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A Comparative Study of the Cultural Images in Chinese and English Idioms and Idioms Translation.Then we will analyze the translation of idioms concerning their cultural similarities, cultural differences and translation principles.English and Chinese idioms, closely related to their culture, convey different cultural ...
This paper discusses rhetorical devices of English idioms.The expressions of English idioms are usually forcible, terse and vivid;The rhetorical devices of the idiom can be divided into emphatic repetition, contrast of two alternatives, vivid comparison, allusion and personification.Different rhetorical device used ca...
This paper discusses rhetorical devices of English idioms.The expressions of English idioms are usually forcible, terse and vivid;The rhetorical devices of the idiom can be divided into emphatic repetition, contrast of two alternatives, vivid comparison, allusion and personification.Different rhetorical device used ca...
中英称谓语的差异及其文化背景 (论文)2006-11-19 00:17.中英称谓语的差异及其文化背景。文章试将中英称谓语分为亲属称谓和社会交际称谓,并分别从文化角度审视了这两种称谓在汉语和英语中的差异。【关键词】中英称谓语;一、中英称谓语的分类   中英称谓语大致可分为两类:亲属称谓和社会交际称谓。但由于文化背景不同,中英语在社交类称谓...
英汉习语的文化差异及翻译来源:中国论文下载中心 [ 06-01-26 14:55:00 ] 作者:佚名 编辑:studa9ngns 习语是某一语言在使用过程中形成的独特的固定的表达方式。根据我们的观察,英汉习语之间的多方面差异可归为两类:一是形象意义的差异,一是隐含意义(包括褒贬义)的差异,而它们都是字面以外的意义,是文化差异的具体反映。由此...
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