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选择性必修第三册 Unit 9 Human Biology Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained Reading Club课件
2023-09-22 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Unit 9 Reading Club 1&2 Learning ObjectivesTo summarize informatio
n. Reading club 1Traditional Chinese Medicine(1) Read the textboo
k page 65 carefully and finish the following tasks.Do you know th
e following words and phrases after previewing the text ? Tasks
for Preview____________v.起源 2. __________
__v.逐步发展;进化3.______________n.结合 4.__________
___n.治疗5.___________n.预防 6.__________
9.______________adj.很小的、微型的10.___________n.变体;说法;版本 11.
__________v.反对12.___________ adj.互补的,补充的 13.___________n.力 v
.迫使14.______________由…导致 15._____________
_n.不平衡16.____________n.金属 17.____________
n.土,泥土originateevolvecombinationtreatmentpreventionseparate pract
itionerseparationinteractionminiature versionopposecomplementaryr
esult frommetal forceimbalanceearth Tasks for Preview18.________
____adv.象征性地 19._____________n.现象20._________adj.至关重要的
21._________adj.数量多的,多种多样的 22.________v.治愈 n.
23.___________v.恢复24.______________草药 25
30.__________v.插入、嵌入31._____________n.(长期的)疾病 32.___________
n.僵直,酸痛33.________adj.疼痛的、酸痛的________n. 34._______________按摩疗法min
eral vitalcureherbal medicineingredientextractstimulatephenomenam
ultipleconditionssoremassage therapyacupuncturesymbolicallyinsert
restorestiffnesssorenessRead the text. Explain two of the ancient
beliefs in your own words.For example: The human body is part of
surrounding universe. Qi is an energy that f
lows through the body, performs multiple functions in maintaining
health.Reading club 2DNA Detectives (1) Read the textbook page 6
6-67 carefully and finish the following tasks.Do you know the fol
lowing words and phrases after previewing the text ? Tasks for P
review1.____________n.侦探___________v.侦查 2.___________
__adj.基因的3._______________弄清楚 4.
者 10._________v.质询、问11.________
____n.轮廓 v.概述 12.__________v.目睹 n.目击者13.
___________v.休息;放松;被搁置 14._________v.逮捕15.__________a
dj.次要的,不重要的 16.______________n.暴力事件;冲突detectivefigu
re outdetectweapontrack downincidentgeneticcriminalstoresuspectpr
ofile questionrestminorwitnessarrestvictim Tasks for Preview17._
__________n.坟墓、墓穴 18.____________n.天文学家19._________
__n.头盖骨 20.____________adj.不完整的21._________
___n.骨架 22.___________v.埋葬23.___________n
.识别 24.____________n.自画像25._________n.伤
疤 26.___________v.重建27.__________v.
验证 28.____________n.亲戚29.___________n.
标本、样品 30._________v.揭露31.____________adj.完整的,不受损的
evealintactcontroversy①Read the two letters. Answer the questions
. What were the difficulties faced in each of the two cases?The t
arget people’s identities were unknown. The police and researcher
s had to search for DNA from relatives of the people to confirm their identities.2. What have DNA detectives helped to find?The DNA detectives have helped identify criminals or relationships between people.