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A. doesn''t rain B. rains C. will rain D. won''t rain.A. put up B. put down C. put off D. put out.A. will happen B. happens C. happened D. is happening.A. somebody else B. anybody else C. everybody else D. nobody else.A. not to come B. not coming C. did no...
2013中考英语单选错100题集(含答案)2013中考英语单选错100题集(含答案)A. to cry;to cry B. cry;A. married to B. has married to C. has married D. has been married to.A. will you leave B. to be leaving C. are you leaving D. to leave.married with B. married;been married D. married;...
初中三年英语重点词汇练习填空300题(下)It''s not a very good line.Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful__________(城市)in the world.Father looks very _________(担忧的) today.His father''s coming back ________(使得) him feel very happy.--I ___________(割) one of my fingers justnow.Her dog died last week...
初中英语总复习专项练习—动词时态、语态。A. don''t visit B. didn''t visit C. haven''t visited D. hadn''t visited.46. ----Why didn''t you go to the cinema yesterday?A. won''t go B. isn''t going C. doesn''t go D. didn''t go.5. were watchi...
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