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Surprisingly, about one third of students are totally against the program.W: I was at the gate at one o''clock.Please wait for the next one.M: Gerry... Was he the one with the dark hair and beard?The bus is not a new one but it does carry one piece of special equipment—a first aid case. I certainly hope we wo...
高中语文文学常识整理一、中国古代文学 (一)、先秦文学 1、上古神话中国古代神话名篇有: 女娲补天、后羿射日、精卫填海、(盘古)开天辟地、黄帝战蚩(chī)尤、刘安《淮南子》等。(三)中世纪文学1、骑士文学 2、意大利文学 但丁(1265-1321)《神曲》 (四)、文艺复兴1、意大利人短篇小说家薄迦丘,著有《十日谈》 2、拉...
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