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2023-07-30 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
How to Ask Friends if They''re OkayKeeping in touch with your fami
ly and friends and asking how they''re going is important, but can
be difficult. 36 , sometimes the best thing you can do is listen
and let them know you''re there for them.·Before the chat37._____
_____ Don''t force it if they say they don''t feel like talking. Tr
y to remove any distractions before the chat. If they say they do
n''t want to talk, let them know you''re there if they change their
mind.·38___________________Begin with open-ended(开放式的)questions,
rather than just telling them what you think. When people are go
ing through something tough, often, they just want to be understo
od.·How to respondAfter someone''s told you about something tough
they''re going through, don''t just move asking questions and check
ing to the next topic. Be a good listener by paying attention, yo
u''ve understood what they''ve said. 39____________, but don''t try
and solve their problems unless they ask for your advice.·After y
our chatAfter someone''s told you they''re going through a tough ti
me, make sure to contact them. You might even want to meet with t
hem again to chat about what''s going on at another time. Many imp
ortant discussions will take place over several different chats o
n separate days. After talking about something important, people
take time to process how they''re feeling. 40____________A. How to
startB. Showing your careC. Offer your supportD. When your frien
ds are okayE. This is quite normal for most peopleF. When you''re
worried about someoneG. Find a nice time and a quiet place to cha
t贵州省铜仁市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文
, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。How to build a personal bra
nd (品牌)People tend to think about a personal brand as bragging (自
吹自擂) , self- promotion and all about yourself. But it''s actually
something much more important. 36_________ In other words, it''s h
ow people see you. Below are some suggestions to build a strong p
ersonal brand.Figure out your goal. What do you want your persona
l brand to help you achieve? Are you looking to change jobs or en
ter a new industry, and you need your brand to reflect a new skil
l set? Get clear on what you want to be known for. 38 Are you a t
eacher who focuses on social and emotional learning? Or maybe you
''re a project manager who is reliable and always gets things done
on time. Dig deeper into the what, how and why behind your work
so you can make it easy to remember. I once coached someone who c
alled herself a "death midwife", which no one understood. But whe
n she started introducing herself as a grief advisor who works wi
th families during a time of loss, all of a sudden everyone got i
t. Bring value to others online. 40 Share interesting articles re
lated to you industry, post ideas or opinions that can benefit co
-workers, and like or comment on posts shared by the people you f
ollow. A. It''s your name. B. Lead with no confusion, C. Introduce
yourself in detail. D. Write your aim down and make it specific,
E. Focusing on something helpful is a good wayF. Why do you expe
ct people to know about your job?G. How do you want people to des
cribe you as an expert?贵州省毕节市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题第二节(共5小题:每小题
2.5分, 满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When you
turn on the tap and hot water comes out, do you know the developm
ent of the facilities? One of the earliest known baths dates back
to around 2500- 1700BC.__16_ Today,many people have both a bath
and a shower in their homes. Some people swear by showers to wake
them up in the morning, while others say a bath at night helps t
hem to unwind and sleep soundly._17_Yes- a bath washes the mind a
nd body._18_They are a place to unwind, to pause and reflect on t
he day to come or the one that has passed. You can choose to rela
x and do nothing in a bath other than wiggle your toes, or you ca
n learn something by reading a good book. You can even eat in the
bath if you are hungry. _19_For the first few years of a person''
s life, they are bathed before bed, not showered.This is because
baths can be calming or fun - and importantly they give time out
from the day.No -showers are quick and cheap._20_Experts recently
worked out that a year of two baths a day costs £438 but a year
of two showers a day costs just £161. What''s more, showers are be
tter for the environment because they use much less water and les
s energy. Showers are efficient when you don'' t have much time in
the morning. That means you can stay in bed for an extra few min
utes.A. What do you think?B. Showers are faster.C. Even babies li
ke baths.D. Are baths better than showers?E. Showers were invente
d a lot later.F. Baths are about so much more than cleanliness.G.
