tiredness. If you don’t have enough sleep yo
ur body and mind can’t work well, so never think winning more by
sleeping less.21. What is the most important thing of a day?A. Ea
ting healthy breakfast.B. Eating fruits and vegetables.C. Doing e
xercise for 30 minutes.D. Having a good supper.22. We should eat
at least __________ kinds of fruits and vegetables every day.A. 5
B. 10C. 8D. 3023. 8-hour sleep is important because it can help u
s __________.A. have exercise routinesB. do exercise for 30 minut
esC. have enough time to eat breakfastD. keep away stress and tir
ednessBMom’s Recipe (食谱) for LifeI have a lot of Mom’s recipes in
a blue box where all my special ones were put. But the recipe I
treasure (珍爱) most is not in the box. Instead, mom lived this rec
ipe all of her life.My mother grew up in a small town in southwes
t Iowa. My grandfather told me that my mom regarded(把……当做) everyo
ne as her friend in that community. She had this attitude (态度) al
l her life.As a teen, I was embarrassed (尴尬) every time when my m
other talked to strangers (陌生人) and gave a smile to everyone in t
he store or on the bus. Almost all of them responded (回应) with a
bright smile of their own. Some spoke, others nodded their heads
at this elderly woman who brought a little light into their day.O
ne day, Mom took the senior (老年人) bus to the shop. It was her fir
st time to take the senior bus. When she came back, I asked her h
ow it went.“Ha!” She said, “I got on that bus and guess what I sa
w: Thirteen old people and no one spoke on the bus.”“Oh, did you
talk with them?”I asked.“Of course.” she said. “When I got on the
bus I gave them a big smile and I said, ‘Isn’t it a wonderful da
y?’ I greeted them happily and before long the whole group was sm
iling and talking to one other. The bus became more than just tra
nsportation (交通工具)”.That is really amazing.When I was free, I wen
t shopping with Mom, I watched as she smiled and talked with stra
ngers. Once Mom smiled at them and started a conversation, they c
ould talk to her friendly. My mother didn’t embarrass me any long
er. I found myself admiring her.She’s been gone for ten years but
I’ve carried on her recipe for life. It was me who had done the
smiling first and all those people responded. My mother taught me
by example. She’d given me a recipe for life.24. As a teen how d
id the writer feel when her mom talk to strangers?A. EmbarrassedB
. HappyC. ExcitedD. Relaxed25. What did the writer’s mom do to ma
ke the bus more than transportation?A. She gave her seat to other
people.B. She gave her food to the people on the bus.C. She shoo
k hands with the people on the bus.D. She smiled at the people on
the bus and started a conversation.26. What did the writer learn
from her mom?A. She should do some shopping for strangers.B. She
should give her menus to others.C. She should start a conversati
on with her friends first.D. She should regard everyone as her fr
iend and smile first.CI Will Think of It“I will think of it.”It i
s easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come f
rom thinking? We cannot see our thoughts, or hear, or taste, or f
eel them, but they have great power(力量).Sir Isaac Newton was sitt
ing in his garden on a summer evening when he saw an apple fall f
rom a tree. He began to think. While trying to find out why the a
pple fell, he discovered(发现)how the earth, sun, moon, and stars a
re kept in their places. When a boy named James Walt watched the
lid(盖子)of the tea kettle(水壶)moving up and down, he began to think
. He wanted to find out why the steam(蒸汽)in the kettle moved the
heavy lid. From that time, he went on thinking and thinking, and
when he became a man, he improved the steam engine(蒸汽机)so much th
at it could do the work of many horses easily.A young man named G
alileo was once standing in a big hall when he saw a chandelier(吊
灯)moving back and forth. This set him thinking. He thought and wa
nted to find the period of the swing(摆动周期)and it led to the inven
tion(发明)of the pendulum(钟摆).James Ferguson was a poor boy. Once,
seeing the inside of a watch, he started to think.” I can make a
clock,” he thought. But how could he make the clock? He thought a
nd thought, then he tried many times. At last he made a wooden cl
ock. When he became a man, he went to London to live and made a l
ot of speeches there. Some of the great men in England listened t
o his speeches. His motto was, “I will think of it,” and he made
his thoughts useful to himself and the world.When you have a diff
icult lesson to learn, don’t give up. Think, and by thinking you
will learn how to solve the problem.27. What did Newton do when h
e saw an apple fall from a tree?A. He thought and made a wooden c
lock.B. He thought and tried to find out why the apple fell.C. He
found out why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid.D. He
improved the steam engine to make it work well.28. What did these
four people in the passage have in common?A. They thought and th
en they improved the steam engine.B. They did some experiments wi
thout thinking.C. They kept thinking and they didn’t give up.D. T
hey had these ideas by listening to speeches.29. Why does the wri
ter write this passage?A. To give us suggestions on how to think.
