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金华十校2022年11月高三模拟考试英语试题第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共95分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分
,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每
段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the speakers
do next?A. Study for a test.B. Go out for ice cream.C. Celebrate
a birthday.2. How old is the man now?A. 26. B. 20. C. 16.3. Why d
id the woman buy the tickets for the man?A. The tickets were chea
p.B. The man liked the band.C. The concert was fantastic.4. What
does the man suggest the woman do?A. Rent a car. B. Stay in Paris
longer. C. Visit neighborhoods.5. What are the speakers doing?A.
Asking for directions.B. Practicing for a test.C. Trying out a n
ew car.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A
5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What will the weather be li
ke?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.7. What do we know about the wom
an?A. She gets sunburned easily.B. She never puts on sun cream.C.
She uses the umbrella in a wrong way.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How long
can most redwood trees live?A. 200 to 300 years. B. 500 to 700 ye
ars. C. Over 2000 years.9. What makes redwood trees grow so well?
A. A lot of sun.B. A cold climate.C. A good amount of rain.听第8段材料
,回答第10至12题。10. Who is the man?A. The woman’s teacher.B. The woman
’s classmate.C. The woman’s assistant.11. Why do female mosquitoe
s bite?A. To spread diseases.B. To get nutrition.C. To send out a
chemical.12. What does the man mean in the end?A. Mosquitoes are
dirty.B. Science is a beautiful thing.C. Science can sometimes b
e unpleasant.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the woman’s second book
titled?A. Michael’s Sunshine.B. Midnight.C. The Snow Tree.14. Wh
y does the woman write on the topic of forgiveness?A. It always i
nterests her.B. It’s a popular topic.C. It touches readers most.1
5. What is the woman working on recently?A. A research project. B
. A book review. C. A new book.16. What did the woman want to be
at first?A. A writer. B. An interviewer. C. A movie maker.听第10段材料
,回答第17至20题。17. What happens when the refrigerator door is shut?A.
The power turns off.B. The notes are updated.C. Photos of food a
re taken.18 What can the refrigerator do?A. Play music.B. Take no
tes.C. Order groceries by itself.19. How might the refrigerator h
elp users make healthier choices?A. By recording their eating hab
its.B. By tracking their exercise activities.C. By telling them w
hat to eat at certain times.20. Who will get the best use out of
the refrigerator?A. Single people.B. Large families.C. Couples.第二
部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四
个选项中,选出最佳选项。ALondon, with countless famous sites and all manner o
f food, drink, shopping, history, and culture, is definitely a wo
nderful city to visit.Time ZoneGreenwich Mean Time during the win
ter, British Summer Time during the rest of the year (starting at
Daylight Saving Time).Best Time to GoThe best time to visit Lond
on overall is in spring, when the temperatures have warmed up, th
e sun has started to shine and London’s gardens and parks are loo
king their best. However, the reality is that the best time to tr
avel to London depends a lot on what you’re looking for. If you’r
e all about taking a look inside Queen Liz’s palace, you’d better
make it in summer, while winter is beautiful and festive for tho
se looking to get their fill of Christmas markets and traditional
cheer.Things to KnowLondoners, and English people in general, ha
ve a much different manner of interacting with one another than A
mericans do while an American might think nothing of smiling at a
stranger they pass on the sidewalk or asking about work in the f
irst few minutes of a conversation, Londoners might consider it i
mpolite or strange. Don’t mistake this for unfriendliness ;it’s j
ust a cultural difference. Instead, talk about things like movies
, TV shows, books, your travels, and the like, instead of work or
family.How to Get AroundGetting around London is unbelievably ea
sy thanks to the well-maintained and extensive Underground. The U
nderground, unlike American transportation systems which often pa
y per ride or pay per length of trip, are paid in zones. Fare als
o varies based on time of day and the method you use to pay. It’s
worth getting an Oyster card to make your life that much simpler
.1. Where is this text most probably taken from?A. A survey.B. A
travel journal.C. A research paper.D. A guidebook.2. When is the
best time to visit London for people who enjoy a lively atmospher
e?A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Autumn.D. Winter.3. Which of the followi
ng is a suitable topic for starting a conversation with Londoners
?A. Daily entertainments.B. Future plans.C. Personal relationship
s.D. Annual incomes.BWhen I was in nursing school, I had to focus
more on my studies than other aspects of life, and learn so much
in a short amount of time. However, the clinical experience of n
ursing school allowed me to have the opportunity to put what I le
arned in my classes and readings into action.One of my favorite e
xperiences during my clinical training was when I had a patient w
