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2023-09-28 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
序号 001 financial?burden?/psychological?burden ?经济/心理负担 002 be concerned about 关心… 003 A major source of information 主要信息的来源 004 A unique psychological state 一种独特的心理需求 005 An efficient source of information 是信息来源的快捷途径 006 a series of fruitless attempts 一系列未果的尝试 007 personal interests 个人利益 008 heart and soul 全心全意 009 be confronted with 面临 010 cultural gap 文化差异 011 school rules and regulations 学校规章制度 012 be public-spirited 有公德心的 013 sustainable development 可持续发展 014 be aware of the importance of 意识到…的重要性 015 be?faced?with?new?opportunities?

and challenges 面临新的机遇和挑战 the?inevitable?result?of?social?development 社会发展的必然结果 As far as I?am concerned,/Personally, 就我而言/?就个人而言 be?supported?by?sound?reasons 有充分的理由支持 sense?of?responsibility?/sense?of?achievement 责任感/成就感 sense?of?competition?and?cooperation 竞争与合作精神 be?committed?/devoted? 致力于/?投身于 022 ?convenient?and?efficient 方便快捷 023 in?all?aspects?of?human?life 在人类生活的方方面面 024 a?symbol?of?society?progress 社会进步的体现 025 people?/those?in?favor?of?the?former/?latter opinion 持前/后种观点的人 026 to some extent/degree/in some way 在一定程度上 027 an?irresistible?trend?of 必然趋势

001 the?increasingly?fierce?social?competition 日益激烈的社会竞争 002 immediate?interest/?short-term?interest 眼前利益 003 interest?in?the?long?run 长远利益 004 Views?on…vary?from?person?to?person. 对…的观点因人而异 005 both?physically?and?mentally 身心两方面 006 be?directly?/indirectly?related?to… 有直接/间接关系 007 compared?with…in comparison?with 与…比较 008 environmental?protection

environmentally?friendly 环保(的) 009 Unshakable?duty 不?可?推?卸的?义?务 010 be?beneficial?/conducive?to 对…有益 011 a?complicated?social?phenomenon 复杂的社会现象 012 the?rapid?development?of?economy 经济的快速发展 advanced?science?and?technology 先进的科学技术 It?is?undeniable?that…

There?is?no?denying?that… 不可否认 be an obstacle/barrier to success/growth 阻碍了成功 016 what really matters/counts is 真正重要的是 017 be confronted (faced) with difficulty 面临困难 018 be indispensable( important/vital )to 对……很重要 019 A never surrender attitude 永不屈服的精神 020 unconditional support 无条件支持 021 be attractive to somebody 对…具有吸引力 022 scope of knowledge 知识面 023 comprehensive knowledge 广博的知识 024 education for all-round development 全面发展教育 025 thinking capacity 思考能力 026 comprehensive knowledge 全面的知识 027 be fully aware of… 充分意识到…

001 precious gift 宝贵的礼物 002 positive influence on young people 对年轻人有正面影响 003 under stress 承受压力 004 be replaced 被淘汰 005 an eye-opening experience/ an eye opener 打开眼界的事情 006 turning point 转折点 007 mental satisfaction 精神满足感 008 Parents are obliged to do… 父母有责任、义务去做。。。 009 critical thinking 批判性思维 010 powerful means of communication 有力的交流工具 011 increase flexibility 提高灵活性 012 mutual understanding 相互了解 013 alienation of affection 感情疏远 014 be sick of 对…厌倦 015 be detached from reality 与现实隔绝 016 be disadvantageous to … 对…不利 017 survival of the fittest 适者生存 018 be deeply impressed with … 对…印象很深 019 promising future 光明的前途 020 bright prospect 光明的前景 021 a harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系 022 be closely related to … 与…息息相关 023 in the long run 从长远角度而言 024 population explosion 人口激增 025 be attributable to 归因为… 026 be confronted with… 面临着… 027 a feasible measure 一种可行的措施

001 traffic conditions are worsening=deteriorating 交通状况恶化 002 traffic regulations=codes 交通规则 003 heavy traffic 拥挤的交通 004 carpool 拼车 005 subsidise=fund public transport 补贴公交 006 vicious cycle 恶性循环 007 Be harmful to our physical and mental health 对我们的身心健康有害 008 speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 009 opposite forces 负面影响 010 a fatal breakdown 致命故障 011 potential hazards 潜在危险 012 alternative fuel 可替代燃料 013 a sense of national pride 民族自豪感 014 be abducted by 受…诱导 015 be a great comfort to somebody 对…来说是一个巨大安慰 016 be inconceivable to somebody 对…来说是难以想象的 017 information-explosion society 信息爆炸的社会 018 poor-quality programs 低质量节目 019 psychological illnesses 心理疾病 020 be exposed to… 了解到…接触到… 021 be indulged in… 沉溺于… 022 be addicted to … 对…上瘾 023 be fascinated by … 被…所吸引 024 be dependent on 依赖… 025 be viewed as … 被视为是… 026 be concerned about … 对…担忧/关注… 027 pollution-free fuel 无污染燃料

001 non-renewable resources 不可再生资源 002 the number of car ownership 汽车拥有量 003 major cause 主要原因 004 be tempted into an unhealthy lifestyle 从而过上一种不健康的生活方式 005 fake and exaggerated information 虚假信息 006 be deceptive and misleading 具有欺骗性和误导性 007 cultural treasures 文化宝藏 008 cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流 009 visual enjoyment 视觉享受 010 driving force 驱动力 011 spiritual civilization 精神文明 012 cradle of culture 文化摇篮 013 cultural traditions 文化传统 014 local customs and practices 风土人情 015 be closely interrelated with… 与…有密切关系 016 cultural devolution 文化退化 017 a thrilling experience 一种令人激动的经历 018 cultural insight 文化视角 019 mainstream culture 主流文化 020 national pride 民族自豪 021 be keen on sth 喜爱,渴望,热衷于 022 Keen competition 激烈竞争 023 Keen price 低价,薄利的价格 024 Culture infiltration 文化渗透 025 be reluctant to do=unwilling to do= 不情愿做某事 026 be disinclined to do 不情愿做某事 027 be skeptical of 怀疑

001 Social climate 社会风气 002 ?it is unwise to overemphasize its power 不要过度强调其作用 ?indifference and alienation 冷漠和隔阂 ?Traditional patterns will not vanish. 传统方式不会消失 a balance between the virtual world and the real one 虚拟世界和现实世界间的平衡 globalization, cultural blending is a trend 全球化、文化融合是一种趋势 cultural values 文化价值观 form a part of traditional heritage 是传统遗产的一部分 one''s everyday life upside down 日常生活颠倒 ?Some sub-health symptoms emerge. 出现亚健康症状 alienation of affection 感情疏远 012 be sick of … 对…厌倦 013 family attachment 家庭归属感 014 be fascinated by … 被…所吸引 015 emotional bond 感情纽带 016 be detached from reality 与现实隔绝 017 population explosion 人口激增 018 a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升 019 on the brink of … 处于…边缘 020 stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病 021 pressure of modern life in city 城市生活压力 022 be attributable to … 归因为… 023 be confronted with… 面临着… 024 a feasible measure 一种可行的措施 025 By no means 绝不 026 027

