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But there is also a time span in which one plays his respective roles.At home, he was playing the role of a husband, but in office he was supposed to play the role of a responsible official.He has to play two roles simultaneously, and the part he plays in one of the roles determines the end of the other role.Reacting ...
Do What''s Right Because it''s the Right Thing to DoBy Lana Christian.What motivates us to do right?Doing right because it''s the right thing to do seems to be going out of fashion.When we stop doing what''s right because it''s the right thing to do, we risk losing our own right...
We are given a clear image of success, a seemingly unattainable point in life that everybody is supposed to strive for - the corner office, the fancy trips, and the Mercedes-Benz.Despite this fact, the image of success, the image of the executive in the corner office, has not changed.Maybe it''s up to us, and ...
What is the Sedona Method?This method guides how to analyze an emotion and forgo it in the moment.The Sedona method uses the base of this cycle.The Feeling of Letting GoThe Sedona method relies heavily on the potential of feelings.Uniqueness of Sedona MethodThis method is unique for the following reasons:The Sedona me...
You might look totally different from the way you are on the inside, but if people don''t have the chance to get to know you, all they have to go on is your looks.That means that you might mean to present yourself in a certain way, but other people see it in a totally different way.If you want people to take y...
Ways to Learn to Love YourselfLoving myself isn''t something I''m very good at.I look in the mirror and say, "But... I''m not!" He''ll reply, "Do you think I''m lying to you?" I know he''s not lying: he really thinks I''m beautiful.If you want...
Five Ways to Keep Your Hopes Alive Through Tough TimesWars, natural disasters, economic catastrophes, global warming, nuclear proliferation.If one dwells on all the bad things going on these days, one can''t help but feel like things are becoming a little bleak.Sure, there are always outside forces that might ...
Healing the Wounds of RejectionThe fear of being rejected leads the decisions-making process of most people.This way Satan planted the seed of his evil work and Adam as well as Eve rejected God.There are deep wounds of rejection that go back in your childhood due to situations in your family when you felt rejected, or...
Defense Mechanisms of RejectionThe slavery of rejection is present in everyone''s life to a certain extent.If you found some of these "walls" in your life, ask God to help you forgive those who have first caused them, ask God to heal your heart and give you back the emotional wholeness so that you ca...
However, it is when living alone, gets overboard, that it is termed as loneliness.It''s OKLoneliness is just like any other phase of life.However, on the brighter side, loneliness, just like any other phase of your life, so it is going to pass.Friends ForeverThere is a reason why they say, friends are forever....
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