B. To encourage us to think more.C. To tell us why these people a
re so famous.D. To introduce the great things to people.DWhen mos
t people imagine (想象) a classroom, they think of older people tea
ching younger ones. But when it comes to learning about high tech
nology devices (高科技设备), the opposite can often be true. That is w
hat is happening through a programme in Maryland. The 50+ Center
gives free technology (科技) classes to people aged 50 and older. T
he teachers are often teenagers (青少年) and even younger children.M
yra Stafford is 73 years old. She takes the class to learn how to
use her iPad. Eleven-year-old Peter teaches Ms. Stafford. He say
s that patience (耐心) is very important when working with old peop
le. “You have to be really, really patient, because some of them
may not know as well as others, so you must be really patient.”Ma
rian is the director (负责人) of the 50+ Center. She added (增加) the
technology classes last year because the center received some iPa
ds from local people. Since then, about 100 old people took the c
lasses to learn how to use iPads. The technology classes are impo
rtant for them to connect (联系) with the world around them. She al
so says this programme can be helpful for the economy (经济). “The
number of people over 60 is growing fast and it gives a good chan
ce to buy online. About a third of the Internet users are over 50
. As these old people get more excited about using the iPad, they
can also go to the shop to buy the things they search online. So
the economy starts to boom.”Amy is a 17 year-old teacher for the
technology classes. She says she also learns a lot from helping
old people. “I’ve learned a lot on how to connect with people and
work with them. I’m usually a shy (害羞的) person. Now I’ve learned
to be more outgoing (开朗).”Amy’s teacher says young people like A
my get more than just social (社会) skills from teaching old people
. “Young people are trying to find their way and find out how the
y add value (价值) to life, this is a good chance for them to pract
ise their skills and connect with the world.”30. What do we know
about the technology classes from the passage?A. Teachers of the
classes are more than 50 years old.B. The old people can learn to
use iPads from the classes.C. People should pay some money for t
he classes.D. The old people know new technology better than thei
r teachers.31. Why are the technology classes very important?A. B
ecause young teachers can teach some life skills to their student
s.B. Because young teachers can learn to use the new technology.C
. Because old people can learn skills and connect with the world
around.D. Because old people can learn to be patient when they ha
ve the classes.32. The word “boom” in Paragraph 3 probably means_
_________.A. turn coldB. get lowerC. become smallerD. grow fast33
. What does the writer think of the technology classes?A. They ar
e good for both the young and the old people.B. They can help you
ng people do shopping online.C. Old people can get social skills
by giving lessons to young people.D Young people find the value t
o life when they use the new technology.第二部分四、阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答问题
。The Billion (十亿) Tree Campaign (运动) started on 8 November 2006 b
y The United Nations Environment Programme to help care for the E
arth by planting trees all over the world. It encourages people t
o plant trees all year long. It is the biggest tree planting acti
vity in the history of the world. Over a billion trees have been
planted in just the first five months of 2007!Trees are important
. Without trees we humans would not live on the earth. Trees give
us so much! The air we breathe is improved (改善) by the trees. So
me great medicine is from tree bark, leaves, twigs, and roots; we
use wood to build houses; we make food from the apple, pear, ban
ana and orange trees and so on.①Trees Give Us Oxygen (氧气)We could
not live as we do if there were no trees. A big tree gives us as
much oxygen in a season as 10 people need in a year. The forest
