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作文范文Preventing an Obsession with Dieting.I believe the craving some young women have to copy what is promoted as the ideal figure for a woman is the cause of their obsession with excessive dieting.In conclusion, an obsession with dieting can be prevented by friends and relatives of the dieter as well as an educati...
写作范文Students Should Live on Campus.First,living on campus may be convenient owing to the proximity to the teaching buildings along with other facilities, It is obviously very handy to walk out of one''''''''s dorm and be in the classroom just five minutes later.On the campus where I...
四六级 | 超实用的四六级翻译解题步骤。
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Dialect is a kind of nostalgic thing which makes you homesick.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文。赶紧看下一题的选项,边看边听边做标...
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四六级 | 530个四六级常考固定搭配,赶紧查缺补漏!大学英语四六级就要开考了!抓住最后的复习时间,送你一份四六级常考固定搭配大全,310个四级固定搭配+220个六级固定搭配,突击提分必备,写作翻译都用得上!来源 | 网络(如侵权请联系删除)
四六级 | 英语四六级写作:模板套句 句式精华,裸考必备!
其次,得到到这个正态分布还需要给定一个参照系,按照上图所说,四级考试的常模群体选自全国16所高校,这16所高校到底是哪几所,它没有公布,但网上说的是,北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、复旦大学、中国科学技术大学、北京航空航天大学、中国农业大学、北京工业学院、中国人民大学、北京大学医学部、北 京师范大学、天津大学、哈尔滨工业...
现象阐释法的结构素材主要分为两种:描述现象/图片 1. Recently, the rise in the problem of ______ has aroused public/wide concern.引出观点 1. This picture demonstrates one of the basic theories of philosophy:______ .▌观点引入法。观点引入法常用素材有:引出观点1. “______” is a proverb full of logic, which has been gener...
四六级 | 42组高分替换词 让作文秒变“高大上”“good”、“bad”、“think”,阅卷老师看腻了的写作“常用词”,你还在用吗?想拿高分就赶紧换掉它们吧!四六级写译高分替换词+词组↓↓让你的作文翻译立马脱胎换骨~熟记只需半小时,转走背诵!来源 | 网络(如侵权请联系删除)
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