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2023-10-18 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
读后续写 Carl lost his job. He tried to find another one but
it wasn’t easy. As a result, the poor fellow couldn’t
pay his bills and he couldn’t even find anybody to lend
him any. Carl spent most of his days at home. Somet
imes he looked out of the window and watched his neighb
our’s house. An old professor lived there alone. Strangely
, he hardly talked to his neighbours. Carl could see into
the professor’s house because he never drew the curtain
. The rooms were full of antique(古董) furniture and vases.
Carl thought, “If I got an antique vase, I could sell
it for a lot of money.” Every day Carl saw the pro
fessor. He left at 10 o’clock in the morning and came
back home at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. He had a dog.
Carl often went to the fence and played with it or gav
e it a piece of meat. One day Car thought, “I will g
o into the professor’s house and steal a vase. I will br
eak the window and climb in.The dog is not a problem.”
There was an old gun in the cellar.It had been hi
s great grandfather’s favourite thing a long time before.
Carl didn’t want to use the gun but he thought, “Anythi
ng could happen.” He wanted to hide the gun under his
coat but it was too long so he had to cut the end
off with a saw. The next morning he watched the profe
ssor leaving home at 10 o’clock.Carl climbed over the f
ence.The dog ran to him and Carl gave it a big bone. H
e threw a piece of stone through the window, (which brok
e.) It wasn’t high.He could climb into the house easily.
He looked around inside.There were paintings on the wa
lls,small figures and vases on the shelves and the floor
.Carl didn’t know much about arts. He couldn’t choose. He
reached his hands towards a big vase when heard a no
ise. The front door opened and someone entered the house.
What/ HowWhen/ WhereWhoWhy 文本解读SettingCharacterPlotTheme Whenwhow
hereone morningCarl & a professorNarrator叙事者“third person”
perspective 第三人称视角Tense : ________________Simple past tense 文本解读
SettingCharactera professor’s houseCharacter analysisDetails.文本
解读.... Carl lost his job. He tried to find another one b
ut it wasn’t easy. As a result, the poor fellow couldn’t
pay his bills and he couldn’t even find anybody to le
nd him any. ...The rooms were full of antique(古董) furnitu
re and vases.... ..... He wanted to hide the gun under
his coat but it was too long so he had to cut the
end off with a saw....Carl didn’t know much about arts.
He couldn’t choose.... Work out the conflict or the climaxBegin
ningDevelopmentConflictClimax /Ending Carl could see into the
professor’s house because he never drew the curtain. The
rooms were full of antique(古董) furniture and vases. Reme
mber to solve the conflict.Carl lost his job. He tried to f
ind another one but it wasn’t easy. As a result, the po
or fellow couldn’t pay his bills and he couldn’t even f
ind anybody to lend him any.文本解读+创设情境He reached his hands
towards a big vase when heard a noise. The front doo
r opened and someone entered the house.PlotA. an enterpri
sing young man---Carl.B. a learned professor.C . a thou
ght-provoking story about a lazy and greedy you
ng man. ...There was an old gun in the cellar.It had
been his great grandfather’s favourite thing a long time
before. .... ..He wanted to hide the gun under his coa
t but it was too long so he had to cut the end off
with a saw......clue 线索文本解读+主题探究Theme 【Paragraph 1】 It was
the professor. He had forgotten to take an important doc
ument with him.. . .?根据第1自然段给出的首句, 可以判定:第1段开头应该是Carl,the thief
和professor迎面撞上,矛盾升级。 创设情节突出主题Analyze the 2 given sentences and th
e original passage Add some details by raising questions 根据第
2自然段首句 The professor was scared. 可以判定:第1段结尾处应该描写到Carl用枪指向了教
授。 【Paragraph 2】 .? Analyze the 2 given sentences and the ori
ginal passage Add some details by raising questions
The professor was scared. 根据第2自然段首句 可以判定:第2段正常
如何波折,方能达到如是效果。 所闻外貌描写环境描写语言描写动作描写心理描写情感描写所见所做所感Appearance/Surroun
dings Conversations/LanguagesBehavior/Actions/VerbsEmotions/ Fee
lings通过细节描写呈现出情节的________跌宕起伏UP---DOWN--UPUse the descriptive tec
hniques to enrich the details创设情节突出主题 【Paragraph 1】 It
was the professor. He had forgotten to take an important
document with him.Carl became so afraid that he pulled
out the gun [without thinking. ]The professor came into
the room and saw him. “What are you doing in my house?
” He asked surprisingly and angrily. “I haven’t stolen any
thing. Just let me go or I will shoot,” cried Carl, [poin
ting the gun at the professor [with his trembling hands.
]心理描写范文赏析动作行为描写心理描写 【Paragraph 2】 The professor was s
cared. Suddenly, he burst into laughter. “With that gun ?”
asked the professor. [Strangely], he didn’t seem frightened
of Carl any more. He continued, “You can’t shoot with tha
t antique gun.You should have put it in the museum actually.” “Is this really an antique gun ?” asked Carl. “How much is it worth ?” “It was worth about 17000 dollars,” said the professor. “But now you can get only 100 dollars for it.” “Why ?”asked Carl.The pfessor replied, “Because its end is missing.”语言描写升华主题THANK YOU!