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09 应用文之通知 - 研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)
2023-05-30 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
09 应用文之通知 研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)第一部分 应用文之通知体裁解读及写法点拨一、体裁解读
和口头通知写法点拨标题口头:Announcement;书面:Notice称呼语Boys and girls;Ladies and
gentlemen; Dear friends正文:四个W:who,what,when、where落款口头通知无落款;书面通知有落
款日期口头通知无日期:书面通知有日期应用文之通知万能黄金模板万能模板1 书面通知NoticeAll the students,①T
here is going to be (事件)at (地点)on (时间)。/We are having a(n) (事件)at
(地点)on (时间)。It will begin at (具体时间)。Everyone can .You can (可以进行的
活动)。②Welcome to take part in on time./Please come on time.Thanks.
(落款) (时间)注:①具体阐述通知的内容②结束语,表达期望模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。万能模板2 口头通知Annou
ncementBoys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,①May I have your atten
tion,please?②Now I''ve got a piece of good news to tell you. We''re
going to (事件)We''ll walk/ride/.go by bus to (交通方式)It''s about awa
y from .(距离)As we''ll be away for the whole day, please remember t
he following things. .The most important thing is (注意事项)I think w
e''ll .③That''s all. Thanks for your attention.注;①吸引注意力②通知的具体内容,表达期
望③表示感谢模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。第三部分 必备词汇与套用句型必备亮点词汇attention n.注意,留心ann
ouncement n.通知decide v.决定hope v.希望mind v.介意hold v.举办activity n.活动
spend v.度过,花(时间)introduce v.介绍party n.聚会celebrate v.庆祝pay a visit
to 参观;看望in memory of 纪念make up one''s mind to...下决心·......经典套用句型闪
亮篇首句May I have your attention,please?请注意啦!Attention please. I hav
e an announcement to make.请大家注意,我有一个通知要宣读。I have something import
ant/new/bad/interesting to tell you.我有重要的/新的/不好的/有趣的消息要告诉你们。I hav
e the honor of announcing that...我很荣幸地通知大家······出彩篇中句We are havin
g a(n)...about...我们将有一个关于······的····.·There is going to be an imp
ortant talk on the playground at 14:30 onMay20.5月20日下午2:30在操场上将有一
场重要的讲座。To celebrate...,a(n)...will be held.为庆祝·····.,将举行·····We w
ill pay a visit to...我们将会参观······Do not forget to take... because
we will...不要忘记带着···..·,因为我们要······图解The expert will give a talk
on...专家会就······话题进行演讲。Mr.Brown will give us a talk about/on how t
o improve our strength.布朗先生将就如何提高我们的体能作一个报告。精彩篇尾句Do be present on
time!请务必按时参加!I hope you can take an active part in...我希望你(们)能积极参
与······That''s all. Thanks for your attention.就是这些,感谢倾听。第四部分 模板范文演
地点:学校操场要求:1.按时参加2.自带椅子3.穿校服NoticeAll the students, Students''
Union万能模板套用分析首先,点明主题。→主题其次,安排具体事项。→事项最后,提出要求。→要求满分范文NoticeAll the
students,There is going to be a talk about/on how to improve our
strength given by Mr.Brown.(句式多变原则,how to...为宾语从句,作 about/on的宾语。
)1 We will meet in the playground at 2:30 p.m. today. Everyone sh
ould bring your own chair.And we must/have to wear school uniform
s. Please do be on time.②Students'' Union你也可以这样表达① Mr. Brown will
give us a talk about/on how to improve our strength.②Please come
on time.范文译文通知所有的同学们:将进行一场由布朗先生作的报告,报告是关于如何提高我们的体能。我们将于今天下午2:30在学
通知的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:experience v.体验 pick v.摘 activity n.活动Fel
low students,Our class are going to Green Farm this Friday mornin
g. Thank you for your attention.万能模板套用分析首先,点明主题。(已给出)→主题其次,阐述
活动内容和注意事项。→具体细节最后,表达祝愿。→祝愿满分范文Fellow students,Our class are going
to Green Farm this Friday morning.Would you like to experience f
arm life?① We can pick some vegetables and water the plants. We''l
l stay there for about 2 hours. I bet the meaningful activity wil
l make the trip unforgettable.(长短句结合原则,前面的句子是简单句,此句中包含了一个省略that的宾
语从句。)② We''ll meet at 7 a.m.at the school gate and then take a bus
there. Remember: always be with your classmates, help each other
, and never do anything that may hurt you.(句式多变原则,此句是祈使句,其中that引导
定语从句。)By the way,you''d better wear your sports shoes.③ Have a goo
d time.Thank you for your attention.你也可以这样表达①Do you want to exper
ience farm life?②It is certain that the meaningful activity ill m
ake the trip unforgettable.③ By the way,wearing your sports shoes
is recommended.范文译文同学们:我们班将于本周五上午去格林农场。你们想去体验农场生活吗?我们可以摘些蔬菜,给植物浇
同学们在一起,互相帮助。一定不要做可能使你受伤的任何事。顺便说一下,你们最好穿运动鞋。玩得愉快!谢谢你们的聆听。第五部分 中考真题
体验活动。内容如下:时间周日晚上7:00—9:00本周地点人民广场内容1. 出售报纸,饮料。2. 出售旧物:书,玩具,自行车等。3
. 出售自制的蛋糕、卡片等。你的想法和建议……参考词汇:roadside the standard 地摊?Renmin Squar
e n. 人民广场experience v.& n. 体验, 经历meaningful adj. 有意义的要求:1. 必须包含所给
的全部的要点及内容, 可适当发挥。2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。3. 词数80至100。开头已给出, 不计入总词数。Fell
ow students,This year due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, man
y people have to stay at home and can''t go outside to work to ear
n a living. Roadside Stands have sprung up in many big cities. __
llow students,This year due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, m
any people have to stay at home and can''t go outside to work to e
arn a living. Roadside Stands have sprung up in many big cities.
