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英语四级听力必考短语。5.awfully.awfully nervous 相当紧张;awfully cold 相当冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉。Tom looks awfully nervous.I am awfully sorry.I''d better read one of the articles for the class.I think you''d better find another partner.(2)make it better 让......更好。I''d rewrite the last t...
培养学习英语乐趣的十种办法  1.每周规定一个只说英语(论坛)的晚上,听英文歌曲,看英文电影,连炒菜都用英文菜谱!10.加入沪江英语论坛,沪江英语小组,没事就上去逛逛,聊天灌水。
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