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2023-05-31 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
长沙市一中2022届模拟试卷(一)英语 参考答案题号123456789101112131415答案BAACBBCABCCBCBA题号1617
。细节理解题。根据 One-to-One English 部分中的“This course is perfect for comp
lete beginners and advanced learners alike.…”可知,One-to-One Englis
h 对学习者的英语水平没有要求。22.C。 细节理解题。 根据 General English 20 Lessons部分中的“Th
is is a great intensive course for all levels to improve your Eng
lish,with an extra focus on speaking.”可 知,General English 20 Less
ons 专注提高学生的英语口语。23.C。细节理解题。根据 English for Future Leaders部分中的“This
course encourages students to explore contemporary leadership sk
ills such as debating,critical thinking,and teamwork.”可知C项正确。24.D
。推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I was shocked to learn…”,“…my life was out of cont
者和母亲的对话可以得知,作者担心接受别人帮助就意味着自己会成为别人的负担。26.D。代词指代题。根据第四段开头“I felt fu
nny relying on people outside my inner circle.”可知,作者更愿意接受来自于“inne
r circle”的亲朋好友的帮助,但由于他们(closest family and friends)住得很远,帮不了作者,所以后
文提到的“the favors from others”指的是这些帮助作者的人并不是作者的核心圈子的朋友。27.C。主旨大意题。纵
五段的总结,作者提到自己现在很乐于主动寻求帮助,而且愿意依靠自己核心圈内和圈外的一切朋友,“which benefits all
of us”说明寻求帮助可以达到双赢。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了蛋白奶昔的优缺点以及是否有必要为了保持健康或者减重而
9.B。推理判断题。根据第三、四、五段可知,protein shakes有助于锻炼肌肉(第三段);增加饱腹感(从而减少其他食物的摄
第一句“Dr Parisi and his team went to two different rooftop location
s in Pamplona in July 2019,and filmed the runners as the animals
were released.”可知B 选项正确。33.D。细节理解题。虽然C、D三个选项都是研究发现,但是C项不是“unexpec
ted finding”。根据第四段中的“Less expected was the finding that the speed
of individual runners increased with the density of the crowd,…”
可知D选项正确。34.B。推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句”The responsibility therefore falls
upon urban designers to work out how best to plan the constructio
n of future tunnels,bridges and other passages that restrict flow
.The only option may well be to make them wider.”可知B选项正确。35.D。主旨大
意题。根据第一段最后一句“A paper just published in Science describes the insi
ght the event offers into the psychology of panicked crowds.”和最后一
离友谊、利用共同兴趣爱好维系、不要犹豫主动联系以及及时坦诚布公解决冲突。36.G。根据上文“long distance frien
dships are a reality of adulthood”可知,成人世界面临学业、工作、家庭的各种琐事,因而异地友谊在成
人世界是很真实的存在,G项“虽然他们(long distance friendships)可能需要一些计划和创造力来保持联系”紧密
衔接上文意思,且能很好对应下文。37.B。 根据上文“long distance friendships require a mu
tual(互相的)commitment...and showing your friend you value them”可知B选
项“Remember that they treasure you as well”为最佳答案。38.C。根据上文对“anchor
”的提及,以及下文中的举例我们知道此空在解释什么是 anchor,故C选项“It is something that you ha
ve in common”为最佳答案。39.E。根据第三个小标题鼓励大家主动联系,以及下一句“When phone calls w
on''t cut it,think about a visit.”可知选项E“创造空间,让你的朋友感到被重视”为最佳答案。40.A
。根据上文“addressing conflict is one of the ways you can become close
r with your friend(解决冲突是你和朋友变得更亲密的方法之一)”可知,A项话锋一转,“But bringing i
ssues up can feel scary(但提出问题可能会让人感到害怕)”与上文衔接紧密,同时跟下文自然承接。【语篇导读】本
文讲述了一位母亲Lorna—Sivert Klefsaas的妈妈,从收音机中听闻一则挑战,让孩子连续四年远离社交媒体,如果成功则被
赌约,儿子Sivert Klefsaas不仅没有不适反而获取了更多的成就感。同时文中母亲Lorna的态度并不是反对儿子接触社交媒体
,只是想让孩子健康地使用它。41.A。根据下文“…by a challenge she heard on the radio ca
lled the‘16 for 16''”及文中第一段可知母亲Lorna受到启发,把这个赌约用于自己儿子的身上,让他远离社交媒体。其
余选项意思不符。encourage“鼓励”;advocate“提倡,拥护”;drive“驱使”。42.B。 根据第一段中的“If
someone said they''d pay you 1,800 dollars to keep away from socia
l media for six years,would you do it?”可知此处讲的是挑战的具体条件,与上文的“keep a
way from”呼应,选择B项,意为“远离”。43.C。根 据第一 段中 的“If someone said they''d pa
y you 1,800 dollars to keep away from social media for six years,
would you do it?”和第二段中的“Lorna,Sivert Klefsaas''s mother,was __41__
by a challenge she heard on the radio called the‘16 for 16...”可知
