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2023-10-28 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 





Today is Friday, October 27, 2023, the weather is fine, the temperature is 21-35°. Wang Zhiwen has a famous line: "There are two sets of rules in the world: one is bright and the other is dark." Ming''s set is for screws to see, looks very reasonable, difficult to use. The dark one is for smart people. It looks crude and ugly, but it does more with less." Some people ask: What is the essence of the walking society? The essence of the walking society is the sense of the world, the sense of the world is the exchange of courtesies, interpersonal relationships are happy cooperation, this is life. What is the essence of worldly wisdom? So, what''s a favor? What''s an accident?

"Human feeling" is the common feeling of human beings, to put it bluntly is human nature. In reality, there are no absolute good people and bad people. A man helps you or hurts you, depending on the circumstances. Human nature is to seek advantage and avoid harm, if the interests are consistent, a bad person, even your enemy, may help you; If there''s a conflict of interest, a good person, even a relative, could be in trouble, wouldn''t you say?

Therefore, human nature can not stand the test, people must always think about adapting to human nature.

"Accident" is a thorough understanding of the law of the operation of things, to understand the past, present, and future. So it is the story, including history, including your own experience, understand human nature, understand the law of things, this is human accident.
