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NO.29 唇齿摩擦辅音一 [ f ] 外号:唇齿相依摩擦音字母:f 1. fun 娱乐;参考字母组合:ff 5. afford 负担得起;(俚)东西字母组合:ph 7. phone 打电话 8. photograph 照片字母组合:gh 9. enough 足够的;傻笑NO.30 唇齿摩擦辅音二 [ v ] 外号:唇齿相依摩擦音字母:v.练嘴精品句:1. Life is beautiful,but it''s not always sweet...
60:Too early and too late.Why did the young girl miss the train?If you are citing a train, it is always better to be comfortably early than even a fraction of a minted too late.The porter went to fetch one and arrive back with the station master, who produced it with a flourish and pointed out a microscopic ''...
So one''s circle of friends grows.Soon the hobby leads to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to any one country.Over the years, one may well become a authority on one''s hobby and will very probably be asked...
58: A spot of bother.What did the old lady find when she got home?The inspector then asked the old lady to try to check what was missing by the next day and advised her not to stay alone in the flat for a few nights.The old lady though the was a fussy creature, but since the porter agreed with him, she rang up her dau...
57: Back in the old country.Lesson 57: Back in the old country 重返故里 Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。I had come ten miles since leaving the town, and at this point, according to my father, I should be looking at farms and cottages in a valley, with t...
56:Our neighbour,the river.Lesson 56:Our neighbour,the river 河流,我们的邻居 Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。We are lucky in that only the lower fields, which make up a very small proportion of our farm, are effected by flooding, but other farms are less favorably...
Alternatively, if the star were small, the life-supporting planet would have to have a close orbit round it and also provide the perfect conditions for life forms to develop.It is impossible to look for life on another planet using earth-based telescopes.反之,如果恒星很小,维持生命的行星就要在离恒星很近的轨道上运行,...
54:Instinct or cleverness?I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphids.antn. 蚂蚁。即使知道勤奋的蚂蚁生活具有高度组织性的社会里,当看到大群蚂蚁在我们精心准备的午间野餐上爬行时,我们也无法抑制对它们的反感。蚜虫遭到一窝蚂蚁的攻击,蚂蚁从它们身上可以获得一种蜜。我...
Justiteombudsmann. (瑞典的)司法特派员。ombudsmann. (瑞典和英国的)司法特派员。此人官衔为“司法特派员”,但瑞典人一般管他叫“J.O.”,即“司法特派员”。如果公民的意见正确,司法特派员便为他伸张正义。一个住在瑞典乡村的外国人写信给司法特派员,抱怨说他受到警察的虐待,原因就是因为他是个外国人。警察歧视外国人的事在官方...
52: Mud is mud.Lesson 52: Mud is mud 实事求是 Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。If you were to ask Harry what was in the bottle, he would tell you that it contained perfumed mud.Harry does not need to be prompted to explain how he bought his precious bottle of mud.In...
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