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2023-07-14 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 

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题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上





一、选择题 1.My brother_____ English in England.

A. study?? B. ?studys??? C. studies



2.--- How can I get to the post office?

--- You can _______ the No.11 bus.

A. take???B. on?????C.by



3.This packet of sweets _______very nice.

A. is??????????????????

B. are?????????????????

C. don’t



4._____he learn English last night?

A. Does????? B. Did??? C. Is


【解析】last night为一般过去时标志,故选B

5.(???? ) (1) _____ stamps do you have?

A. How much????B. How many????C.What




(??? ) (1) work????? A. world?????B. sports??????C. shorts

(??? ) (2) turn?????A. sure??????B. winter??????C. purse

(??? ) (3) first????A. sister????B. sweater?????C. her

(??? ) (4) now?????? A. know?????? B. brown??????? C. tomorrow

【答案】A? C? C? B


7.take a deep breath

A.深深吸一口气? B.别生气



8. (???? )Can I have _______ writing paper ?

A.a B.an C.some D.any 【答案】C

【解析】句意:我可以要些信纸吗?paper为不可数名词,不用加an/a,表示请求用some,故答案选C.A项与B项用于可数名词前,排除AB; D项用于一般疑问句,不表示请求,排除D.

9.--- Are you happy?


A. Yes, I do.???? B. No, I am ???C. Yes, I am.






10.Is the blue cup yours______mine?

A.and B.but C.for D.or 【答案】D





11.It’s cold today, so___________ your coat.

A.put on B.take off C.wash D.hang up 【答案】A



名师解析:put on 是“穿上”, take off 是“脱下”,wash是“清洗”,hang up是“悬挂”,根据句意“今天天冷,你要_____ 外套。”故是put on


12.Jack is ______ boy in my class.

A. tall?????? B. taller??????? C.the tallest



这里用到最高级,用the tallest 来表示。

13.Everyone _______a big cookie.

A.has????????? B. have????????? C. having




14.The coat _________ the bed isn’t Kate’s. It’s _________.

A.on; his B.to; mine C.in; he D.under; him 【答案】A



名师解析:句意:床上的外套不是凯特的,它是他的。介词短语on the bed表示在床上,under the bed在床下;根据句意判断,It’s__________.中应该用名词性物主代词his,he是主格他,him是宾格他。

15.There are some _____ on the bed.

A. comic book???????? B. comic books????????? C. comics book







二、填空题 16.模仿例句写句子。(共6分,每小题1分)

Model 1:? What’s wrong with you? I have a headache.

(1)(she, toothache)


(2)(Gogo, drink too much cola)


Model 2: Where’s the bank? It’s next to the supermarket?

(hospital, across from, park)


(bus stop, behind, store)


Model 3: What are you doing? I am singing.

(1)(your mother, cook)


(2)(Tony and Jenny, dig)





I am Sandy.Tomorrow is Saturday.I am going to the Tai Mountains with my good friends.We are going to meet at 6:00 in the morning.The mountains are far from our home.We are going by bike.We are going to have a picnic there.Amy my little sister likes flowers.So I’m going to pick some beautiful flowers for her.The mountains are very beautiful, I take my camera, and I’m going to take some pictures there.

(1)What is Sandy going to do on Saturday?


(2)When is Sandy going to meet with his friends?


(3)Are the mountains near Sandy’s home?


(4)Who is Amy? What does she like?


(5)What is Sandy going to do on the mountain?



(1)She is going to the Tai Mountains with her good friends

(2)They are going to meet at 6:00 in the morning

(3)NO ,They are far.

(4)Amy is Sandy’s little sister and she likes flowers.

(5)she is going to take some pictures there.



(1)gnidcna________? ___________

(2)pohs________? __________

(3)neht__________ _____________

(4)emstisemo____________? ___________

(5)gnostr_________? ___________

【答案】(1)dancing?舞蹈(2)shop 商店(3)then 既然是这样,那么(4)sometimes 有时(5)strong 坚固的


19.you’re right





Bobby: I’m __________, Sam.

Sam: When do you ?__________? ___________ every day ?

Bobby: _________? six.


Bobby: _________? ___________ is it now?

Sam: It’s _________ ?o’clock.


Sam: What _________ ?you ________ over there, Bobby?

Bobby: I can see a _________ .


Bobby & Sam: What a ___________ cake !


Bobby: I like ?_________ ! This cake is ?_________!


Clock : ________? ________ ! Get up !

【答案】1. hungry?? have ??dinner??? At

2. What ??time??? seven

3. can??? see??? cake

4. big

5. cakes ???nice

6. Get ??up






三、阅读理解 21.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

One Sunday morning Mr. Green and his child, Bill,are in a big shop. Mr. Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs. Green. Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of oranges for him, too. Bill wants to buy some picture—books and color pencils, too. There are many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there.

(1)Mr. Green goes to the shop with ________.

A.Mrs. green? B.his son? C.his daughter D.his father

(2)M. Green wants to buy a new blouse for _________.

A.Bill’s mother? B.Bill?? C.his friend?? D.other people

(3)Bill likes _________.

A.all the things

B.the new blouse



(4)Bill wants to buy __________.

A.some picture—books

B.some color pencils

C.clothes in the shop

D.A and B

(5)The shop is __________.

A.empty???????? B.close??? C.full of children????????? D.full of people



22.Fill in the blanks.(根据短文内容填空)

Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Festival.It usually (1)???????in September or October.On that day everyone eats moon cakes.A moon cake is a delicious ,(2)???????cake.It (3)????????like the moon.There are many (4)???????of moon cakes.Some have nuts in them , and some have meat or eggs. (5)???????????night , people eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon outside the house.




