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2024-05-21 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。选择题部分 共100分I.听力测试(3
0分)A)听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。1.A.My hat is on the sofa . B
.His uncle is a math teacher . C.It’s time to have dinner .2.A.W
e don’t need eggs . B.She isn’t a teacher . C.The water isn’t c
lean. 3.A.Did you go to the zoo ? B.Does he play soccer ? C.Do
they often go fishing ? 4.A.Let’s take a bus there . B.Do what y
ou like . C.Welcome to Jinan !5.A.What did he say ? B.Who won th
e first prize ? C.When is the competition ?B)在录音中,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后
有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。6.What does Lucy want to b
e in the future ?A.A football player . B.A doctor . C.An astron
aut .7.What was Lily doing just now ? A.Washing the dishes . B.F
olding the clothes . C.Sweeping the floor .8.How will Ted buy ve
getables ? A.By shopping online . B.By ordering from farmers .
C.By going to the shop .9.What is the possible relationship betwe
en the two speakers ? A.Waiter and customer . B.Doctor and patie
nt . C.Taxi driver and passenger .10.What does the girl mean ?A.
She won’t go climbing this time B.She thinks going climbing is ti
ring .C.She wants to clean the house .C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题,从每
1.Who was Mary angry with ?A.Her father . B.Her classmate . C.H
er cousin .12.What did Mary lend to her cousin ?A.A pen . B.A ru
ler . C.A book .13.Did Mary call her cousin ? A.Yes,she did B.
No,she didn’t . C.We don’t know .14.Where will they go next Sund
ay? A.The children’s home B.The old people’s home . C.The cous
in’s home .15.How are they going there ?A.By bus . B.By car . C.
By bike .D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。听短文前,你
将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后,你将有40秒钟的答题时间。短文听两遍。16.How old is the speaker ? A.
13 years old . B.14 years old . C.15 years old .17.Why did the
speaker stay at home for three months ?A.Because she had a seriou
s illness .B.Because she looked after her mother .C.Because she m
oved to a new city .18.When did the speaker go back to school ?A.
Last Monday . B.Last Wednesday . C.Last Friday .19.How did the
speaker feel when Eric offered her help ?A.Bad . B.Surprised .
C.Worried .20.What does the speaker mainly talk about ? A.Being t
hankful to parents . B.Kindness is around us . C.Try our best t
o learn .II.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(4
0分)A I am Garrison.I live on a small farm in Kenya.As a child,I
enjoyed trying new ideas.Sometimes I could make my own inventions
,such as electronic toys from car parts and peach-picking sticks.
I also made other useful daily things for my neighbors . At the
age of 13,I invented something that changed my life.One night,a l
ion came into my family’s farm and killed one of our cows.I was a
ngry.So I decided to " invent " a solution . The first idea I go
t was to use fire,because I thought the lion was scared of fire.B
ut I came to know that didn’t help,because it was even helping th
e lion to see through the cowshed . And a second idea was to use
a scarecrow. I was trying to trick the lion into thinking that I
was standing near the cowshed.But the lion was very clever.It ca
me the first day,saw the scarecrow,and went back.But the second d
ay,it came and found that the scarecrow didn’t move.It was always
there ! So the lion jumped in and killed another cow .However,on
e night,I was walking around the cowshed with a flashlight.To my
surprise,the lion didn’t show up.Then I realized that the lion wa
s afraid of a moving light.So I had an idea21.What was Garrison i
nterested in when he was a child ?A.Tricking neighbors . B.Look
ing after cows .C.Making car parts . D.Trying new ideas .22.How
many ideas did the writer have to solve the problem ? A.1 B.2 C
.3 D.423.How did the writer finally make the lion go away ? A.Us
ing a stick . B.Using a moving light . C.Using fire . D.Using
a scarecrow .24.According to the passage,which word can best desc
ribe the writer ?A.Creative . B.Thankful . C.Honest . D.Outgoin
g .25.What is probably the best title of the passage ?A.No pains,
no gains . B.Love animals,love life .C.It is never too old to le
arn . D.Using your brain makes a difference .BThe summer vacatio
n is coming.It’s time to relax.Come to join us.76.How long will t
he summer camp last ?A.For three days . B.For five days . C.For
a week . D.For a month .27.How much should a group of 6 teenage
rs'' from China pay for the summer camp ? A.$125. B.$170. C.$750
. D.$1,020.28.What can teenagers do at the summer camp ?①make fo
reign friends ②attend WYA training ③travel to Asia - Pacific cou
ntries ④take part in team-building activities A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①
②④ D.①③④29.What can we know from the text ?A.People of all ages c
an take part in the camp . B.People from any country can apply fo
r the camp . C.People can only call to learn more about the camp
. D.People should apply two months before the camp starts .30.Whe
re is the text mostly from ? A.A geography textbook B.A researc
h report . C.A travel guide D.A sports magazine .CYou must hav
e read or heard of the sad love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin D
aiyu.But can you imagine the singing opera in English instead of
speaking poetic Chinese ? Jia and Lin are two characters from th
e classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions, written by Cao X
ueqin.Now the book has been made into an English-language opera.A
fter being performed in San Francisco,the US,the performance came
to Beijing,Changsha and Wuhan in 2017. Many of the opera’s crea
tors have backgrounds in both Chinese and American cultures,inclu
ding the director and dramatists.Their understanding of both cult
ures helped them change a Chinese classic into a foreign-language
opera . The book,which covers the rise and fall of the Jia fami
ly,has 120 chapters and hundreds of characters.But opera writer D
avid Henry Hwang cut down the number of characters to just seven.