can also be a huge filter (过滤器) that cleans the air we breathe.②T
rees slow Water Rum of and Reduce (减少) NoiseFlood (洪水) can be red
uced by a forest Or by planting tee. A full-grown tree can hold b
ack more than 1,000 gallons of water. So the groundwater can be s
tored (存储). Trees can also stop noise as stone walls. When you li
ve near the freeway or the airport, the trees around your house c
an reduce most of noises from freeways and airports.③Trees Clean
the Soil (土壤) Water and the AirTrees can either store (储存) harmfu
l (有害的) things or change the pollutant (污染物) into less harmful fo
rms. They can keep harmful things from running into the river. Tr
ees can clean the air by taking in harmful things and they can lo
wer the temperature around.There are even more benefits (好处) of p
lanting trees. So “When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of pea
ce (和平种子) and seeds of hope.” We need YOU to join us!34. When did
The Billion Tree Campaign start?________________________________
____________________________35. What does The Billion Tree Campai
gn encourage people to do?_______________________________________
_____________________36. How do people reduce noise if they live
near the airport?________________________________________________
____________37. How can trees clean the air?_____________________
_______________________________________38. Why does the writer wr
ite this passage?________________________________________________
词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。一家英文报纸正在开展题为 “I Enjoy Helping Others”的征文活动,请你
投稿,简述你在校内和校外是经常如何帮助他人的,并谈谈你对助人为乐的感受。提示词语:in school, out of school
, help, classmates, old people, think, happy提示问题:●What do you oft
en do to help others?● How do you feel?I Enjoy Helping Others____
选项。1. Lily has a little brother. She wants to buy a birthday gift
for __________ today.A herB. himC. youD. them【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:Lil
y有一个小弟弟。今天她想要给他买一个生日礼物。考查人称代词宾格。her她;him他;you你;them他们,根据“Lily has
a little brother”可知,应该是给他买一个生日礼物,故选B。2. My father gets up ______
____ 6:00 every day, then he prepares breakfast in the kitchen.A.
atB. inC. onD. to【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我的爸爸每天六点起床,然后他在厨房准备早餐。考查介词辨
at。故选A。3. —Did you have a nice weekend, Lucy? —Yes. I__________ b
ack to my hometown to visit my grandparents. We had a good time t
ogether.A. goB. wentC. goesD. was going【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:——Lucy
,你周末过得愉快吗?——是的。我回到故乡去拜访我的祖父母。我们一起度过了一段美好的时光。考查时态。根据“Did you have
a nice weekend, Lucy?”可知,时态为一般过去时。go back“回去”,故此空应该用go的过去式went。故选
B。4. —Mike, _________ you swim?—No, I can’t. But my brother will
teach me to swim this summer holiday.A. shouldB. mustC. canD. nee
should应该;must必须;can能,会;need需要。根据答语“No, I can’t. ”可知,此处问的是你会游泳吗?应使
用can引导一般疑问句,故选C。5. Jack is good at basketball. He is __________ b
asketball player in his school.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best
【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:Jack很擅长打篮球。他是他的学校里最好的篮球运动员。考查形容词的最高级。根据“in his sc
hool”可知,此处指的是他是他的学校里最好的篮球运动员,应使用形容词的最高级修饰名词basketball player ,作定语
,形容词的最高级前要使用定冠词the,故选D。6. My uncle is in a volunteer group. He __
________ some young children to read books every weekend.A. teach
B. taughtC. is teachingD. teaches【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我叔叔参加了一个志愿者小组。他每
个周末教一些小孩子读书。考查动词第三人称单数。teach“教”,根据“every weekend”可知,时态是一般现在时,主语“h
e”是第三人称单数,所以空缺处用第三人称单数,故选D。7. —__________ do you play tennis?—Twi
ce a week. I go to the gym to play tennis with my sister.A. How m
anyB. How oftenC. How longD. How much【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:——你多久打一次网球?—
—一周两次。我和姐姐去体育馆打网球。考查特殊疑问句。How many许多,修饰可数名词复数;How often多久一次;How l
ong多长时间;How much多少,修饰不可数名词,根据答句的“Twice a week”可知,应该问的是频率,用how oft
en,故选B。8. You should keep your hands clean __________ it helps yo
u stay healthy.A whenB. althoughC. becauseD. but【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】
ut但是。保持双手清洁的原因是这样能帮助你保持健康。故选because,用来引导原因状语从句。故选C。9. We can get
vitamin D from food __________ we can also get it from the sun.A.