ho was first starting chemotherapy (化疗). My nursing instructor Ma
rie told me that patients often experience an anaphylactic (过敏性的)
reaction to the medicine when they first start chemotherapy, so
it is important to give the medicine at a slower rate. Marie said
that if we had a patient who reacted to the medicine, we should
stop running the chemotherapy, check the patient’s blood pressure
, and then give the appropriate medicine from the emergency kit.W
hen I checked my patient a couple of minutes after starting his c
hemotherapy, I asked him questions related to an anaphylactic rea
ction. I also noticed his face was getting a little red and he lo
oked short of breath. He mentioned having lower back pain, so I i
mmediately stopped the chemotherapy, started taking his blood pre
ssure, and reported it to Marie. His blood pressure was within hi
s normal limits, so we gave him Benadryl via his IV. The Benadryl
helped the patient, and we had the Benadryl running when we star
ted his chemotherapy again, but at a slower rate. This time the p
atient did not have an anaphylactic reaction, and tolerated his c
hemotherapy well.This experience taught me how important it is to
assess your patient and to teach your patient beforehand about t
he reaction the patient could have due to the medicine. Marie and
I taught our patient about the reactions he could have due to th
e chemotherapy; due to our teaching, our patient recognized his s
ymptoms and was able to know that what he was experiencing was an
expected reaction. During the clinical training, I had many expe
riences where I had to think on my feet and conduct nursing care
quickly. These experiences taught me a lot about how to be a nurs
e and emphasized the importance of conducting proper patient care
.4. Why did the author stop giving the patient chemotherapy?A. He
had high blood pressure.B. He had a reaction to the medicine.C.
He failed to tolerate the back pain.D. He refused to answer her q
uestions.5. According to the author, what played a key role in sa
ving the patient?A. Giving the patient immediate first aid.B. Mak
ing adequate preparations in advance.C. Assessing the effectivene
ss of the medicine.D. Telling the patient the possible reactions
of the medicine.6 Which of the following words best describes the
author’s clinical experience?A. Rewarding.B. Dangerous.C. Intere
sting.D. Painful.7. What is the author’s purpose in writing the t
ext?A. To express gratitude to her instructor.B. To encourage oth
ers to take up nursing.C. To share her clinical training experien
ce.D. To stress the importance of medical treatment.CWhile those
in education understand the current state of the nation’s literac
y (读写能力) crisis, most everyday Americans are dangerously unaware.
According to the U. S. Department of Education, nearly 130 millio
n American adults read below a sixth-grade level. Now, consider h
ow that number represents more than half the adult U. S. populati
on.That’s not surprising, according to the most recent “Nation’s
Report Card” by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (
NAEP). The NAEP reports that roughly just one-third of students i
n fourth, eighth and 12th grades are proficient (精通) in reading a
nd have “solid academic performance and demonstrated competency o
ver challenging subject matter.”In fact this U. S. reading crisis
has been 20 years in the making. While one-third of students are
considered proficient, the statistics are even more alarming for
low-income students, students of color and students with disabil
ities.Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病) has exposed a growin
g “digital divide” in which those without access to supportive le
arning programs and teachers will continue to slide through the c
racks.This is troubling for many reasons. Literacy can be a great
equalizer, leveling the playing field across systemic social iss
ues, like race and gender inequality. It plays an enormous role i
n increasing access to economic opportunity.It is estimated that
increasing literacy proficiency has the potential to generate a l
ot more in annual income for the United States. And on the indivi
dual level, illiteracy can impact a person’s lifetime earning pot
ential by 30-42%.Still, the benefits of literacy go far beyond so
meone’s earning ability. Literacy supports social, physical and e
motional well-being, and it affects everything from crime rates t
o hospital admissions to self-confidence.But challenging as the l
iteracy landscape may seem right now, there is cause for optimism
. And the strategy for literacy is simple.8. What do we know abou
t America’s literacy crisis?A. It dates back about two decades.B.
It is well understood by most Americans.C. It involves half of t
he American population.D. It is mainly caused by the growing digi
tal divide.9. Why does the author mention three specific groups o
f students in paragraph 4?A. To attract public attention to these
students.B. To show the seriousness of literacy crisis in Americ
a.C. To stress the inequality in the American education system.D.
To praise the high reading proficiency level of American student
s.10. What is a possible result of improved literacy on the indiv
idual level?A. Higher crime rates.B. Increased self-confidence.C.
