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VRTK 028_CameraRig_RoomExtender该场景展示了物理房间的扩大比例,通过乘以物理步长。VRTK_RoomExtender(游玩区空间扩展)This script allows the playArea to move with the player. The CameraRig is only moved when at the edge of a defined circle. Aims to create a virtually bigger play area. I have added a demo scene to test t...
Height Adjustable Teleporter (VRTK_HeightAdjustTeleport)可调节高度的传送器(VRTK_HeightAdjustTeleport)The height adjust teleporter extends the basic teleporter and allows for the y position of the [CameraRig] to be altered based on whether the teleport location is on top of another object.高度调整传送器继承自基础传送器...
The current available scripts are:当前可用脚本有:Controller Actions (VRTK_ControllerActions)控制器行为(VRTK_ControllerActions)The Controller Actions script provides helper methods to deal with common controller actions. The following public methods are available:控制器行为脚本提供了处理常见控制器行为的帮助方法。
HTC vive SteamVR_TestTrackedCamera代码解析解析如下//======= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============using UnityEngine;public class SteamVR_TestTrackedCamera : MonoBehaviour{public Material material;//定义一个材质,材质是用来放置纹理(Textures)到你的游戏对象public Transform target;//变换组...
【Unity 3D】学习笔记四十一:关节,unity3d学习笔记。关节组件可以添加至多个游戏对象中,而添加关节的游戏对象将通过关节连接在一起并且感觉连带的物理效果。关节一共分为5大类:链条关节,固定关节,弹簧关节,角色关节和可配置关节。角色关节(character joint):可以模拟角色的骨骼关节。关节是一个游戏组件,在导航菜单栏中选择componen...
U3d 射线射线 射线是3D世界中一个点向一个方向发射无终点的线。在unity3d中我们发射的射线一旦与其他的碰撞器发生碰撞,射线将停止发射。在游戏制作过程中我们可以通过判断射线是否发生了碰撞,并且可以判断射线和谁发生了碰撞。Ray.origin:射线起点 Ray.direction:射线的方向 创建一条射线的方法Ray (origin : Vector3, direction : Vector3...
【unity3d游戏开发之基础篇】unity3d射线的原理用法以及一个利用射线实现简单拾取的小例子。5、bool Physics.Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float distance, int layerMask)Raycast(Ray ray, Vector3 direction, RaycastHit out hit, float distance, int layerMask)Raycast(Ray ray, float distance, int layerMask)Raycast(Vec...
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