butB. soC. ifD. because【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我们可以从食物中获取维生素D,但我们也可以从太阳中
获取。考查连词辨析。but但是;so所以;if如果;because因为,根据“We can get vitamin D from
food”和“we can also get it from the sun”可知,空缺处应该用连词but表转折,表示“但我们也可
以从太阳中获取”,故选A。10. Peter _________ with his brother on the phone at
9:00 last night.A. was talkingB. talksC. is talkingD. talked【答案】
可知描述的是在昨晚那个时间点皮特正在做什么。应选过去进行时。故选A。11. —Carrie, what are you going
to do this weekend?—I __________ some cleaning for our community
.A. doB. didC. am going to doD. am doing【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:——卡丽,
这周末你打算去做什么?——我打算为我们的社区打扫卫生。考查时态。根据“what are you going to do this
weekend”可知询问者在问卡丽周末打算做什么,应用一般将来时。回答句也应用一般将来时来回答。“be going to do s
th.”意为“计划、将要做某事”,也是一般将来时态的一种。故选C。12. She __________ model ship wh
en her brother came in.A. was makingB. makesC. is makingD. made【答
案】A【解析】【详解】句意:她哥哥进来时,她正在做船模。考查过去进行时。make“制作”,根据“when her brother
came in”可知,空缺处强调的是过去的某一时刻正在进行的动作,用过去进行时,故选A。二、完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然
后从每文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The Best Vacation EverWinter holida
y was fast coming. All Scott wanted to do was going ____13____. B
ut Scott’s parents had different plans. They had booked a weeklon
g tropical cruise (热带乘船游览). Scott didn’t like warm weather and as
ked if he could just stay at his best friend’s house so he could
snowboard every day with his friends at the local mountain. His p
arents didn’t want to hear anything of it. He kept ____14____ to
his parents about it, but they would not change their minds. Fami
ly time was important to them and they should spend winter break
together.The week of the cruise arrived, and Scott still complain
ed as he and his family left their house to head south. Scott’s d
ad told him that he would only make the vacation ____15____ if he
didn’t change his attitude (态度) and open his mind to a new exper
ience. Scott still couldn’t stop thinking about all of the ____16
____ he was leaving behind. When they got on the ship, Scott foun
d a surfing pool. He asked his parents if he could try surfing. T
hey said, “Of course.” Much to Scott’s surprise, they wanted to t
ry surfing too.When Scott and his parents had their swim suits on
, they headed back to the surfing pool. Scott’s dad went first an
d only ____17____ about five seconds before he fell off. His mom
made it longer than his dad did. When it was Scott’s turn, he was
excited and a little ____18____. He carefully jumped on the boar
d and stood just like he was standing on his snowboard. Then the
waves (海浪)started. It felt similar (相似的) to snowboarding but diff
erent at the same time. On his first ride, Scott rode for almost
30 seconds before falling off. He was hooked(入迷) though.Many peop
le tried surfing the first day of the cruise, but only eight peop
le really ____19____ to it. Scott got to know these people quite
well. By the time the weeklong cruise was over, Scott had some ne
w friends, a new ____20____, and great memories. He told his pare
nts it was his best vacation ever.13. A. divingB. swimmingC. hiki
ngD. snowboarding14. A. complainingB. listeningC. shoutingD. repl
ying15. A. betterB. worseC. fasterD. shorter16. A. examsB. homewo
rkC. tasksD. snow17. A. lastedB. swamC. jumpedD. found18 A. tired
B. boredC. nervousD. proud19. A. ledB. tookC. pointedD. got20. A.
raceB. recordC. hobbyD. prize【答案】13. D 14. A 15. B 16.
