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Monetary policy is the process to manage the supply of money in such a way, that specific goals such as price stability, employment, etc., are achieved.Central bank verdict to buy government debt instruments make for an expansionary monetary policy, while sales of government debt instruments by the central bank repres...
Economics is a social science and like other sciences, it has its own principles or laws.Basically, there are two types of economics:Internal EconomicsExternal EconomicsInternal economics:Macroeconomics deals with the study of the whole economic system, while microeconomics is the study concerned with the innumerable ...
eBay has redefined how we buy and sell things.AdvertisementIn a recent conversation with a friend of mine, one of us started complaining about how hard it is to sell something on eBay for the amount it''s actually worth.If 3,000 people are selling the same item on eBay and only 1,200 people want that item, the...
The educational pursuit of home economics is attracting male students in record numbers.These are issues that transcend the home and reflect society in every way." But although home ec programs are beginning to include more non-gender-related topics, such as athletic training programs, schools are still working t...
This article aims at comparing Max Weber''s and Karl Marx''s theories to highlight differences in their approach to capitalism.AdvertisementKarl Marx and Max Weber were economists.Although Emile Durkheim and Max Weber are the founders of the modern theory of sociology, Karl Marx''s views on soc...
Keynesian EconomicsIs Keynesian economics, which was used by John M. Keynes to explain why the Great Depression occurred, still as relevant as it was back then?Keynesian economics is basically a macroeconomic theory based on the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, a British economist of the 20th century.According to the Key...
Demand and Supply AnalysisIn the discipline of economics, there are several different types of analysis theories that have been put down by several different economists.More Demand, Less Supply: This condition is known as deficit of supply.In such a situation, there is more demand and less supply, which leads to a ris...
According to this concept, utility can be segregated into two different dimensions, namely total and marginal utility.The law states that "...under normal conditions, the marginal utility that is derived from the successive consumption of units goes on decreasing after a point of satiety, while the total utility ...
Law of DemandThe law of demand defines one of the most important relationships in economics.One very crucial principle of economics is the one that describes the relationship between demand, supply, and prices of a commodity or a service, and is known as the law of demand.Law of Demand Concept.You can clearly see how ...
Fiscal Policy.To sum up the side of monetary policy, let''s just say that the government policy that influences money, supply of money, circulation of money, and availability and cost of credit is the monetary policy.The fiscal policy is not exactly the contrast of the monetary policy, but just a different pol...
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