Hwang,a Chinese-American,focused on the love story between Jia an
d Lin and tried to write a tragedy (悲剧) that everyone would under
stand . The art director Timmy Yip,from Hong Kong,tried to help
foreigners understand the characters by using costumes and stage
decorations.He compared Lin to water and gave her a light green c
ostume.When Lin showed up on stage,there was usually water around
her . The creators considered the work of introducing a Chinese
classic to foreigners was worth doing.Hwang told China Daily he
was happy to " have made a contribution to the land where my pare
nts were born ".31.Where was the opera first performed ?A.In Beij
ing . B.In Changsha . C.In San Francisco . D.In Wuhan .32.What
do we know about A Dream of Red Mansions from Paragraph 4?A.It i
s about the rise and greatness of the Oine Dynasty .B.It tells th
e happy-ending love story between Jia and Lin .C.The Chinese book
is long and rich in characters .D.The Chinese book has seven cha
racters in total 33.Lin wore a light green costume to help foreig
ners understand her .A.dressing style B.character C.appearanc
e D.life habits34.What can we infer from the passage ?A.A Dream
of Red Mansions was translated into French .B.David Henry Hwang’s
parents were both born in America .C.The English - language oper
a was on tour in the US D.Timmy Yip knows a lot about Chinese and
American cultures .35.What do creators of the opera think of the
ir job ?A.Difficult and unbelievable . B.Stressful and hard .C.Sa
tisfying and meaningful . D.Painful and challenging .D①More rese
archers are turning to artificial intelligence to monitor ( the e
nvironment and save endangered creatures.Unlike traditional metho
ds that can dam:the environment or require much time and physical
work,Al has the ability to quickly and effectively deal with a l
arge amount of data .②Creatures are disappearing at a speed thous
ands of times faster than that millions of years ago,with one mil
lion creatures endangered.The United Nations set a goal in 2020 t
o guard at least 30% of Earth’s land and oceans by the end of 203
0." Al is imperfect but could make important discoveries faster a
nd earlier ," says Nicolas Miailhe,founder of The Future Society,
an organization that aims to better manage Al ." We need skilled
humans to design Al models and check and collect data ."③A type o
f Al model called a convolutional neural network was been develop
ed to recognize (识别) bird sounds.The CNN is able to pick out 75 k
inds of the birds ." Our results show that Al has the ability to
recognize birds in the wild from sound ," says Muller,the team le
ader ." All that is needed now is more training data collected by
humans ."④Besides monitoring creatures in real time,Al can be us
ed to model the jmpacts of human activities on the environment an
d rebuild historical changes.Researchers have used Al to discover
how a century’s environmental damage in a river has led to creat
ure loss.⑤Although human activities have resulted in creature los
s in rivers and lakes,little known about which activities have th
e largest impact ." Al will do soon ," says Luisa Orsini,a resear
cher from the University of Birmingham .36.Which is true about Al
used in monitoring the environment ?A.lt is being in fashion and
widely used . B.It does the job quickly and effectively .C.Much
time and physical work are needed . D.It docs more harm to the en
vironment .37. What can we infer from Nicolas Miailhe’s and Mulle
r’s words ?A.Al’s ability is a lot greater than human’s .B.Al wil
l be able to recognize bird sounds in the future .C.Al can deal w
ith everything faster and earlier .D.Al’s ability can be better a
chieved with human supports .38.What docs the underlined word " i
mpacts " in Paragraph 4 mean ? .Influences . B.Choices . C.Adva
ntages . D.Purposes .39.What is the structure of the article ?A.