There is going to be this activity at Renmin Square on Sunday eve
ning.It will begin at7 p.m. Everyone can sell different kinds of
things such as newspapers and drinks. We can also sell some old t
hings including books, toys and bikes. Besides, if you are good a
t DIY, I think cakes and cards made by hand will be popular.As fo
r the money we get, I suggest that we can give it away to the peo
ple in need. You can take an active part in it. Through the activ
ity, we can not only get some social experience but also spend a
meaningful night.Welcome to take part in the activity on time.Tha
:短语:stay at home,earn a living,had better do sth,different kinds
of,be good at,give away,take an active part in,not only…but also…
。句型:1.现在完成时 Roadside Stands have sprung up in many big cities.2.
条件状语从句 Besides, if you are good at DIY, I think cakes and cards m
ade by hand will be popular.3.宾语从句 I suggest that we can give it
away to the people in need.B(2018·贵州贵州·中考真题)某地遭遇了洪水 a flood袭击,为了帮
助受灾的人们,某国际学校打算发起一次捐赠 (donate动词;donation名词) 活动。假如你是学校广播站的播音员,请你将这次
活动的相关事项,及早通知大家。时间本周五下午3: 00-5: 00地点学校操场捐赠物品1. 书籍、衣物 2. 不要食物,因不便保存
。其他通知家人和朋友,一起来帮助受灾的人们。要求:1. 结构完整,表达通顺,语言规范,书写清晰。2. 以上10个划线部分为必写要点
。3. 文中不得出现任何真实的人名、学校名等信息。4. 长度为80-100词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Boys and g
irls, may I have your attention, please__________________________
______Thank you for your attention and kindness!【参考范文】Boys and gi
rls, may I have your attention, please?We’ve just got the news th
at there is a big flood in some area near our city. Many people h
ave lost their homes and really need help from their neighborhood
s.There is going to be a donation on our school playgr
ound from 3: 00 to 5: 00 this Friday afternoon. Everyone can brin
g clothes and books there, but no food please, because it is not
easy to keep fresh.You can also ask your family members and frien
ds to join us.Your support will greatly help them overcome their
difficulties. Thank you for your attention and kindness!【详解】1. 题干
解读:这篇作文要求考生根据表格提示的内容,写一篇关于捐赠活动的广播稿,介绍相关的活动事项,属于给材料作文。2. 写作指导:审题可知
博物馆(the Folklore Museum)参观。假如你是学生会主席,请根据下面要点和要求,用英文向你校国际交换生发布一则不少
__________________________________【参考范文】All the students,There is
going to be a visit to the Folklore Museum on?This Sunday. We wi
ll meet at 8:00 am at the school gate.Everyone can bring a pen an
d a notebook. .You can ask the English guides in the museum for
help If you have any question.You should take notes carefully, an
d get ready for further discussion.Please come on time.?Hope you
will have a good time.Student Union【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一则通知。介绍去民俗博物馆的注意
服;戴口罩;(2)保持会场安静;(3)离开时带走垃圾。NoticeAll the students,_______________
_____________________________________________?Students’ Union【参考范
文】NoticeAll the students,There is going to be a graduation ceremo
ny for Grade 9 at our school on June 20th. We are having the acti
vity in our school hall. It will begin at8 o’clock.Everyone mus
t wear school uniforms and masks. And keep quiet during the meeti
ng.Last, please take your rubbish out when you leave. Please come
on time.That’s all. Thanks!??Students’ Union【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇通知类作
会。假如你是班长, 根据以下提示, 用英语写一则通知。要点如下:1、时间:7月18日 下午3:00;2、地点:班级;3、活动内容:
对老师用话语表达谢意, 同学交流、合影等等。Boys and girls,The wonderful middle school
life will go to the end. ________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________Don''t be late! That''s all. Thank you!David【参考范文】Boys and girls,The wonderful middle school life will go to the end. We are having a class meeting at 3:00 on the afternoon of July 18. It will be held in our classroom.The theme of the class meeting is saying goodbye to our middle school life.?We should say a thankful word to our teachers. Everyone can chat freely with our classmates and take some photos.Don''t be late! That''s all. Thank you!David【详解】1.题干解读:该题目属于通知写作。在写作时应紧接开头继续写作,根据内容提示介绍主题班会的时间、地点以及活动的内容。2.例文点评:例文主要用第一人称进行写作,主要采用一般将来时态来写作。介绍班会的具体信息,叙述完整且条理清晰。3.高分亮点:短语:go to the end; have a class meeting; saying goodbye to; chat freely with; take some photos。句型:we should do和we can do表示建议的句子;and表示并列的句子;Don''t do…祈使句的否定形式。1zxxk.com学科网(北京)股份有限公司