I’m Jack. I live near our school. So I usually go to school on foot. But sometimes I go by bike.My father works in our school. We go to school together. On the weekend, I often play with my friend, Mike. We usually play ping—pong. Sometimes we play chess. This weekend, I’m going to visit my grandparents. Because it’s my grandma’s birthday.

(??? )1.Jack usually goes to school ???????.

A.on foot?? B.by bike?? C.by bus

(??? )2.Jack’s father works ???????.

A.next to the school B.near the school? C.in the school

(??? )3.Jack goes to school with ??????.

A.his father?? B.his friend, Mike C.his mother

(??? )4.Jack and Mike usually ???????.

A.play football? B.play ping—pong C.play chess

(??? )5.Whose birthday is this weekend?

A.Grandfather’s.? B.Grandmother’s . C.Mike’s.

【答案】1-5 ACABB



Do you know what animals eat? Different animals like different food. It''s very interesting.

The mouse smells the meat on the table. He wants to eat it in his hole. The dog puts the bone(骨头) in the yard. He often eats it later. The bird looks for the worm(蠕虫). She will feed(喂) it to her baby. The rabbit pulls the carrot from the ground. He will eat it with his friends. The squirrel (松鼠) puts the nuts in the tree trunk. She will eat them in winter. The bear catches the fish in the river. She will take them to her children. The frog eats the flies(苍蝇) in the air. The frog is still hungry.

(? ) 1. Where does the mouse eat his food?

A. In the hole. B. In the trunk. C. On the table.

(? ) 2. The ________ puts the bone in the yard.

A. mouse B. bear C. dog

(? ) 3. The ________ gives the food to their children.

A. rabbit B. bear C. mouse

(? ) 4. What does the frog eat?

A. Nuts. B. Flies. C. Carrots.

(? ) 5. Which sentence(句子) is right?

A. The squirrel likes carrots.

B. All the animals like meat.

C. The mouse eats meat.

【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C






四、单词拼写 25.Mike________ (like)cooking.







五、书面表达 26.He wants to see a picture show.(改成一般疑问句)








六、句型转换 27.按要求完成句子。

(1) He likes to play basketball very much. (用last year改写句子)


(2) There was a cat under the tree.(改为一般疑问句)


(3) He could catch the ball. (改为否定句)


(4) can, gift, I, a, you, buy, (.) (连词成句)


(5)player, world, the, football, is, he, famous, (.)(连词成句)


(6) I like this house. (用that house改为选择疑问句)


(7) I have some new bottles. (改为一般疑问句)



(1)He liked to play basketball very much.

(2)Was there a cat under the tree?

(3)He couldn’t catch the ball.

(4)I can buy you a gift.

(5)He is the world famous football player.

(6)Do you like this house or that house?

(7)Do you have any new bottles?


(1)last year是一般过去时的时间标志,需要借助助动词do,在疑问句中some应变为any。






(7)have为实义动词,变一般疑问句时,需要借助助动词do, 在疑问句中some应变为any。





七、翻译 28.翻译句子。

(1) What are you interested in?


(2)The baby is hungry.


(3)He is interested in taking photos.


(4)The kid is feeding the baby.


(5)She is singing at her birthday party.













八、判断题 29.语音:判断下列单词画线部分的发音是(√)否(×)相同。(5分)

(1)bike? girl???


(3)but? bus

(4)boy?? toy????




30.判断下列单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T ,不同的写F。(6分)






(6)cook????? look

【答案】(1)F (2)F (3)T (4)T (5)T (6)T


31.Listen and judge 听录音,判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√”,不相符的打“×”(每小题(1)分,共(1)0分)

(6)I went swimming yesterday.

(7)My sister is younger.

(8)You look so angry.

(9)Merry is 80cm tall.

(10)Jack’s apple is smaller

【答案】√ × √ × √ × √ × √ ×



(1)I? washed? clothes? yesterday .

(2)I went fishing last weekend.

(3)I? sang and danced last week.

(4)LiuYun went shopping last Sunday.

(5)Wu Yifan read a book yesterday.

(6)What? did? you? do? yesterday ? I? went? fishing .

(7)Is your sister older than you ? No ,she isn’t .

(8)You look so happy today .Yes , I am going on a big trip .

(9)I am 83cm tall. What about you? Mery ??

You are 3cm taller than me .

(10)Whose? apple? is? bigger ??????? Jack’s .


My name’s Li Jie. I’m a primary school (小学)student. I am studying in She Yang Primary School. My school isn’t big, but I like it very much..

In my school, there are fifty-four classes. There are about sixty students in every class. We have many teachers. I’m in Class 5, Grade (6)In my classroom, there are thirty desks and sixty chairs. There’s a map of China and a map of the world (世界)on the wall.

I love my school because our teachers are very friendly to us.

(1)I study in a very big school.

(2)I love my school because it’s She Yang Primary School.

(3)There are eighteen classes in our school.

(4)There are 30 desks and 60 chairs in my classroom.

(5)There are two maps in my classroom.




(?? )(1)write???? high

(?? )(2)speak???? great

(?? )(3)what????? who

(?? )(4)some????? home

(?? )(5)warm????? postcard

【答案】(1) S???(2)D????(3)D????(4)D???(5)D






九、连线题 34.看图连线。

【答案】1. C 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. B






十、排序题 35.下面是一段对话。请将下列句子按顺序排列,使对话意思正确。

( ? ) Great! Is Nancy going to play at the concert?

( ? ) Of course, I’ll come with Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.

( ? ) What are you going to do tomorrow?

( ? ) There’s a concert in the school tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to play the violin.

( ? ) Sure, she’s going to play the piano. Would you like to come?









