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意义:人们在制定工作目标或者任务目标时,考虑一下目标与计划是不是SMART化的。——S代表具体(Specific),指绩效考核要切中特定的工作指标,不能笼统;——M代表可度量(Measurable),指绩效指标是数量化或者行为化的,验证这些绩效指标的数据或者信息是可以获得的;即Work Breakdown Structure,如何进行WBS分解:目标→任务→工作→活动。WBS...
Restlet 学习笔记。Restlet是一个Java下的轻量级REST框架。100} 101} 102}103104/** 105* Try to update an item. 106* 107* @param item 108* the item. 109* @param client 110* the Restlet HTTP client. 111* @param itemUri 112* the resource''s URI. 113*/ 114public static boolean updateItem(Item item, Client client, Refe...
git下push失败解决方法当你辛辛苦苦地在Linux下架设好SSH服务器,给账户分配完权限,以为什么都大功告成的时候。$ git clone yourAccout@serverName:/project/.git 克隆服务器的仓库。$ git add .添加当前文件夹下的文件为快照,这里是haha.txt.$ git push origin 推送到远程仓库中,即服务器仓库中。然后,我擦,在Linux服务器下直接进仓库 .g...
正则表达式字符描述\ 将下一个字符标记为一个特殊字符、或一个原义字符、或一个 向后引用、或一个八进制转义符。* 等价于{0,}。例如,''zo+'' 能匹配 ''zo'' 以及 ''zoo'',但不能匹配 ''z''。+ 等价于 {1,}。等价于 {0,1}。{n} n 是一个非负整数。{n,} n 是一个非负整数。&#...
# sudo mount /media/usb# cd /media/usb# git clone ~/annex# cd annex# git annex init "portable USB drive"# git remote add laptop ~/annex# cd ~/annex# git remote add usbdrive /media/usb/annex.# git annex drop *#moved to .git/annex/bad/SHA1:7da006579dd64330eb2456001fd01948430572f2git-annex: ** No known copies e...
>> On 15/04/13 09:32, Bob Edwards wrote:>>> I have been using SparkleShare recently (http://sparkleshare.org),>>> which>>> is a ''Dropbox replacement'' built on all the goodness of git and ssh>>> etc.>> As you are aware, sparkleshare it''s just a ...
git.When Bob needs access to some files, git-annex can tell him which drive(s)they''re on, and easily make them available.All these things can have different files on them, but Alice no longerhas to deal with the tedious process of keeping them manually in sync,or remembering where she put a file. git-annex ma...
Git大文件存储将帮助Git处理大型二进制文件。GitHub宣布,作为开源的Git扩展,Git大文件存储(Large File Storage,简称LFS)的目标是更好地把“大型二进制文件,比如音频文件、数据集、图像和视频”集成到Git的工作流中。在Git LFS出现之前,开发者就已经可以使用git-annex管理大型二进制文件。后者是一个Git扩展,原理和Git LFS类似,把文件...
WebDAV extension · Seafile Server ManualWebDAV extension.Change it to true to enable SeafDAV server.enabled = trueport = 8080# Change the value of fastcgi to true if fastcgi is to be usedfastcgi = false# If you deploy seafdav behind nginx/apache, you need to modify "share_name".share_name = /Your WebDAV...
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