①/②③④/⑤ B.①/②③/④/⑤ C.①②/③④/⑤ D.①/②③④⑤40.What is the best title
for the passage ?A.Why Scientific Researchers has Turned to Al .
B.How Al Can Help Save Endangered Creatures . C.Why Al Can Help
with Environmental Protection . D.How Scientific Researches have
Been Changed by Al .III.阅读理解七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空日处的最佳选项。选项中有两
项为多余选项。(10分) Have you noticed that there are more parks in citie
s these days ? From " pocket parks " between communities to fores
t parks in the outer cities,local governments have been making ef
forts to make China’s cities greener . 41These leisure (休闲) spa
ces open up forests so that visitors can walk through nature and
get closer to wildlife ." The city will build more than 50 woodla
nd parks by 2025.In some cities,more companies and universities h
ave chosen to " open their gates ". For example,the Shanghai Rese
arch Institute of Sport Science opened its 1,000 km green land to
the public.The park is joined by historical buildings, 42In Nann
ing,parks aren’t just used for leisure.For one thing,parks have b
ecome a place to spread traditional Chinese cultural to the publi
c,so visitors can watch Nanning’s traditional Yong Opera . 43That
’s why the new Nanning Flowers Park provides several yards for pl
aying ball games,and it often holds fitness activities. 44Take B
eijing’s Central Green Forest Park as an example.The park has rea
ched carbon-neutral (碳中和) since it was opened in 2020. And it als
o fully reuses rainwater and creates green energy for the park .
45They are a people-centered idea and meet people’s needs for a b
etter living experience .A.providing more space for people to hav
e a rest in the area .B.helping people have more time to do exerc
ise in their spare time .C.People in China want more and more par
ks to do exercise .D.Besides meeting people’s needs,parks can als
o be good for the environment .E.As cities in China become greene
r ," park cities " are becoming a reality . F.For another,more lo
cal people choose to go to the park for exercise .G.From 2021 to
2022,Shanghai has turned 62 woodlands into leisure spaces .IV.补全对
话阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)Linda:This party is such a
great idea !Lucy: 46.It’s been three years since we last saw our
junior high school classmates .Linda:It’s interesting to see how
people have changed .Lucy:Billy has changed so much . 47Linda:Ye
ah,his face always turned red when he talked to girls !Lucy: 48Li
nda:Yes,and he used to be thin,too.But look bow big and strong he
is now !Lucy:l also miss our teachers .Linda: 49Lucy:Ms. Griffin
.She encouraged me in English class.She always told me ," You can
do it !"Linda:Me,too.Shall we get her a card or a gift to say th
ank you ?Lucy: 50.Let’s go to see her tomorrow !46.A.1 don’t know
. B.I agree . C.I disagree D.I’m afraid not .47.A.He used to
be creative . B.He used to be outgoing C.He used to be friendl
y . D.He used to be shy .48.A.Did he use to wear glasses ? B.Wh
at does he look like now ? C.Did he use to be strong ? D.What di
d he use to be like ?49.A.Who has changed the most ? B.Which teac
her do you miss the most ? C.Why have they changed so much ?50.A.