The cost of baths is higher than that of showers.贵州省贵阳市2022-2023
学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题二、阅读七选五(本大题共3小题, 共6. 0分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最
佳选项, 并在答题卡内将相应的大写字母涂黑。其中有一项为多余选项。 What is SEO and Types of SEO in
digital marketing?SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization(优化),
which is the process of improving the visibility(能见度) and rankin
g of a website or web page in the search engine results pages (SE
RPs). It involves optimizing various on-page and off-page factors
that affect a website''s search engine ranking, with the goal of
driving organic traffic to the site. (1) ______ : On-page SEO. It
refers to the optimization of individual web pages to improve th
eir ranking and visibility in search engines. It involves optimiz
ing various elements of the page such as title tags, meta descrip
tions, header tags, content, and int ernal linking to make the pa
ge more relevant and user-friendly. Off-page SEO. (2) ______ . Th
is includes link building, social media marketing, influencer out
reach, and brand building. The goal of off -page SEO is to build
the website''s authority and credibility in the eyes of search eng
ines. ( 3) ______ . It refers to the optimization of a website''s
technical aspects to improve its search engine ranking. This incl
udes optimizing site speed, mobile responsiveness (响应能力), site ar
chitecture, schema markup, and more. Technical SEO is important f
or ensuring that search engines can index the website''s pages pro
perly. All three types of SEO are important for a comprehensive S
EO strategy that can help improve a website''s search engine ranki
ng and drive more organic traffic to the site. A. Technical SEO B
. There are three main types of SEO in digital marketing C. Here
are at least four main types of SEO in digital marketing D. It re
fers to activities that are done outside of a website to improve
its ranking and visibility贵州省黔东南州2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题第二节(共5小题
;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ho
w To Keep Your Tongue Healthy?Do you know that your tongue is a k
ey part of your oral health? 36 That''s why it''s important o keep
your tongue healthy!In this blog post, we will discuss how to kee
p your tongue healthy and free from disease. Use a Mouthwash Mout
hwash not only removes bacteria from your teeth and gums, but it
also helps freshen your breath. One way to use mouthwash is to sw
ish(使发出嗖嗖声)it around in your mouth for a minute or two. _37Eat a
healthy Diet A healthy diet is important for overall health. 38 I
t can also help prevent heart disease, stroke, and other health p
roblems. In addition to eating a healthy diet, you should also br
ush your teeth regularly to remove plaque(牙菌斑)and bacteria from y
our mouth. Avoid Smoking Smoking is one of the worst things you c
an do for your oral health. It increases your risk of developing
oral cancer, and it can also cause bad breath and stained teeth.
Drink Green Tea Green tea has many health benefits. It''s a good s
ource of antioxidants. 39 Green tea contains catechins, which can
kill bacteria and prevent plaque from forming on your teeth. Kee
ping your tongue healthy should be on your daily to-do list. The
tips provided above will help you achieve and maintain a healthy
tongue. 40 Start practicing these tips today!A. So, what are you
waiting for?B. You should also brush your tongue gently. C. It ca
n also help improve your overall health. D. These tips will help