D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. C【解析】【分析】文章讲述了当寒假快要到来的时候,Sott想去滑
雪,但是他的父母却坚持乘船游览,最后 Scott很不情愿的跟随着父母去旅行。原本他不喜欢的旅行在他看到那艘船的时候开始改变了他的看
特只想去滑雪。diving跳水;swimming游泳;hiking徒步旅行;snowboarding滑雪。根据“Scott did
n’t like warm weather and asked if he could just stay at his best
friend’s house so he could snowboard every day with his friends
at the local mountain.”可知,Sott想去滑雪。故选D。【14题详解】句意:他不断地向父母抱怨这件事,但他们
就是不改变主意。complaining抱怨;listening听;shouting叫,喊;replying回复。根据“His pa
rents didn’t want to hear anything of it.”以及“but they would not c
hange their minds”可推知,Sott因不能去滑雪就一直抱怨。故选A。【15题详解】句意:Sott的爸爸告诉他,如果
;shorter更短的。根据“if he didn’t change his attitude (态度) and open his
mind to a new experience”可知,这样会使假期变得更糟糕。故选B。【16题详解】句意:Sott仍然无法停止
思考他留下的所有雪。exams考试;homework家庭作业;tasks任务;snow雪。根据“But Scott’s paren
ts had different plans. They had booked a weeklong tropical cruis
e (热带乘船游览).”可知,Sott仍然想着雪。故选D。【17题详解】句意:Sott的爸爸是第一个,他只坚持了5秒钟就摔了下来。
lasted持续;swam游泳;jumped跳;found发现。根据“only…about five seconds before
he fell off”可知,他持续了五秒钟。故选A。【18题详解】句意:当轮到Sott时,他很兴奋,也有一点儿紧张。tired
累的;bored无聊的;nervous紧张的;proud自豪的。根据“He carefully jumped on the boa
rd and stood just like he was standing on his snowboard.”可知,他是紧张的
ed指;got得到。根据“but only eight people…”可知,只有八个人真正地接受冲浪。故选B。【20题详解】句意
rize奖品。根据前文提到的“surfing”可知,Sott收获了新的爱好。故选C。三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容, 从短文后各题
所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。AHealthy living is important for everyone
We only need 21 days to form(形成)good healthy habits. Here is som
e advice for you.Healthy Lifestyle TipsHealthy BreakfastEating he
althy breakfast is the most important thing of the day. So, begin
your day with a good healthy breakfast. Bread, milk, eggs, fruit
s and vegetables are all good choices(选择). There are some facts t
o suggest that eating breakfast can help people to solve their he
alth problems.Fruits & VegetablesWe should eat at least 5 kinds o
f fruits and vegetables in daily diet. This healthy diet will hel
p the body to be healthy and strong. So make it a habit of eating
fruits in your daily diet because it not only improves your heal
th but also reduces(减少) health problems.Exercise for 30 minutesAl
ways have some exercise routines when you’re at home. It’s import
ant to get some forms of physical activities every day to have a
healthy lifestyle. At least 30 minutes of exercise is needed to k
eep your health in good form. You can use the stairs instead of 1
ift walk in the park or walk to school.Get 8 hours of sleepOne of
the most important good healthy habits is to get eight hours’ sl
eep every day. It is important to the body and it can help you ke
ep away stress(压力)and tiredness. If you don’t have enough sleep y
our body and mind can’t work well, so never think winning more by
sleeping less.21. What is the most important thing of a day?A. E
ating healthy breakfast.B. Eating fruits and vegetables.C. Doing
exercise for 30 minutes.D. Having a good supper.22. We should eat
at least __________ kinds of fruits and vegetables every day.A.
5B. 10C. 8D. 3023. 8-hour sleep is important because it can help
us __________.A. have exercise routinesB. do exercise for 30 minu
tesC. have enough time to eat breakfastD. keep away stress and ti
redness【答案】21. A 22. A 23. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文阅读。文章就我们如何利用21天
时间形成良好的健康习惯,给出了一些建议。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据“Eating healthy breakfast is t
he most important thing of the day. ”可知,吃健康的早餐是一天中最重要的事情。故选A。【22题
详解】细节理解题。根据“We should eat at least 5 kinds of fruits and vegetabl
es in daily diet. ”可知,我们在日常饮食中至少要吃5种水果和蔬菜。故选A。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据“One
of the most important good healthy habits is to get eight hours’
sleep every day. It is important to the body and it can help you
keep away stress(压力)and tiredness. ”可知,最重要的健康习惯之一就是每天睡8个小时。它对身体很
重要,它可以帮助你远离压力和疲劳。故选D。BMom’s Recipe (食谱) for LifeI have a lot of M
om’s recipes in a blue box where all my special ones were put. Bu
t the recipe I treasure (珍爱) most is not in the box. Instead, mom
lived this recipe all of her life.My mother grew up in a small t
own in southwest Iowa. My grandfather told me that my mom regarde
d(把……当做) everyone as her friend in that community. She had this a
ttitude (态度) all her life.As a teen, I was embarrassed (尴尬) every
time when my mother talked to strangers (陌生人) and gave a smile t
o everyone in the store or on the bus. Almost all of them respond
ed (回应) with a bright smile of their own. Some spoke, others nodd
ed their heads at this elderly woman who brought a little light i
nto their day.One day, Mom took the senior (老年人) bus to the shop.
