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十三、肱二头肌----原动肌+拮抗肌,屈肘及旋后外前臂,稳定肩关节,并于肘伸直肱骨外旋位时外展肱骨。注解: 1、在手臂上举运动时,原动肌收缩带动手臂上举,拮抗肌放松给手臂上举预留一种可能。原动肌急性损伤或有无菌性炎症时,手臂同样无法上举。3、当拮抗肌急性损伤或有无菌性炎症时,拮抗肌就会在手臂上举时出现“限制性疼痛”症状(拮...
非常难得一见的人体标本解剖(100%的人会收藏)专注3D解剖-每天给您意外的惊喜!我们会持续推出人体解剖知识、医学知识、康复保健知识等文章,敬请关注!需要了解3DBody人体解剖软件相关信息请联系:18321303288 18201138111.长按二维码识别关注微信公众服务号:
The Facial Nerve (CN VII)The facial nerve, CN VII, is the seventh paired cranial nerve.The main trunk of the nerve, now termed the motor root of the facial nerve, continues anteriorly and inferiorly into the parotid gland (note – the facial nerve does not contribute towards the innervation of the parotid gland, which...
Muscles of Facial Expression.This portion of the muscle is primarily responsible for opening the eyelids. The orbital portion is the muscle that encircle the entire eye above and below with it’s fibers forming a complete ellipse around the eyeball with the upper fibers of the orbital portion blending with the Fronta...
Muscles of Facial ExpressionMuscles of the mouth.The Orbicularis Oris Muscle are responsible for closing your mouth, kissing and pouting as well as blowing a hornOrbicularis Oris Muscle.The Orbicularis Oris is the muscle responsible for closing your mouth, kissing and pouting. As the name suggests the fibbers of the ...
It isn’t rooted in science. It actually takes more muscles to smile than to frown. While it’s difficult to determine exactly how many muscles are involved in smiling or frowning — not everyone smiles the same way and uses different types of smiles depending on context — the bare minimum required for a smile is 10 ...
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