you keep your tongue healthy. E. This will give the mouthwash eno
ugh time to work. F. It can help you lose weight or maintain a he
althy weight. G In fact, it''s one of the first places to show sig
ns of infection. 答案:贵州省六盘水市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题16.F 17.G
18.A 19.C 20.E【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了如何询问朋友过得怎么样。16.根据空后“som
etimes the best thing you can do is listen and let them know you’
re there for them.(有时,你能做的最好的事情就是倾听,并让他们知道你在他们身边。)”可知,空后提出解决方法就是倾
让他们知道你在他们身边,故选F项。17.根据本段小标题“Before the chat(聊天之前)”可知,本段主要介绍聊天前的一些
n with open-ended(开放式的)questions, rather than just telling them w
hat you think.(以开放式的问题开始对话,而不是只一味地告诉他们你的想法。)”可知,本段主要介绍聊天时以怎样的方式开始
对话,故A项“怎样开始”符合本段小标题,故填A。19.根据空前“Be a good listener by paying atte
ntion, you’ve understood what they’ve said.(用心倾听,做一个好的倾听者,理解他们所说的
。)”和空后“but don’t try and solve their problems unless they ask for
your advice.(但是不要试着去解决他们的问题,除非他们向你寻求建议。)”可知,空前提出用心倾听就可以,空后说明如果他们
。20.根据空前“After talking about something important, people take tim
e to process how they’re feeling.(在谈论了一些重要的事情后,人们会花时间去消化他们的感受。)”可
人来说是非常正常的,故选E项。贵州省铜仁市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题16.A 17.D 18.G
19.B 20.E【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何创建个人品牌给出了四个好的建议。16.根据上文“People
tend to think about a personal brand as bragging (自吹自擂) , self- p
romotion and all about yourself.?But it''s actually something much
more important.”(人们倾向于认为个人品牌是炫耀、自我推销和关于自己的一切。但它其实是更重要的东西。)说明个人品牌
是更重要的东西。下文“In other words, it''s how people see you.”(换句话说,就是人们如何看
待你的方式。)由此可推断出,此空应该是在说“个人品牌是你的名声(name)”,结合选项A项It''s your name.(这就是你
的名声。)符合此推断,起到上下文的承上启下作用。故选 A 项。17.根据副标题“Figure out your goal .(弄清
楚你的目标)”和本段落内容“What do you want your personal brand to help you ac
hieve? Are you looking to change jobs or enter a new industry, an
d you need your brand to reflect a new skill set?”(你希望你的个人品牌能帮助你实
e your aim down and make it specific.(把你的目标写下来,让它具体化。)符合此推断,为上文内容
的语意递进。故选D项。18.本段副标题为“ Get clear on what you want to be known for
.(弄清你想要以什么而出名)”本空后面两句“Are you a teacher who focuses on social and
emotional learning? Or maybe you''re a project manager who is rel
iable and always gets things done on time.”(你是一名注重社交和情感学习的老师吗?或者你
是一个可靠的项目经理,总是能按时完成任务。)可知,分别从 teacher 和 project manager 方面进行了描述,由此
可推知,此处应是“你想人们把你描述成什么样的专家?”结合选项G项How do you want people to describ
e you as an expert?(作为一个专家,你希望人们如何描述你?)符合此推断,起到上下文的承上启下作用,上下文语意连贯
。故选G项。19.由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段内容。该段下文“I once coached someone who call
ed herself a "death midwife", which no one understood. But when s
he started introducing herself as a grief advisor who works with
families during a time of loss, all of a sudden everyone got it.”
个人都明白了。)根据本段落所举的例子,可以看出本段落给的建议是“介绍的时候不要让人感到困惑”。结合选项B项Lead with no
confusion.(不要混淆视听。)意思一致,为总结该段内容。故选B项。20.根据本段副标题为“ Bring value to
others online .(在网上给别人带去价值)”。以及下文“Share interesting articles rel
ated to you industry, post ideas or opinions that can benefit co-
workers, and like or comment on posts shared by the people you fo
价值方法。故可推断空格处内容为其中一个方法就是专注于一些有用的事。结合选项E项Focusing on something help
ful is a good way.(专注于有益的事情是一个好方法。)符合此推断,起到上下文的承上启下作用,上下文语意连贯。故选E
项。贵州省毕节市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题16.E 17.D 18.F 19.C 2
0.G【导语】本文是说明文。文章就到底是泡澡好还是淋浴好进行了说明。16.根据前文“When you turn on the ta
p and hot water comes out, do you know the development of the fac
ilities? One of the earliest known baths dates back to around 250
0- 1700BC.(当你打开水龙头,热水就出来了,你知道这些设施的发展情况吗?已知最早的浴场之一可以追溯到公元前2500- 17