Stronger desire for wealth.D. Equal learning opportunities.11. W
hat is the author’s attitude to literacy in America?A. Tolerant.B
. Ambiguous.C. Doubtful.D. Hopeful.DYou may have noticed sudden ,
brief twitching (抽动) at some point while your dog was sleeping an
d wondered if they were dreaming or even expressing some type of
discomfort.These involuntary movements only occur during dream st
ates and usually don’t last long. So is twitching just a normal p
art of dreaming, or are there times when you should worry?Dogs sl
eep an average of 12-14 hours each day. While they sleep, a dog’s
brain processes information and experiences from the day through
dreams. Twitching is often related to active dream cycles in the
brain.According to research by psychologist Stanley Coren, an av
erage-size dog will dream about every 20 minutes, and these dream
s will last about a minute. Larger breeds have fewer dreams that
last longer-about every 45 minutes for 4 minutes. The opposite is
true for smaller breed dogs; they will dream about every 10 minu
tes for up to 30 seconds.Dogs experience the same dream stages as
humans, including non-rapid eye movement (NREM), short-wave slee
p (SWS), and rapid eye movement (REM). During the REM state, a do
g’s eyes move around behind their closed eyelids, and the large b
ody muscles are turned off so the dream is not physically acted o
ut. The amount of twitching depends on how much these off switche
s cramp muscle movement.If your dog sleeps next to you, they may
unintentionally disturb your sleep with their sudden body movemen
ts. However, it is often advised not to awaken a dog that is twit
ching in their sleep unless they are clearly in distress.A bad dr
eam or night terror could be the cause of these involuntary movem
ents, and they may wake up frightened. Try to avoid touching them
so they don’t bite you as a result of being shocked and panicked
. Instead, gently call your dog’s name until they respond. Speak
calmly and tell them that they are safe and secure after they wak
e up. While they appear to be pretty active in their sleep, dream
ing dogs may be slow to awaken.12. Which of the following influen
ces how often dogs dream?A. Their sleeping time.B. Their body siz
e.C. Their daily experiences.D. Their health conditions13. What d
oes the underlined word “cramp” mean in paragraph 4?A. Stimulate.
B. Analyze.C. Restrict.D. Monitor.14. Why is it advised not to wa
ke up a dog twitching in sleep?A. To avoid being bitten by the do
g.B. To ensure the dog adequate sleep.C. To prevent the dog getti
ng shocked.D. To escape disturbance from the dog.15. Which of the
following is a suitable title for the text?A How does Dogs’ Brai
n Work?B. Why do Dogs Dream at Night?C. Why do Dogs Twitch in The
ir Sleep?D. How does Dogs’ Twitch Affect Their Sleep?第二节(共5小题;每小题
2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。I know tha
t facing uncertainty at work can be stressful, particularly in th
e current economic climate. While I don’t know the particulars of
your situation, I can provide some general advice to help reduce
the chance of being laid off.Start by demonstrating your skills
and value to your company. ___16___ Meanwhile, show your talents
on high-priority assignments. Provide regular progress updates on
the financial impact directly related to your work. And share yo
ur accomplishments with your directors. ___17___Next, take steps
to make sure you are seen as vital to your clients. Often employe
rs consider the impact layoffs will have on customer relations. _
__18___ However, it may leave a lasting impression on management
and colleagues who may be very helpful in your future career.___1
9___ To prepare for a layoff, take practical steps, such as updat
ing your resume (简历) and LinkedIn profile to highlight any promot
ions, new skills, projects, and educational achievements. Make us
e of your network on LinkedIn and other virtual platforms to conn
ect with people in your field.Financial preparations are also str
ongly advised. Review your budget and cut it where you can. ___20
___ Make sure you know the requirements for unemployment in your
state as well as the anticipated benefit amount so that you can w
ork that into any budget plans. And if possible, consider applyin
g for new opportunities.A. It will allow you to increase your sav
ings.B. They may not be aware of all that you’ve done.C. A layoff
may come as a shock to any employer.D. While you plan for the be
st, prepare for the worst.E. Of course, these steps may not alway
s prevent a layoff.F. One of the best ways to do that is by growi
ng your skills.G. This may mean volunteering for tasks that other
s don’t want to do.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15个小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下
面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My car slid easily int
o the school lane. I turned around and glanced at the back seat a
s my ten-year-old daughter ___21___. My daughter’s words started
to spill. “Momma, Jenny ___22___ all the girls in the class to at
tend her birthday party except for Heather and me. I ___23___ I w
as her friend too.” The air was filled with her ___24___.As tears
ran down my little girl’s face, I felt ___25___. As an introvert
(内向的人), I often breathe a sigh of ___26___ when I am not invited
to a large social gathering. I prefer ___27___ with a few friend
s who get me. ___28___, I don’t extend my preferences to my daugh
ter’s social life. Since the age of four, rather than ___29___ ju
st a few, I’ve invited all of her classmates to her birthday part
ies, because I am ___30___ to the need for young girls and boys t
o feel ___31___.I understand that at some point all of us are exc
luded from something and that this is a ___32___ children will ev
entually learn. But why does it have to happen when they are so _
__33___?As soon as we got home, I hugged my still upset daughter
and wiped away her tears. As I ___34___ her, I thought of her own
approaching birthday party. The invitation would go out to ___35
___ of her classmates.21. A. got offB. climbed inC. pulled upD. c
hecked out22. A. invitedB. persuadedC. allowedD. reminded23. A. r
ememberedB. pretendedC. thoughtD. admitted24. A. sorrowB. excitem
entC. embarrassmentD. anxiety25. A. fearlessB. hopelessC. tireles
sD. powerless26. A. disappointmentB. impatienceC. reliefD. sadnes
s27. A. competingB. bargainingC. connectingD. living28. A. Instea
dB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Otherwise29. A. expectingB. choosingC.