,Lorna是多给了Sivert 200美元。44.C。根据下文“他在六年里,没有怎么想(用社交媒体)”可知,Sivert觉得“没
有社交媒体的生活并不是很困难”。45.D。根据第一段和第二段可知这里是指代Sivert的妈妈和Sivert 之间的赌约。46.B。
根据第三段可知Sivert 接受了脱离社交媒体六年的挑战,再根据下文“And as it went on,it was more
of a pride thing.”可知Sivert绝对不会有想打破这个赌约的时候,因此此处选择表示全部否定的副词never。47
.D。 根据第四段中的“ ‘I would say there was__46__ a point when I thought
I was about to break without social media,’ he said.‘And as it we
nt on,it was more of a pride thing.’ He also had his friends to k
eep him up to date on the latest information or trends.”可知Sivert
wanted to prove he could make it”可知他是一个具有胜负欲的人。四个选项只有competitive
最合适,意为“好竞争的,好胜的”。50.D。 根据上段中的“ ‘He''s so 49 and he wanted to pro
ve he could make it,’ she said.It also meant he had more time to
focus on his grades and sports instead.”和此空所在句的前半句“We are certain
ly not against social media,yet…”可知Lorna 的态度不是反对社交媒体而是让她的儿子健康地使用社
.B。根据下文“…and I can''t do that quite well yet.”可知 Sivert 认为要和他的朋友一样
很好地使用社交媒体会是一个学习的过程,因此选择process“过程”,其它选项语意不对。52.A。根据下文“…and I can''
t do that quite well yet.”可知 Sivert不能很好地使用他的朋友使用得很好的社交媒体,所以可推出他的朋
友们擅长使用那些社交软件。因此此空应是“excel in”意为“在……方面胜过或擅长”。53.A。 根据“It''s about n
ot letting yourself get 53 down by it,or affected by the things p
eople post online,…”可知Lorna对社交媒体的态度是不要让使用者被社交媒体所拖累,或者被人们所分享的东西所影响
。强调社交媒体会带来的危害。因此选择weigh down“使颓废,使压垮,拖累”。54.B。根据上一空可知此处讲的是社交媒体带来的
危害,加上空前的“even”表示递进关系,因此此空选择addicted“沉迷于……”。55.D。根据“To her satisfa
ction,…”可知Lorna 认为她的儿子现在对社交媒体有了与12岁时应当有的“不同的视角”。强调对同一事物前后不同的视角,选择
view,意为“(理解或思维的)方式,方法”。56.an 57.is performed 58.featuring 59.by 6
0.while 61.lively 62.believed 63.urbanization64.have fallen 65.wh
ere第四部分第一节【参考范文】Dear John,I am Li Hua,a senior 3 student.Recently
,I''ve been busy preparing for my College Entrance Exam,but unfort
unately I find it quite hard to study efficiently.So I''m writing
to ask you for help.I''m encountering some problems which trouble
me a lot.First,I have to spend so much time on my homework that I
hardly have time to do sports.Moreover,the high expectations fro
m the teachers and parents make me stressed out because I don''t w
ant to let them down.Faced with the above problems,I''m anxious to
get your help.Could you please offer me some advice on how to so
lve these problems?Sincerely yours,Li Hua 第二节【参考范文】I stuck out my
arms and legs,grabbing at anything.But it didn''t help!/(That slo
wed my rolling down the mountain,but I was still sliding.)After a
few heart-in-mouth seconds,I came to a stop on an icy rock.My cl
othes were shredded,my helmet was broken and my face was bloodied
from cuts and scratches.Worse still,I was suffering from a sharp
,unbearable pain in my legs.Fear gripped me and I was sinking to
the depths of despair when Mel made her way down.Seeing me unable
to move,she yelled for help,and with the help of several adult c
limbers she called the Mountain Rescue.With Mel by my side I''d be
en lying on the icy rock for four hours by the time the rescuers
reached me.They strapped me into a sled and pulled me down the mo
untain.I have a pretty high pain tolerance,but I screamed with ea
ch bounce.At the bottom of Mount Hood,I was loaded into an ambula
nce and taken to a hospital,where my broken legs were treated.I d
idn''t get released until one month later.It''s true that the fall
brought me pain and made me more cautious.But the experience also
made me grow as a person with growing faith in friendship and gr
eater enthusiasm for my favorite hobby.听力材料Text 1M:Hi,Helen! Is t
his your new bike?W:Yes,I bought it only yesterday.M:It''s cool! M
ay I have a try?W:Of course.Don''t forget to ride on the left.Text
2W:You look tired and sleepy.Do you have trouble falling asleep?