It was her first time to take the senior bus. When she came back
, I asked her how it went.“Ha!” She said, “I got on that bus and
guess what I saw: Thirteen old people and no one spoke on the bus
.”“Oh, did you talk with them?”I asked.“Of course.” she said. “Wh
en I got on the bus I gave them a big smile and I said ‘Isn’t it
a wonderful day?’ I greeted them happily and before long the whol
e group was smiling and talking to one other. The bus became more
than just transportation (交通工具)”.That is really amazing.When I w
as free, I went shopping with Mom, I watched as she smiled and ta
lked with strangers. Once Mom smiled at them and started a conver
sation, they could talk to her friendly. My mother didn’t embarra
ss me any longer. I found myself admiring her.She’s been gone for
ten years but I’ve carried on her recipe for life. It was me who
had done the smiling first and all those people responded. My mo
ther taught me by example. She’d given me a recipe for life.24. A
s a teen, how did the writer feel when her mom talk to strangers?
A. EmbarrassedB. HappyC. ExcitedD. Relaxed25. What did the writer
’s mom do to make the bus more than transportation?A. She gave he
r seat to other people.B. She gave her food to the people on the
bus.C. She shook hands with the people on the bus.D. She smiled a
t the people on the bus and started a conversation.26. What did t
he writer learn from her mom?A. She should do some shopping for s
trangers.B. She should give her menus to others.C. She should sta
rt a conversation with her friends first.D. She should regard eve
ryone as her friend and smile first.【答案】24. A 25. D 26. D【解
理解题。根据文章第三段中的“As a teen, I was embarrassed (尴尬) every time when m
y mother talked to strangers”可知,作者十几岁的时候,当妈妈和陌生人说话时,作者都感到尴尬,故选A。【
25题详解】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段中的“When I got on the bus……became more than j
ust transportation”可推知,作者的妈妈对车上的人微笑并开始交谈,让公共汽车不仅仅是一个交通工具,故选D。【26题
详解】推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“my mom regarded (把……当做) everyone as her friend
in that community”和最后一段中的“It was me who had done the smiling fir
st and all those people responded”可推知,作者从她妈妈那里学到了她把每个人都当作朋友,先微笑,故
选D。CI Will Think of It“I will think of it.”It is easy to say this
, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? We c
annot see our thoughts, or hear, or taste, or feel them, but they
have great power(力量).Sir Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden
on a summer evening when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He beg
an to think. While trying to find out why the apple fell, he disc
overed(发现)how the earth, sun, moon, and stars are kept in their p
laces. When a boy named James Walt watched the lid(盖子)of the tea
kettle(水壶)moving up and down, he began to think. He wanted to fin
d out why the steam(蒸汽)in the kettle moved the heavy lid. From th
at time, he went on thinking and thinking, and when he became a m
an, he improved the steam engine(蒸汽机)so much that it could do the
work of many horses easily.A young man named Galileo was once st
anding in a big hall when he saw a chandelier(吊灯)moving back and
forth. This set him thinking. He thought and wanted to find the p
eriod of the swing(摆动周期)and it led to the invention(发明)of the pen
dulum(钟摆).James Ferguson was a poor boy. Once, seeing the inside
of a watch, he started to think.” I can make a clock,” he thought
. But how could he make the clock? He thought and thought, then h
e tried many times. At last he made a wooden clock. When he becam
e a man, he went to London to live and made a lot of speeches the
re. Some of the great men in England listened to his speeches. Hi
s motto was, “I will think of it,” and he made his thoughts usefu
l to himself and the world.When you have a difficult lesson to le
arn, don’t give up. Think, and by thinking you will learn how to
solve the problem.27. What did Newton do when he saw an apple fal
l from a tree?A. He thought and made a wooden clock.B. He thought
and tried to find out why the apple fell.C. He found out why the
steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid.D. He improved the steam
engine to make it work well.28. What did these four people in th
e passage have in common?A. They thought and then they improved t
he steam engine.B. They did some experiments without thinking.C.
