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野性的呼唤第7节 重点词汇
2023-07-30 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
野性的呼唤第7节 重点词汇

The Thirty Mile River was wide open. Its wild water de?ed the frost, and it was in

the eddies?only and in the quiet places that the ice held?at all. Six days of

exhausting toil were required to cover?those thirty terrible miles. And terrible they

were, for every foot of them was?accomplished?at the risk of life to dog and man.

A dozen times, Perrault, nosing the way broke through the ice bridges, being

saved by the long pole he carried, which he so held?that it fell each time across

the hole made by his body.?But a cold snap was on, the thermometer registering

?fty below zero, and each time he broke through he was?compelled for very life

to build a ?re and dry his garments.

g404hold v. 顶住;坚持住


hold sb/sth back 阻挡......



? v. 抓住

? v.?抱住、容纳

? v. ?撑

? n. ?撑点

g404cover v. ??(?段路程)


cover a great deal of ground ?了很??段路



? v. 覆盖

? v. 包括;涉及

? v. ?以?付

? v. 代替 (cover for sb)


coverage n. 新闻报道

g404accomplish v. 成功完成



? accomplish和achieve经常可以换?,都表示成功地完成。

? ?nish和complete都只表示完成,使?时注意区别这?个词。



? accomplishment n. 成就

? accomplished adj. 完成的;熟练的

g404nose? v. ??翼翼地向前移动


? nose one'' s way into sth. 缓慢地向……移动

? nose a?bout/a?round (for sth) 打探;搜寻

? have one''s nose in sth 专心致志地......



? n. ??

? n. 头部

? n. 嗅觉



cut off your nose to spite your face 损人不利己

g404register v. 显示(读数);记录


register at/for/with sth 登记



? v. 登记;注册

? v. 公开发表意?

? v. 流露出(情感)

? n. 登记表

Nothing daunted him. It was because nothing daunted him that he?had been

chosen for government courier. He took all manner of risks,?resolutely thrusting

his little weazened face into the frost and struggling?on from dim dawn to dark.

He skirted?the frowning shores on rim ice?that bent and crackled under foot and

upon which they dared not halt.?Once, the sled broke through, with Dave and

Buck, and they were half-frozen and all but drowned by the time they were

dragged out. The?usual ?re was necessary to save them. They were

coated?solidly?with?ice, and the two men kept them on the run around the ?re,

sweating and?thawing, so close that they were singed by the ?ames.

g404skirt? ?v. 沿…的边缘?


? skirt around? 沿着......?

? skirt sth (with/in sth) 给......涂上?层;(?......)覆盖



? n. ?裙

? v.?绕开,回避(话题)

g404coat? v.? 给......涂上?层;(?......)覆盖


be coated with/in sth? 给……涂上厚厚的?层



? n. 外套

? n. 动物??



cut your ?coat according to your?cloth 量入为出

Again, the rim ice broke away before and behind, and there was no escape

except up the cli?. Perrault scaled?it by a miracle, while Francois prayed for just

that miracle; and with every thong and sled lashing and the last bit of harness

rove into a long rope, the dogs were hoisted, one by one, to the cli?

crest.?Francois came up last, after the sled and load. Then came the search for a

place to descend, which descent was ultimately made by the aid of the rope, and

night found them back on the river with a quarter of a mile to the day''s credit.

g404scale v. 攀登;到达......顶点(正式?法),登上......的顶峰(?喻义)


? scale the height of one'' s profession? 登上某?的事业巅峰

? scale sth down 减少......



? n. 规模,范围

? n. 等级

? n. 天平

g404credit? n. 赞扬;称赞?


