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默认规则都使用拒绝iptables -L -n --line-number :查看之前的规则位于第几行 改写INPUT iptables -R INPUT 2 -s -d -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -R OUTPUT 1 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT 此时如果想再放行一个80端口如何放行呢?
ubuntu安装ssh无法连接解决办法(已解决,可连接)网上有很多介绍在Ubuntu下开启SSH服务的文章,但大多数介绍的方法测试后都不太理想,均不能实现远程登录到Ubuntu上,最后分析原因是都没有真正开启ssh-server服务。然后确认sshserver是否启动了:ps -e |grep ssh如果只有ssh-agent那ssh-server还没有启动,需要/etc/init.d/ssh start,如果看到...
diff 比较两个文件夹[root@localhost ~]# diff -urNa dir1 dir2.-a Treat all files as text and compare them line-by-line, even if they do not seem to be text.-N, --new-file In directory comparison, if a file is found in only one directory, treat it as present but empty in the other directory.
# pwd# pwd# pwd# history | tail -444 pwd45 pwd46 pwd [Note that there are three pwd commands in history, after executing pwd 3 times as shown above]47 history | tail -4# export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups# pwd# pwd# pwd# history | tail -356 export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups57 pwd [Note that there is only one pwd command in the...
%idle:CPU空闲时间百分比。plist-sz 进程队列里的进程和线程的数量ldavg-1 前一分钟的系统平均负载(load average)ldavg-5 前五分钟的系统平均负载(load average)ldavg-15 前15分钟的系统平均负载(load average) 顺便说一下load avarage的含义load average可以理解为每秒钟CPU等待运行的进程个数.在Linux系统中,sar -q、uptime、w、top等...
通常,在大内存(6Gb+)服务器上,out of memory killer (oom-killer)也会杀死进程。引用Tom的话“内核使用low memory来跟踪所有的内存分配,这样的话一个16GB内存的系统比一个4GB内存的系统,需要消耗更多的low memory,可能有4倍之多。这种额外的压力从你刚启动系统那一刻就开始存在了,因为内核结构必须为潜在的跟踪四倍多的内存分配而调整...
Coding Recipes.service X does not support chkconfig ?1 – Copy your script into /etc/init.d folder2 – cd /etc/init.d3 – chmod +x myscript4 – Add these lines, including #, right after #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh:# chkconfig: 2345 95 20# description: Some description# What your script does (not sure if this is necessary...
wget执行两次的问题(在用户名密码模式下)参见:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2043811/why-does-wget-return-2-error-messages-before-succeeding从这个用户的说明来看,wget执行两次的原因是由于在执行尝试验证。你可以使用wget -d 打印出详细的交互日志。如果你使用的plain-text的话,你可以使用--auth-no-challenge.
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