They kept thinking and they didn’t give up.D. They had these idea
s by listening to speeches.29. Why does the writer write this pas
sage?A. To give us suggestions on how to think.B. To encourage us
to think more.C. To tell us why these people are so famous.D. To
introduce the great things to people.【答案】27. B 28. C 29. B
问题要学会思考,才会有所发现和创造。遇到困难别放弃,勤用脑就有创新。【27题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“While trying
to find out why the apple fell”可知当一个苹果从树上落下的时候,牛顿开始思考为什么苹果会下落。故选
不会选择放弃。故选C。【29题详解】主旨大意题。根据第五段“When you have a difficult lesson to
learn, don’t give up. Think, and by thinking you will learn how
to solve the problem.”可知作者想通过这篇文章告诉我们,遇到事情不要选择放弃。保持思考,你最终会解决问题。故选
B。DWhen most people imagine (想象) a classroom, they think of older
people teaching younger ones. But when it comes to learning abou
t high technology devices (高科技设备), the opposite can often be true
. That is what is happening through a programme in Maryland. The
50+ Center gives free technology (科技) classes to people aged 50 a
nd older. The teachers are often teenagers (青少年) and even younger
children.Myra Stafford is 73 years old. She takes the class to l
earn how to use her iPad. Eleven-year-old Peter teaches Ms. Staff
ord. He says that patience (耐心) is very important when working wi
th old people. “You have to be really, really patient, because so
me of them may not know as well as others, so you must be really
patient.”Marian is the director (负责人) of the 50+ Center. She adde
d (增加) the technology classes last year because the center receiv
ed some iPads from local people. Since then, about 100 old people
took the classes to learn how to use iPads. The technology class
es are important for them to connect (联系) with the world around t
hem. She also says this programme can be helpful for the economy
(经济). “The number of people over 60 is growing fast and it gives
a good chance to buy online. About a third of the Internet users
are over 50. As these old people get more excited about using the
iPad, they can also go to the shop to buy the things they search
online. So the economy starts to boom.”Amy is a 17 year-old teac
her for the technology classes. She says she also learns a lot fr
om helping old people. “I’ve learned a lot on how to connect with
people and work with them. I’m usually a shy (害羞的) person. Now I
’ve learned to be more outgoing (开朗).”Amy’s teacher says young pe
ople like Amy get more than just social (社会) skills from teaching
old people. “Young people are trying to find their way and find
out how they add value (价值) to life, this is a good chance for th
em to practise their skills and connect with the world.”30. What
do we know about the technology classes from the passage?A. Teach
ers of the classes are more than 50 years old.B. The old people c
an learn to use iPads from the classes.C. People should pay some
money for the classes.D. The old people know new technology bette
r than their teachers.31. Why are the technology classes very imp
ortant?A. Because young teachers can teach some life skills to th
eir students.B. Because young teachers can learn to use the new t
echnology.C. Because old people can learn skills and connect with
the world around.D. Because old people can learn to be patient w
hen they have the classes.32. The word “boom” in Paragraph 3 prob
ably means__________.A. turn coldB. get lowerC. become smallerD.