Never mind . B.Sorry,l can’t C.Good idea. D.Not at all.V.完形填空阅读短
文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15分) It was the first ti
me Moham went to a restaurant in his new neighborhood.He looked u
p at the menu board,and 51how he could understand what all of the
se strange names meant .Moham decided that he would 52ask the wai
tress for ice cream in a cup.She smiled brightly,wrote down his 5
3and disappeared behind the big glass display case. A moment lat
er,she came back with a tall paper cup . 54it was a long straw (吸
管) and some kind of drink.Moham,quite 55,took the cup and thanked
her,thinking about the possibility that he had used wrong words
." It’s the soda you ordered ," 56said ," an ice cream drink in a
cup ." He smiled at the waitress,pointed at one of the 57in the
display case,and said ," That one,please ,"which seemed to 58bet
ter . Moham took the cake and his unexpected soda to a table and
sat down to eat.Why was it that English had been so 59for him in
his classes in Tunisia,but when it came to 60speaking,he couldn
’t even get what he wanted to eat ?Just then,a girl,who sat at th
e next table and had watched the whole 61.smiled at him and said
," Hey , welcome to our beautiful city ! Don’t feel 62about your
English-you’ll get better at it 63you live here for a while.I’m f
rom Spain,and the first time I tried to order a salad here,I 64wi
th a plate of pig’s feet.At least you got a soda !" Hearing this
,Moham felt much better.He wasn’t the only one and his new city b
egan to feel just a little more like he could call it home . 65to
communicate ,and his new city began to feel just a little more.l
ike he could call it home.61.A.imagined B.wondered C.describ
ed D.remembered 52.A.just B.even C.never D.also 53.A.wish
B.suggestion C.dream D.order 54.A.Above B .Inside C.
Under D.Near 55.A.moved B.bored C.surprised D.tired 56.A.
he B.you C.she D.I57.A.salads B.cakes C.drinks D.str
awberries 58.A.work B.spread C.develop D.read 59.A.special
B.popular C.important D.easy 60.A.slowly B.carefully C.
actually D.honestly 61.A.discussion B.process C.performance
D.argument 62.A.crazy B.hopeful C.bad D.excited 63.A.alt
hough B.if C.because D.since64.A.ended up B.cheered up C
.showed up D.came up 65.A.refusing B.planning C.regretting
D.fighting 非选择题部分 共50分VI.阅读填空阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(15分
)Students are used to speaking putonghua both at home and school.
However,more than 20third-grade students from Changsha66 (start)
learning the local dialect(方言)at school since 2023.Dialect class
es are scheduled 67 Friday afternoon in an after-school service 6
8 (teach) by teachers from universities like Central South class
.And these students University and Hunan Normal University .Apart
from listening,speaking,reading and writing,students can learn a
bout the idioms nursery rhymes (童谣)69 culture behind the dialect
, according to Luo Xinru,one of the teachers of the course from
a university.She thinks it’s 70 (mean) to the children when they
grow up .As the country has been spreading putonghua,many young
children do not learn how71 (speak) local dialects.Different dial
ects play an important part in different72 (area).For example,lea
rning dialects well can help children chat with friends.When old
people have difficulty making themselves understood by others,you
ng children can give73 (they)a helping hand.That’s why the countr
y has started to protect different language resources in recent y
ears . Luo told China Daily that spreading the use of putonghua
and dialects is not opposite ." Protection of dialects is actuall
y to protect the excellent traditional culture.This can help children 74 (good) understand the local history and culture than before . Dialect protection is a new trend (趋势)and it75 (not disappear) in the future ," she said .VII.书面表达(共35分)第一部分情境运用根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或应答。(10分)76.A:Jack, B:Because they are smart .77.A:What will the weather be like tomorrow ? B: .78.A:Were you watching TV when I called you last night ? B:No , .79A: B:Since I bought it 3 years ago .80.A: B:For eating fruit .第二部分写作(25分)凡有所学,皆有可用。在学校的学习和生活中,学到的知识会让你终身受益,明白的道理会让你蜕变成长。请以" What I’ve Learned at School "为题,写一篇英语短文在校刊"英语交流"展示专栏中发表。1.要点:(1)你学到了什么样的知识或道理;(2)你是如何学到的;(3)它对你的学习或生活有什么启发和帮助。2.要求:(1)100词左右;(2)文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称~~What I’ve Learned at School 答案一、听力:1-5: CCAAB 6-10: CAACA 11-15: CBABB 16-20: BAABB二、阅读理解:21-25 DCBAD 26-30 BDCDC 31-35 CCBDC 36-40 BDADB三、七选五:41-45 GAFDE四、补全对话:46-50 BDABC五、完形填空:51-55 BADBC 56-60 CBADC 61-65 BCBAD六:阅读填空:66.have started 67.on 68.are taught 69.and 70.meaningful71.to speak 72.areas 73.them 74.better75.won’t disappear/will not disappear七、情景运用76: why do you like elephants?77: It will be cloudy.78: I was reading a newspaper. / I was reading newspapers.79: How long have you had/owned the dictionary?80: What’s the fork used for?1