00年)”以及后文“Today, many people have both a bath and a shower in the
ir homes.(今天,许多人在家里既有浴缸又有淋浴)”可知,空处应是过渡句,前文没有提到淋浴,而后文提到了,所以空处应需提到淋
浴,所以E项“Showers were invented a lot later.(淋浴是很久以后才发明的)”符合主题,且起到承上
启下的作用。故选E项。17.根据前文“Some people swear by showers to wake them up i
n the morning, while others say a bath at night helps them to unw
ind and sleep soundly.(有些人坚信淋浴能让他们在早上醒来,而另一些人说晚上泡澡能帮助他们放松和睡得香)”以及
后文内容,可知本文主要在讨论是淋浴好还是泡澡好,而空处位于首段段尾,应是起到引出下文的作用,所以D项“Are baths bett
er than showers?(泡澡比淋浴好吗?)”符合文意。故选D项。18.分析设空,位于段首,是本段的中心句,根据本段小标题
“Yes — a bath washes the mind and body.(是的,泡澡可以洗净身心)”以及后文“They ar
e a place to unwind, to pause and reflect on the day to come or t
he one that has passed.(它们是放松的地方,是停下来反思即将到来的一天或过去的一天的地方)”可知,此处是在讲
述泡澡不仅仅是洗刷身体,所以F项“Baths are about so much more than cleanliness.(泡
澡的意义远不止清洁)”符合文意。故选F项。19.根据前文“You can choose to relax and do nothi
ng in a bath other than wiggle your toes, or you can learn someth
ing by reading a good book. You can even eat in the bath if you a
re hungry.(你可以选择放松,在浴缸里除了扭动脚趾什么都不做,或者你可以通过读一本好书来学习一些东西。如果你饿了,你甚至可
以在浴室里吃东西)”以及后文“For the first few years of a person’s life, they a
re bathed before bed, not showered.(在一个人生命的最初几年,他们在睡觉前泡澡,而不是淋浴)”可
知,空处是过渡句,从在泡澡中干别的事,到人的最初几年都是泡澡,所以C项“Even babies like baths.(即使婴儿也
喜欢泡澡)”符合文意。故选C项。20.分析设空,位于段首,是本段的中心句,根据后文“Experts recently worked
out that a year of two baths a day costs £438 but a year of two
showers a day costs just £161.(专家最近计算出,每天泡两次澡一年要花费438英镑,而每天洗两次淋浴一
年只需要161英镑)”可知,此处是在讲泡澡和淋浴的成本问题,所以G项“The cost of baths is higher th
an that of showers.(泡澡的费用比淋浴高)”符合文意。故选G项。贵州省贵阳市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末
考试英语试题13~15. 【答案】B、D、A【解析】(1)联系下文题。根据下文On-page SEO. (站内优化)、On-pag
e SEO. (站外优化)及第四段内容可知, 这里介绍了三种SEO类型。B项"在数字营销中有三种主要的SEO类型"符合语境。故选B
。 (2)联系上文题。根据上文On-page SEO. (站外优化)可知此处是在介绍什么是站外优化。D项"它指的是在网站之外进行的
活动, 以提高其排名和可见性"符合语境。故选D。 (3)联系下文题。根据下文It refers to the optimizati
on of a website''s technical aspects to improve its search engine
ranking. (它指的是一个网站的技术方面的优化, 以提高其搜索引擎排名。)可知此处是指技术SEO。A项"技术SEO"符合语境
。故选A。本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了三种SEO的类型。四选三阅读是完成性阅读, 和完形填空很类似, 不同的是一个选词, 一个选句子
。解题时, 要注意上下文语境, 充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词), 选出最符合语境的句子。贵州省黔东南州20
22-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题16.G 17.E 18.F 19.C 20.A【导语】本文是
一篇说明文,主要讲述了保持舌头健康的一些方法。16.前文“Do you know that your tongue is a ke
y part of your oral health?(你知道你的舌头是口腔健康的关键部位吗?)”用问句的形式讲述舌头是口腔健康的
关键部位,空处应具体解释舌头重要的原因,G项“事实上,这是显现感染迹象的首要地方之一。”符合题意。故选G。17.前文“One wa
y to use mouthwash is to swish (使发出嗖嗖声) it around in your mouth for a minute or two.(使用漱口水的一种方法是在嘴里嗖嗖地转动一两分钟。)”讲述了用漱口水的方法,空处应是解释这种方法的作用,E项“这将给漱口水足够的时间发挥作用。”符合题意,且选项中的mouthwash照应小标题。故选E。18.前文“A healthy diet is important for overall health.(健康的饮食对整体健康很重要。)”讲述了健康饮食对身体健康的重要性,后文“It can also help prevent heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.(它还可以帮助预防心脏病、中风和其他健康问题。)”讲述了健康饮食对预防各种疾病也有帮助,所以空处应承上启下,讲述健康饮食的具体作用,F项“它可以帮助你减肥或保持健康的体重。”符合题意,且选项中的“It can help”与下文中的“It can also help”相照应。故选F。19.前文“Green tea has many health benefits. It’s a good source of antioxidants.(绿茶对健康有很多好处。它是抗氧化物质的良好来源。)”讲述了绿茶有许多健康方面的好处,并指出好处之一是喝绿茶可以摄入抗氧化物质,后文“Green tea contains catechins, which can kill bacteria and prevent plaque from forming on your teeth.(绿茶含有儿茶素,它可以杀死细菌,防止牙菌斑在牙齿上形成。)”讲述了绿茶中的儿茶素有杀菌的作用,所以空处应承上启下,讲述绿茶对健康有益的一个具体表现,C项“它还可以帮助改善你的整体健康状况。”符合语境,故选C。20.前文“The tips provided above will help you achieve and maintain a healthy tongue.(以上提供的方法将帮助你实现并保持舌头健康。)”讲述了这些方法有助于保持舌头健康,后文“Start practicing these tips today!(今天就开始练习这些方法吧!)”用祈使句来呼吁读者开始用这些方法,空处应承上启下,A项“那么,你还在等什么?”符合题意。故选A。