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stopdoing sth 停止正在做的事情 stopto do sth 停下来去做另一件事情stop sb from doing sth(补充) 防止某人做某事。borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物 lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人 borrow和lend都是非延续性动词,不能和时间段连用。offer sb sth = offer sth tosb offer 动词提供;both 两者都,用动词复数 all 三者或以上,用动词复数...
Unit 7重点知识梳理。1.Would like sth 想要某东西。sb to do sth 想要××干。3、expect todo sth / sb to do sth / that 从句(不用虚拟语气)Wish to do sth / sb to do sth / that 从句(用虚拟语气)(没有hope sb to do sth结构)Plan 计划打算(1) plan to do sth.11.mind介意 minddoing sth; m...
(Go for it)新目标九年级英语Unit 7 重点短语集锦及训练题新目标九年级英语Unit 7 重点短语集锦及训练题。2. provide sb. with sth. = provide sth for sb. ( )3. be willing to do sth.7. It’s + (for sb. ) to do sth.It’s + of sb. to do sth.It’s time (for sb. ) to do sth.It takes sb. some time ...
provide作动词,意为“提供,供给,供应”,常与介词with连用,providesb.with sth.表示“供应给某人某物”;也可以用于provide sth.for sb.,表示“为某人提供某物”,provide的宾语是被提供的东西,for的宾语是接受这些东西的人等。They offered to help me.provide sb.with sth.= provide sth.for sb.provide“提供;供给;供应”,常用于pr...
be supposed to do sth., take it easy, in general, as soon as possible, be willing to, quite a few, dream of, provide sb. with sth., hold on to,trek through,come true,consider doing.information意为“消息”是不可数名词,be动词应用单数,先排除AB;根据句意,谓语动词make是原形,可知主语应该是复数形式,而news, information, ...
<1>作为动词,hope后面可接动词不定式或宾语从句。(2)辨析:hope与wish.<1>hope与wish后都可接动词不定式,但wish后还可接“sb. + to do sth. ”的结构,而hope则不可以。(2)consider是动词,意为“仔细考虑,深思熟虑,再三考虑”,后面可接名词,从句,副词,接动词时要用v-ing形式。(2)句中的mind是动词,表示“(对……...
新目标英语九年级第七单元单元知识讲解1-4新目标英语九年级第七单元单元知识讲解1-4I hope to go to France some day.<1>hope与wish后都可接动词不定式,但wish后还可接“sb. + to do sth. ”的结构,而hope则不可。1、选B. would like后还可接不定式,构成短语would like to do sth. "想要做某事"或would like sb. to do sth...
Unit7 知识点、短语、句子。1.Would like sth 想要某东西。to do sth 想要干…sb to do sth 想要××干。3、expect to do sth.sb to do sth.Wish to do sth.没有hope sb to do sth结构)(1) plan to do sth.mind doing sth;mind one’s doing sth.Continue to do sth 继续干另外一件事。Continue doing sth 继续干同一件事。...
新目标英语九年级第七单元测试题一.There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t. Why? It could be that they are 14______. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take 15______ care of yourself.2 Why ...
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