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Stars on a Snowy Night 雨雪时候的星辰——原声版2010年3月号美文 2010-3-17Stars on a Snowy Night 雨雪时候的星辰。译文精解:① 题目《雨雪时候的星辰》翻译为Stars on a Snowy Night。③ "一点星光都看不见"译为not a single star in sight, 是句中独立主格, 和not a single star being in sight同。译文用s押头韵(single, ...
Li Xia: Well, this is my house.Jackson: Oh, it''s very...Li Xia: Shoes!Li Xia: Take off your shoes, please.Li Xia: Now, let''s get to work.Li Xia: No time for relaxing, my friend.Li Xia: Don''t drop your 6)chopsticks.Li Xia: And don''t break anything.一个Jackson已经让李霞初尝苦头了,大...
Be Thankful心存感激——原声版2010年2月号美文 2010-3-16Be Thankful心存感激。Be thankful that you don''t already have everything you desire.Be thankful when you don''t know something,for it gives you the opportunity to learn.Be thankful for the difficult times.Be thankful for your limitations,because the...
Flying Solo.Flying Solo独自飞行乐趣多——中学版2010年2月号美文 2010-3-16
On the Road 让人抓狂的日本车名。One Japanese colleague says, "They sound more 9)exotic and culturally deeper than Japanese names, even if we don''t understand the actual meaning of the word." He 10)has a point, though I think the 11)bottom line is this: The vast majority of Japanese involved in namin...
Vanishing Venice 威尼斯之殇。Just ask Mayor Massimo Cacciari about the acqua alta and Venice sinking, and he says, "So go get boots." 在意大利,连灾难都以洛可可式的浮夸姿态呈现、处处都让人惊叹,没有哪个地方的危机比威尼斯来得更美丽。对此,身为哲学家的卡奇亚利说道:"威尼斯不是一个浪漫柔情的蜜月圣地,它是...
I think, looking back, that one of the most fascinating features I remember about Mrs.Adkins was in our group that day and I remember as each of us read, she''d closely listen to us to make sure we did our part.Adkins, upon seeing Tommy''s big grin, began to grow one of her own.我瞟了阿德金斯夫人一眼,...
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