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presneter.messageBoard = viewController presenter.interactor = interactor;}@end@implementation Wireframe+ (void)moveToNextPageOfViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController messenger:(PageMessenger *)messenger { SEL selector = [self selectorOfClass:[viewController class] messengerName:[messenger name]];func([self...
VIPER实践(上)首先在开始前我想说明一点,VIPER架构的核心思想就是把传统庞大的应用结构解构成View, interactor, Presenter, Entity, Routing五个部分,既然是做了解耦合,那各个部分直接应该做到相应的灵活和可重用,这点非常重要,我们在设计View,Presenter和Interactor时要时刻记住这一点。同时示例我只提供了设计思路,并不提供实现的代...
And this can happen, even despite the fact that you are following Apple’s guidelines and implementing Apple’s MVC pattern, so don’t feel bad. There is something wrong with the Apple’s MVC, but we’ll get back to it later.Apple’s MVCRealityRealistic Cocoa MVC。Let’s have a look on the simple playground example:MV...
ReactiveCocoa.RAC(self.logInButton, enabled) = [RACSignal combineLatest:@[ self.usernameTextField.rac_textSignal, self.passwordTextField.rac_textSignal, RACObserve(LoginManager.sharedManager, loggingIn), RACObserve(self, loggedIn) ] reduce:^(NSString *username, NSString *password, NSNumber *loggingIn, NSNumber *logged...
ReactiveCocoa的基本使用方法ReactiveCocoa的基本使用方法。[[RACAble(self, username) filter:^(NSString *newName) { return [newName hasPrefix:@"j"];RAC(self.submitButton.enabled) = [RACSignal combineLatest:@[self.usernameField.rac_textSignal, self.passwordField.rac_textSignal] reduce:^id(NSString *userName, NSSt...
MVVM, Swift and ReactiveCocoa.ReactiveCocoa and Swift.Signals in Swift.As an example, the following binds the searchText property of the ViewModel to a text field’s rac_textSignal property. Whenever the text field is updated, this signal emits the current text, with the binding updating the ViewModel property.nilValu...
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