ignoringD. training30. A. usedB. addictedC. blindD. sensitive31.
A. left outB. at easeC. fulfilledD. included32. A. lessonB. testC
. skillD. quality33. A. upsetB. youngC. naughtyD. lonely34. A. re
scuedB. entertainedC. rewardedD. comforted35. A. allB. someC. non
eD. few第Ⅱ卷(非选择题共55分)第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第二节(10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅
读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Lake Powell, the second larges
t human-made reservoir (水库) in the US, has lost nearly 7% of its
potential storage capacity since it ___36___ (build) in 1963.In a
ddition to water ___37___ (lose) due to years of drought, the US
Geological Survey found, Lake Powell ___38___ (face) an average a
nnual loss in storage capacity of about 33,270 acre-feet per year
between 1963 and 2018. That’s enough water ___39___ (fill) the R
eflecting Pool on the National Mall about 1,600 times.The capacit
y of the reservoir is becoming smaller because of sediments (沉淀物)
___40___ (flow) in from the Colorado and San Juan rivers. Those
sediments settle at the bottom of the reservoir ___41___ decrease
the total amount of water that the reservoir can hold. It’s bad
news for a region ___42___ has already faced water shortages and
extreme wildfires due to the drought.Lake Powell is ___43___ impo
rtant reservoir in the Colorado River Basin. Both Lake Powell and
nearby Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir, are drying up
___44___ an alarming rate. In August, the government declared a w
ater shortage on the Colorado River for the first time after Lake
Mead’s water level decreased to a record low, leading to cuts in
water consumption for the ___45___ (state) in the Southwest that
began in January.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)46. 假定你是校英语话剧社社长李华,
___________________________________第二节(满分25分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段
落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。When my husband Randy died in late fall, dec
iding what to do with his garden was way down on the list of nece
ssary tasks. During the first few months, I cried with our daught
ers, planned a memorial, cried with my family, celebrated a quiet
Thanksgiving, and panicked over not having bought Christmas pres
ents.As the calendar turned to a new year, the often rainy days a
nd long nights deepened my sorrow. I found myself exhausted at th
e end of February, both physically and mentally.Then the daffodil
s bloomed (开花) in the garden.Years before, Randy had planted doze
ns of these lemon-yellow flowers. To him, they served as a remind
er of hope, a promise that light and warmth would soon replace co
ld and dark. Looking at those dauffodils, I thought about how Ran
dy had considered our garden a living work of art, carefully choo
sing plants so we’d see new blooms every month.Then I noticed all
the weeds that had taken root and spread everywhere. The neglect
(疏于打理) showed, for Randy’s illness had lasted a couple of years,
a time when he didn’t have energy for yard work the way he had b
efore.Faced with the neglected garden, I felt overwhelmed in the
beginning. My daughters suggested I hire a service to clean every
thing up. I didn’t respond.Every time I sat in the garden alone t
he memories of the lively garden came flooding, like the numerous
scenes in an unforgettable film. Many days Randy came home from
work, changed into old clothes, and headed out the door to mow or prune (修剪). Orange dragonflies followed him around the yard as he worked. Honeybees buzzed among the flowers, birds sang beautiful songs, and gentle breezes carried the sweet smell of dirt. No matter how cold or wet it was, the fresh air and physical activity made him energized and refreshed. For Randy, the work was quiet and comforting, which was a relief, as well as a pleasure.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请在答题卡的相应位置作答。The days grew warmer and lighter, and I started the work myself.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Weeks later, my daughters returned to visit me.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________