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2023-10-05 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
跟着高考英语试卷背单词(1)【段落选自:2023年新高考II卷 Para 1】Turning soil, pulling weeds, an
d harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middle and high sc
hool kids. And at first it is, says Abby Jaramillo, who with anot
her teacher started Urban Sprouts, a school garden program at fou
r low-income schools. The program aims to help students develop s
cience skills, environmental awareness, and healthy lifestyles. 【
harvest】 /?ha:rv?st/ n.收获;收获量,捕获量;成果,收获 v.收割,收获;采集,搜集;收采(人的器官、细胞等
)【单词搭配】harvest time 收获季节the grain harvest 谷物的收成a good/bad harvest
(= a lot of crops or few crops) 丰收;歉收【program】/?pr??ɡr?m/n.(计算机)
>课程,大纲v.(给计算机)编写程序,设计程序;设置,预设;使……有倾向;为……安排节目【单词搭配】1. Load the pro
gram into the computer. 把程序输入电脑。2. an intense training program 强化
培训方案3. the university''s graduate programs 大学研究生课程4. a TV program
电视节目【aim】/e?m/n. 目标,目的;瞄准,对准;枪法,击中目标的能力v. 瞄准,对准;旨在,致力于;针对,指向【单词搭配
】1. the aims of the lesson 本课教学目标2. She went to London with the a
im of finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。3. aim at doing sth 力求达到;力争做到4. a
im to do sth 目的做某事【aware】/??wer/→此处考查的是aware的名词:awarenessadj. 知道的
,明白的;察觉到的,意识到的;有……意识的,有……知识的【单词搭配】as far as I''m aware 据我所知acutely
/painfully?aware?深切地/痛苦地认识到 be aware of... 意识到...be aware 对...有很强
的意识【段落选自:2023年新高考II卷 Para 2】Jaramillo’s students live in neighbor
hoods where fresh food and green space are not easy to find and f
ast food restaurants outnumber grocery stores. “The kids literall
y come to school with bags of snacks and large bottles of soft dr
inks,” she says. “They come to us thinking vegetables are awful,
dirt is awful, insects are awful.” Though some are initially scar
ed of the insects and turned off by the dirt, most are eager to t
ry something new. 【outnumber】 /?a?t?n?mb?(r)/vt. 数目超过;比……多【单词用法】及
物动词→直接加比什么东西多就行了【单词例句】Men still outnumber women in the paid workf
orce. 在上班挣钱的人口中,男性仍然多于女性。Here the poor greatly outnumber the wea
lthy. 在这里,穷人的数量远远超过富人。【awful】/???f(?)l/adj. 让人讨厌的,糟糕的;骇人听闻的,可怕的;生
病的,不舒服的;非常的,很多的awful表示“生病的”:to look/feel awful?(= to look/feel il
l)?面带病容;感到很不舒服 awful可以表示“非常的”:it''s going to cost?an awful lot of?
money.?这要花非常多的钱 3.还可以做adv,相当于very:Clint is awful smart.?克林特机灵极了。
【initial】/??n??(?)l/adj. 开始的,最初的;(字母)位于词首的n. (姓名的)首字母·in the init
ial stages (= at the beginning) of the campaign 运动的最初阶段? Just wri
te your initials. 写下你的姓名首字母即可【turn off】1.关闭:将电器、灯等设备从开启状态转为关闭状态。·
Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.离
厌烦以及失去兴趣。【段落选自:2023年新高考II卷 Para 3】Urban Sprouts’ classes, at two
middle schools and two high schools, include hands-on experiments
such as soil testing, flower-and-seed dissection, tastings of fr
esh or dried produce, and work in the garden. Several times a yea
r, students cook the vegetables they grow, and they occasionally
make salads for their entire schools. 【hands-on】/?h?ndz ?a:n/adj.
动手的,实际操作的;事事过问的,事必躬亲的;允许触摸的;(需)键盘操作的? hands-on computer training
计算机操作培训? to gain hands-on experience of industry 获得勤劳工作的实际经验【dis
section】/d??sek?n /n. 解剖,切开;解剖体;详细查究·Researchers need a growing s
upply of corpses for dissection.研究者们为了解剖需要越来越多尸体。·Your enjoyment
of a novel can suffer from too much analysis and dissection. 对一部小
说过多的剖析可能会影响你对它的欣赏。【occasional】/??ke???n(?)l/adj. 偶尔的,不经常的;(家具)特定场
合才使用的·He works for us on an occasional basis. 他在我们这里做临时工。? I enjo
y the occasional glass of wine. 我喜欢偶尔喝一杯葡萄酒【段落选自:2023年新高考II卷 Para
4~5】Program evaluations show that kids eat more vegetables as a
result of the classes. “We have students who say they went home a
nd talked to their parents and now they’re eating differently,” J
aramillo says. She adds that the program’s benefits go beyond nut
rition. Some students get so interested in gardening that they br
ing home seeds to start their own vegetable gardens. Besides, wor
king in the garden seems to have a calming effect on Jaramillo’s
special education students, many of whom have emotional control i
ssues. “They get outside,” she says, “and they feel successful.”【
evaluation】/??v?lju?e??n/n. 评价,评估1.He?got?a good?evaluation.??他得到
one?framework.??科学评估的正式程序提供了一个框架【benefit】/?ben?f?t/n. 好处,益处;救济金,补
助金;额外奖励,保险金;慈善活动v. 对(某人)有用,使受益;得益于,得利于1. had the benefit of 得益于..
.2. for sb''s benefit 为了某人的利益3.He''s not entitled to claim unemploy
ment benefit. 他无权要求领取失业救济金4.He couldn''t see the benefit of arguing any longer. 他看不出再争论下去有什么好处【emotional】/??m????n(?)l/adj. 情感的,情绪的;激动人心的,有感染力的;情绪激动的(尤指哭泣)emotional problems/needs 情感问题╱需求 emotional support 情感支柱get emotional 动感情an emotionally charged atmosphere 群情激昂的气氛