grow fast33. What does the writer think of the technology classes
?A. They are good for both the young and the old people.B. They c
an help young people do shopping online.C. Old people can get soc
ial skills by giving lessons to young people.D. Young people find
the value to life when they use the new technology.【答案】30. B
31. C 32. D 33. A【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了特殊的班级——科技班,老师往往是青少年,他们帮助老年人
使用网络。【30题详解】细节理解题。根据“ Since then, about 100 old people took the c
lasses to learn how to use iPads.”可知,老年人可以从科技班里学习如何使用ipad。故选B。【31
题详解】细节理解题。根据“The technology classes are important for them to con
nect (联系) with the world around them.”可知,老年人可以学习技能并与周围的世界联系。故选C。【
32题详解】词句猜测题。根据“As these old people get more excited about using t
he iPad, they can also go to the shop to buy the things they sear
ch online. So the economy starts to boom.”可知,老年人也学会了网购,这会使经济迅速发展起
来。由此可推知,“boom”意为“繁荣,迅速发展”,与“grow fast”同义,故选D。【33题详解】细节理解题。通读全文可知,
作者认为科技班对年轻人和老年人都有好处。故选A。第二部分四、阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。The Billion (十亿
) Tree Campaign (运动) started on 8 November 2006 by The United Nat
ions Environment Programme to help care for the Earth by planting
trees all over the world. It encourages people to plant trees al
l year long. It is the biggest tree planting activity in the hist
ory of the world. Over a billion trees have been planted in just
the first five months of 2007!Trees are important. Without trees
we humans would not live on the earth. Trees give us so much! The
air we breathe is improved (改善) by the trees. Some great medicin
e is from tree bark, leaves, twigs, and roots; we use wood to bui
ld houses; we make food from the apple, pear, banana and orange t
rees and so on.①Trees Give Us Oxygen (氧气)We could not live as we
do if there were no trees. A big tree gives us as much oxygen in
a season as 10 people need in a year. The forest can also be a hu
ge filter (过滤器) that cleans the air we breathe.②Trees slow Water
Rum of and Reduce (减少) NoiseFlood (洪水) can be reduced by a forest
Or by planting tee. A full-grown tree can hold back more than 1,
000 gallons of water. So the groundwater can be stored (存储). Tree
s can also stop noise as stone walls. When you live near the free
way or the airport, the trees around your house can reduce most o
f noises from freeways and airports.③Trees Clean the Soil (土壤), W
ater and the AirTrees can either store (储存) harmful (有害的) things
or change the pollutant (污染物) into less harmful forms. They can k
eep harmful things from running into the river. Trees can clean t
he air by taking in harmful things and they can lower the tempera
ture around.There are even more benefits (好处) of planting trees.
So “When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace (和平的种子) and
seeds of hope.” We need YOU to join us!34. When did The Billion T
ree Campaign start?______________________________________________
______________35. What does The Billion Tree Campaign encourage p
eople to do?_____________________________________________________
_______36. How do people reduce noise if they live near the airport?____________________________________________________________37. How can trees clean the air?____________________________________________________________38. Why does the writer write this passage?____________________________________________________________【答案】34. On 8 November 2006.35. To plant trees all year long.36. They plant trees around their houses.37. By taking in harmful things.38. To tell us the importance of trees and encourage us to plant trees.【解析】【分析】本文作者主要介绍了树木的好处并呼吁更多的人植树。【34题详解】根据“The Billion (十亿) Tree Campaign (运动) started on 8 November 2006 by The United Nations Environment Programme to help care for the Earth by planting trees all over the world”可知,此项活动开始于2006年11月8日。故填On 8 November 2006.【35题详解】根据“It encourages people to plant trees all year long.”可知,它鼓励人们全年植树。故填To plant trees all year long.【36题详解】根据“ When you live near the freeway or the airport, the trees around your house can reduce most of noises from freeways and airports.”可知,植树可以帮助减少噪音。故填They plant trees around their houses.【37题详解】根据“Trees can clean the air by taking in harmful things and they can lower the temperature around.”可知,树木可以通过吸收有害的东西来清洁空气。故填By taking in harmful things.【38题详解】通读全文可知,作者主要介绍了树木的好处并呼吁更多的人植树。故填To tell us the importance of trees and encourage us to plant trees.五、书面表达39.根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。一家英文报纸正在开展题为 “I Enjoy Helping Others”的征文活动,请你投稿,简述你在校内和校外是经常如何帮助他人的,并谈谈你对助人为乐的感受。提示词语:in school, out of school, help, classmates, old people, think, happy提示问题:●What do you often do to help others?● How do you feel?I Enjoy Helping Others_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】 I Enjoy Helping OthersI enjoy helping others both in school and out of school. In school, I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. After school, I often help my classmates clean our classroom and tidy the desks and chairs. On my way home, I always give my seat to old people or women with babies on the bus. At home, I often wash the dishes for my family members and I also do some cooking for my family when my parents are busy with their work.【解析】【分析】【详解】1.题干解读:本文要求以“I Enjoy Helping Others”为题,简述在校内和校外是如何帮助他人的,并谈谈对助人为乐的感受。要包含所有要点,并适当发挥。2.写作指导:本文时态为一般现在时,用第一人称书写。写作时先总体介绍自己喜欢帮助别人,然后分别介绍在校内、在校外以及在家里是怎样助人的。在写作时应该注意符合题意,同时注意语言的准确性和完整性,可适当补充细节使文章连贯。 1 / 1