M:No,I had to finish the paper for history class from 9:00 last n
ight to 2:00 in the morning,because I didn''t remember it until I
finished watching TV.Text 3W:I''m disappointed that Everest did no
t accept our offer.M:The director over there thought it wasn''t lo
w enough.W:According to our research,it was generous by market st
andards.Text 4W:I''m going to try out some new recipes tonight.M:W
ell,remember that the Johnsons are coming over for dinner.You kno
w how much I like your cooking,dear,but maybe you shouldn''t pick
tonight of all nights to experiment.Text 5W:The bus isn''t suppose
d to arrive at this stop for another 30 minutes.I guess we''ll jus
t have to wait until it comes.M:Normally I''d agree with you,but I
''m only going to the next stop,and I feel like having a walk.Text
6W:Hello,Louis Catering.What can I do for you?M:Yes,I''m with the
Colbert Corporation.We''re having a company party on February 15t
h next week,and I need to arrange for all the food and drinks.W:O
K.How many people do you expect to take part in the party?And wil
l it be an indoor one or outdoor one?M:About 108 employees will b
e there.In addition,12 managing staff will also be present.And we
''ll hold it indoors in one of our large conference rooms.W:OK.I s
ee.Text 7W:What are you going to do in Canada?M:My lab is working
together with a research station in Canada so I will work there
for a long time.W:How long will it take?M:Three months,probably.I
t''ll depend on how everything is going.W:It''s cold there.You may
need some heavy clothes.Oh,this suitcase is probably too small.M:
Don''t worry! I do most of the work in the lab.But I do need a lar
ge suitcase.I''ll take a lot of research materials with me.W:So wh
y don''t we go to the shop to get a larger suitcase?M:OK.Let''s go.
Text 8W:Hi,Dad.Is your classmate still working in the power compa
ny?M:Yes.He is now the manager.Why do you ask?W:Oh.There is a sum
mer vacation practice project of us students.Can you help me out?
Besides,several of our classmates plan to have a picnic this morn
ing.M:OK.You can come to the power company for the practice after
that.I can drive you there or you can take a taxiW:There is no n
eed to do so.I can walk there.M:Shall I telephone my classmate to
tell him that you will visit him?W:I''m not really a visitor.I pl
an to communicate with the workers and learn about their company
culture.M:That will be a really good practice experience and you
can learn much from it.W:I can''t agree with you more.M:Now,you ha
ve to prepare for the coming picnic.Enjoy your time.W:Thank you,D
ad!Text 9M:Welcome! Could vou tell us what''s going on?W:Sure.This
week Westfield Radio runs its annual competition.Last year it wa
s to find the best dancer,and next year it will be the turn of lo
cal actors to enter.But this year we''re looking for the best sing
er in our city.M:And what are the rules?W:Not many.You need to ph
one your entry.We don''t accept entries through the Internet or by
fax.M:Right.Well,it''s school holidays this week,so what''s on off
er?W:The sports hall will open an hour earlier than usual at 8:00
am and shut later at 10:30 pm instead of nine.The indoor footbal
l ground is always popular and has to be booked in advance.M:But
what about the swimming pool?W:Not quite such good news,I''m afrai
d.It will be open about a week later than planned,but good news n
ow-there will be no charge for swimmers for the first week.It''s t
he same size as the old one,but it is much better equipped.M:That
''s great.Text 10M:I started my own company,CyberEdit,when I was a
freshman.Most students have to write essays,and I aimed to provi
de computer editing services for them.During one summer vacation,
I worked for an Internet company and in the evening,I spent anoth
er four hours working on my website.It''s not easy to develop a bu
siness.If you hope to be financially independent,you must do some
thing while you are young and you can work long hours.For a long
time,I was editing nearly ten documents a night.I spent fifty hou
rs a week doing this.It was hard.Then I hired my first four emplo
yees,and I never edited a single document again.The next year,I t
urned down my summer job at a big investment bank and spent the vacation expanding CyberEdit.In December,Wired magazine contacted me and asked me to write an article about my life.After the article appeared in March,interested investors began to contact me.In June,one of them decided to invest a large sum of money in the company.So the Wired article brought me over a million dollars in funding! More than anything else,good publicity helps a new business attract investors and customers.Investors came to me,not because I was making money and employing fifty college students,but because they read about it in Wired magazine,and saw it on ABC World News Tonight.My advice to young people who consider starting a company is:Do it now! Don''t delay starting it until you''ve finished school or had some “real-world experience”.学科网(北京)股份有限公司 第 1 页 共 20 页zxxk.com学科网(北京)股份有限公司