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University of California adopts open请选中您要保存的内容The University of California (UC)—the biggest public research university in the world, has decided to adopt a university wide open-access policy for research papers produced by its faculty. The move marks a major victory for open-access proponents and a blow to ...
What is a publisher? 'Ideally: A researchers’ trusted assistant for knowledge discovery, creation, authoring, and dissemination.
50.《中华眼科学(上中下)第2版》 人民卫生出版社 本书是我国老,中,青眼科专家共同完成的一部眼科巨著,代表我国最高水平的眼科经典著作,为我国眼科学的发展作出了新的贡献.51.《实用眼科学(第二版)》 人民卫生出版社 本书除了保留第一版原有的基本内容及风格外,增补了大量眼科临床诊断和治疗的新观点、新知识、新方法,并力求在眼...
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