? ?credit for sth? 赞扬

? ?to sb''s credit? ?使值得赞扬;使受尊重



n. 信?,学分

At the Pelly one morning, as they were harnessing up, Dolly, who had never been

conspicuous for anything, went suddenly mad. She announced her condition by a

long, heartbreaking wolf howl that sent every dog bristling with fear, then sprang

straight for Buck. He had never seen a dog go mad, nor did he have any reason

to fear madness; yet he knew that here was horror, and ?ed away from it in a

panic.?Straight away he raced, with Dolly, panting and frothing, one leap behind;

nor could she gain?on him, so great was his terror, nor could he leave her, so

great was her madness.?He plunged through the wooded breast of the island,

?ew down to the lower end, crossed a back channel ?lled with rough ice to

another island, gained?a third island, curved back to the main river, and in

desperation started to cross it. And all the time, though he did not took, he could

hear her snarling just one leap behind. Francois called to him a quarter of a mile

away and he doubled back, still one leap ahead, gasping painfully for air and

putting all his faith in that Francois would save him. The dog-driver held the axe

poised in his hand, and as Buck shot past him the axe crashed down upon mad

Dolly''s head.

g404gain? v.(经过努?)到达, 正式?法


? gain on sb/sth:接近、逼近所追逐的?或物

? gain sth by/from sth(从......中)受益,得到(好处)



? v. 赢得

? v.?增加;增添;增进;增长

Buck staggered over against the sled, exhausted, sobbing for breath,?helpless.

This was Spitz''s opportunity. He sprang upon Buck, and twice his teeth sank into

his unresisting foe and ripped and tore the ?esh to the bone. Then Francois''s

lash descended, and Buck had the satisfaction of watching Spitz receive the

worst whipping as yet?administered?to any of the teams.

“One devil, dat

Spitz," remarked Perrault. “Some dam day heem keel dat Buck."


Buck two devils, " was Francois''s rejoinder. “All de tam I watch dat Buck I know

for sure. Lissen: some dam ?ne day heem get mad lak hell an'' den heem chew

dat Spitz all up an) spit heem out on de snow. Sure. I know."

g404administer v. 给予;提供 (正式?法)


administer sth (to sb)? 给予;提供



? administrator n. 管理?,?政官

? administrative adj. 管理的,?政的

? administration n.?管理部门,行政部门

It was inevitable that the clash for leadership should come. Buck wanted it. He

wanted it because it was his nature, because he had been?gripped?tight by that

nameless, incomprehensible pride of the trail and trace--that pride which holds

dogs in the toil to the last gasp, which lures them to die joyfully in the harness,

and breaks their hearts if they are cut out of the harness. This was the pride of

Dave as wheel-dog, of Sol-leks as he pulled with all his strength; the pride that

laid hold of them at break of camp, transforming them from sour and sullen

brutes into straining, eager, ambitious creatures; the pride that spurred them on

all day and dropped them at pitch of camp at night, letting them fall back into

gloomy unrest and uncontent. This was the pride that bore up Spitz and made

him thrash the sled-dogs who blundered and shirked in the traces or hid away at

harness-up time in the morning. Likewise it was this pride that made him fear

Buck as a possible lead-dog. And this was Buck''s pride, too.

g404grip? v. 情绪或形势对......产?强有?的影响


be gripped by a feeling of panic. 惊恐万分



v. 紧握,紧抓

n. 掌握,了解

n. 控制?

g404spur? v. 鞭策;激励;?舞


?spur sb/sth (on) to sth/to do sth? 激励某?做某事



? n.?鞭策;激励;刺激



? on the spur of the moment 心血来潮

? win/earn your spurs 获得名望,取得成功

In the days that followed, as Dawson grew closer and closer, Buck?still continued

to?interfere?between Spitz and the culprits; but he did it?craftily, when Francois

was not around.?With the covert mutiny of Buck, a general insubordination?sprang

up and increased. Dave and Sol-leks were una?ected, but the rest of the team

went from bad to worse. Things no longer went right. There was continual

bickering and jangling. Trouble was always afoot, and at the bottom of it was

Buck.?He kept Francois busy, for the dog- driver was in constant

apprehension?of the life-and-death struggle between the two which he knew

must take place sooner or later; and on more than one night the sounds of

quarrelling and strife among the other dogs turned him out of his sleeping robe,

fearful that Buck and Spitz were at it.

g404interfere v. ?涉;?预;介?


interfere in sth? ?预;?涉



? interference n.??扰,冲突;?涉

? interfering adj. 爱管闲事的;?涉的

g404apprehension? n. 忧虑;担?;疑惧;恐惧


anxiety n. 忧虑,担?



apprehensive adj. 担?的,忧虑的
