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2023-08-01 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
书面表达基本框架P#1. Introduction书信:greeting + purpose议论文:background informati
on + opinion记叙文:background information P#2. Body (TDC)T: topic (1
)D: details (1-2)C: conclusion (1)P#3. Conclusion 书信:Looking forw
ard to your reply.议论文:repeat the ideas mentioned above记叙文:draw a
conclusion or learn a lesson推荐句型(开头段)书信How is everything going wi
th you? Knowing that + 背景, I am writing to + 目的.I am more than de
lighted to receive your letter of...How nice to hear from you aga
in!Thank you for your letter of asking about...I read an advertis
ement in/ on... and for the job working as a...议论文When it comes t
o..., some people think that...., while I am of the opinion that.
..Why do we...? Different people hold different points of view on
...As we know/ As is known us, with the development of..., ... is
playing an increasingly important role in...Just as every coin h
as two sides, ...have both advantages and disadvantages.记叙文On the
Day, all students in our class took part in a special activity a
s volunteers. Last Sunday, on the way to school by bus, I was gre
atly impressed by...On May 4, 2018, the opening ceremony of...was
held in...推荐句型(结尾段)From what has been discussed/ mentioned above
, we may conclude that...Therefore, it is not difficult/ hard to
draw/ come to the conclusion that...On the whole/ All in all/ In
short/ In brief/ In a word, it is high time that something should
be done to...From all the reasons/ considerations above, it is c
lear/ obvious that...Taking all these factors into account/ consi
deration, we may reach the conclusion that...It is clear, therefo
re, that...All in all, what really matters/ counts is that...It i
s essential/ important that effective measures should be taken to
...In conclusion, the most important... is...As a result, we need
to take some effective and practical steps to...Judging from the
figures, it is not difficult to see that...推荐过渡词表时间:at first; th
en; afterwards; later; before; after; at the beginning; at the en
d; in the future; shortly表顺序:first(ly); second; lastly; finally;
last but not least表并列/递进:besides; in addition; what''s more; also;
not only...but also; moreover; furthermore; for one thing...for
another; worse still; even worse; let alone表转折对比:however; on the
contrary; yet; by contrast; by comparison; on the other hand表因果:s
o; as a result; thus; therefore; consequently; in consequence表观点:
in my opinion/ view; as far as I am concerned; personally speakin
g; as for me 表总结:in a word; in short; in brief; in conclusion; al
l in all; in summary; to sum up; to conclude; to draw a conclusio
n推荐词汇同义替换/高级词汇(长单词)/固定搭配(地道用法)/代词使用important: significant/ essent
ial/ vital/ critical/ necessarychance: opportunityso: thereforebu
t: however/ neverthelessvery happy: more than delighted/ pleaseds
ince: now thatbecause: in thatwant: would like tobe used to: be a
ccustomed tobesides: in addition/ additionally/ moreover/ further
more first: first of all/ at first/ first and foremost/ to begin
with/ to start with choice: alternative course: curriculum effect
: influence/ impact result: consequence disadvantage: shortcoming
/ drawback advantage: merit/ strengthway: approach job: employme
nt/ career/ professionbe interested in: have/ show interest in/ b
e crazy about/ be addicted to/ be absorbed in/ be buried in/ be d
evoted to be going to: intend to do/ plan to do use: employ/ make
use of / make good use of be eager to do: long for/ have a great
desire to do believe: be convinced that/ be confidant thatdefini
tely: absolutely/ totallytoo: as well join in: take part in/ part
icipate in/ be involved in/ get involved inhave: possess / in pos
session of bear: stand/ put up with replace: take the place of/
substitute decide to do: be determined to do/ make up one’s mind
to doconsider: take…into consideration/ accountunderstand: figure
out/ find outhappen: occur/ come about/ take placemeet: come acr
oss/ encounterbe meant for: be intended for/ be designed for wond
erful: amazing/ outstanding increase: boost/ advance/ rise/ promo
te more and more: increasing/ rising/ mounting very good: great/
excellentpoor: needy/ poverty-strickenrich: wealthy useful: avail
able/ accessible difficult: challenging/ hard/ tough interesting:
absorbing/ striking/ appealing lucky: fortune beautiful: pretty/
charming for: in favor of for free: free of chargeremember: keep
/ bear…in mind for example: for instance should: ought to/ be sup
posed to/ need to do be bored with: be fed up withbe busy with: b
e occupied with/ be engaged in all kinds of: all sorts of/ a wide
range of look after: take care of/ attend to Dear Jim, How is ev
erything going with you? Knowing that you are interested in Chine
se history, I am writing to share a person with you.My favorite h
istorical figure is called Qu qiuyi, who wrote numerous books. Th
e most famous one called Chinese History Class is one of his mast
erpieces. From this book, I learned a lot, including the source of Chinese culture and the statue of Chinese culture. After reading this book, I got a better understanding of Chinese history. If you would like know more about Chinese history, I can send you that book.Looking forward to your reply.