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初中英语26种情景下的交际用语,太全了,必须收藏!(11) Please say hello to... for me. 请代我向……(8) Yes please. /No,thanks. 好吧。(2) Yes,please. 可以。(3) Excuse me,can you tell me the way to...?(4) Please give/pass me... 请给/递给我……初中英语隶属于三好网,是全国最具影响力的初中英语学习服务平台,每天提供最精准知识...
生活中必备的英语口语0203.1, You must keep it to yourself ,Because that‘’s a secret.你必须守口如瓶,因为那是一个秘密。2,What''s going on?你怎么了?Nothing''s going on 没怎么。3,I will return your book as soon as possible ,never mind ,it can wait.4,You are keeping things from me ,get past nake...
生活中最常用的英语口语(8)1,Don''t worry ,you will get used to it soon 别担心,你很快就会适应了。3,Don''t bury your head in the sand 不要逃避现实。5,She has a beautiful personality 她的个性很好、她的气质很好。7,Don''t be silly ,I am working 别闹了,我在工作。如果你喜欢我的英语视频,记得点...
如何用英语口语安慰你的朋友。2,Don''t worry ,everything will be fine 别担心,一切都会好的。3,Don''t be sad ,let''s look on the bright side 别伤心,让我们往好的方面看。4,Win a few ,lose a few ,that''s life 胜败乃兵家常事,那就是生活。5,Keep your chin up ,you must win next time 别...
旅游出行必备的英语口语。1,I’like a hard sleeper from Beijing to Shanghai 我想要一张从北京到上海的硬卧。2,I''d like a soft sleeper from Beijing to Shanghai 我想要一张从北京到上海的软卧。4,I want to book a round trip 我想要一个往返行程。5,I want to book one way ticket 我想要预订一张单程票。7,You may get a ...
感恩节特辑: 如何用英语口语向别人表达感激。3,You are one in a million 你是一个大好人。4,Thanks to you ,I can catch my school bus 辛亏有你,我才能赶上我的校车。6,I must say thank you to all people who are in my life ,because of you,My life can be so colorful.如果你喜欢我的英语视频,记得点击赞赏,给点小费,谢谢!
入住酒店必备的英语口语。1, I am sorry ,I will arrive late 对不起,我会晚到。2,Can you keep my reservation ?你能保留我的预订吗?3,Is hot water available anytime?热水是随时供应吗?4,I’d like a wake-up call 我想要一个叫醒服务。5,Can you keep my valuables ?我能寄存我的贵重物品吗?6,Can you keep my luggage?
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