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20150906白萝卜我已经有很长一段时间没有进步了,在生存,每天8小时满满的工作,8小时后煮饭洗衣,躺一会就很晚了,不过我已经不看肥皂剧了,可是时间从来就是走的那么快。白萝卜怎么说?网上说在国外如果点radish,上来的一定是色拉,我们国家的白萝卜是white radish。那天很好笑的表达是carrot,大家开玩笑加了个white, white carrot。
20140320新词应届毕业生昨天去了招聘会招应届毕业生,来学一下吧,recruit fresh graduates以前学的忘记了,重新学个,记下来。
20140310mayday三月八日的马航事件到目前为止仍然没有联系,真是沉重。来学习一下mayday。起源于法语m''aider。是一种无线电求救信号,一般重复呼叫三次mayday mayday mayday.飞机故障,氧气罩会掉下来保命,那么氧气罩就是oxygen mask.氧气罩要用力拉才有氧气出来。荒岛有desert island , barren island.
3.8单身女性问题(伤~~)然而专家表示,是约定俗成的社会观念以及通过婚姻实现自我认同迫使单身女性早日嫁人,这也造成了当今社会中现代女性的窘境。A woman who hopes to marry when the time is right.The Trailblazer独辟蹊径女A woman who knows married life is not for her, so she’s trying to break a new kind of path to happiness....
20140306新单词原谅我这么久没学新知识每天给自己打气,每天让心情盛开花朵,阳光明媚!加油雾霾,hazy weather. 或者 hazePM2.5,PM10.知道是什么吗?particulate matter 颗粒物有雾霾当然后口罩,口罩就是mask呵呵,学的不多,记住就好。
the apple of the eye 1219今天学一个新单词吧: Their baby is the apple of their eye.
an attempt 12.18In 201-I had the worst year of my life.The shock and extreme heart break brought me to my knees.The pain was so great that my world just looked desolate.I made an attempt of my own life.I am making friends with beautiful souls.You choose life everyday, but do you choose the life that you love everyday?
the charm of Xiamen11.29Where can you discover the charm of Paris ?
Thanksgiving 11.28Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of a family gather.The hoilday is a time of family reunion.Many people say that this year they are especially thankful for their familes and friends and the good things in their lives.
I LOVE the words11.27Today is the beginning of the Rest of your life.You are the pilot of your life.Lock in your destination, take off to it, from where you are!I grew up in poverty, but I always saw it as a challenge.The good thing is that you can surmount a challenge if you are willing to pay the price.知道目标在哪...
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