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2023-07-12 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
毕业离校 (bì yè lí xiào) - Graduation and departure from school回忆流连 (huí y
ì liú lián) - Lingering memories感恩师友 (gǎn ēn shī yǒu) - Grateful
for teachers and friends梦想成真 (mèng xiǎng chéng zhēn) - Dreams com
e true难舍旧友 (nán shě jiù yǒu) - Hard to say goodbye to old friends
开启新篇 (kāi qǐ xīn piān) - Embark on a new chapter散发青春 (sàn fā qīng
chūn) - Radiate youthfulness成功追梦 (chéng gōng zhuī mèng) - Succes
sfully pursue dreams惜别校园 (xī bié xiào yuán) - Cherish farewell to
campus感慨万千 (gǎn kǎi wàn qiān) - Full of emotions感谢恩师 (gǎn xiè ēn
shī) - Grateful to mentors继往开来 (jì wǎng kāi lái) - Carry on the
past and forge ahead告别青春 (gào bié qīng chūn) - Bid farewell to yo
uth祝福同窗 (zhù fú tóng chuāng) - Wish classmates well珍藏回忆 (zhēn cán
g huí yì) - Treasure memories迎接新生 (yíng jiē xīn shēng) - Welcome
new beginnings成功起航 (chéng gōng qǐ háng) - Set sail for success前程似
锦 (qián chéng sì jǐn) - Bright future ahead感激校友 (gǎn jī xiào yǒu)
- Grateful for alumni留恋校园 (liú liàn xiào yuán) - Reluctant to le
ave the campus