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void SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *data, int len, int *copy));void SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *sess));void SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(), char *arg) int SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(SSL_CTX *ctx, ch...
wget ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.0c.tar.gztar -zxf openssl-1.0.0c.tar.gzcd openssl-1.0.0c/./config --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/sslmake &&make install./config shared --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/sslmake cleanmake &&make install.http://www.openssl.org/source/o...
/* OpenSSL headers */#include "openssl/bio.h"#include "openssl/ssl.h"#include "openssl/err.h"/* Initializing OpenSSL */SSL_load_error_strings();BIO * bio;SSL * ssl;将指向 SSL 上下文的指针作为惟一参数,使用 BIO_new_ssl_connect 创建 BIO 对象。BIO_get_ssl(bio, &ssl);然后,需要将错误代码...
smtp STARTTLS vs SSL/TLS.TLS is the successor to SSL and the terms SSL and TLS are used interchangeably unless you''re referring to a specific version of the protocol.STARTTLS is a way to take an existing insecure connection, and upgrade it to a secure connection using SSL/TLS. Note that despite having TLS in ...
OpenSSL编程初探1使用OpenSSL API 建立SSL安全通信的一般流程。OpenSSL的密码算法库实现了大部分主流密码算法,包括对称密码算法(AES算法、DES算法、Blowfish算法、CAST算法、IDEA算法、RC2算法、RC5算法与RC4算法)、非对称密码算法(DH算法、RSA算法、DSA算法与EC算法)和信息摘要算法(MD2算法、MD5算法、MDC2算法、SHA算法、SHA1算法和RIP...
数字签名和数字证书到底什么是“数字签名”(digital signature)和“数字证书”digital certificate)?8. 苏珊收信后,取下数字签名,用鲍勃的公钥解密,得到信件的摘要。因此,道格就可以冒充鲍勃,用自己的私钥做成“数字签名”,写信给苏珊,让苏珊用假的鲍勃公钥进行解密。13. 苏珊收信后,用CA的公钥解开数字证书,就可以拿到鲍勃真实的...
Sending Email to Gmail''s SMTP server using TLS and Plain AuthenticationSending Email to Gmail''s SMTP server using TLS and Plain Authentication.I want to connect to gmail smtp server and send Email from my gmail account. as gmail smtp server uses PLAIN authentication and TLS. I connect to gmail smtp s...
Testing SMTP AUTH after STARTTLS.PLAIN and LOGIN make it quiet easy for an eavesdropper to extract the username and password from the network traffic and so I wanted to make sure that SMTP AUTH would only be used over an encrypted SMTP session.$ gnutls-cli --crlf --starttls \ --x509cafile /etc/ssl/certs/my-root-ca.p...
Testing qmail, SMTP and auth | sagredo.eu.Connected to qmail.yourdomain.net.Escape character is ''^]''.220 smtp.yourdomain.net ESMTPEHLO test250-smtp.yourdomain.net250-STARTTLS250-PIPELINING250-8BITMIME250-SIZE 3000000250 AUTH LOGIN PLAINmail from:someone@somewhere.net530 Authorization required (#5.7.1...
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