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作为节日的清明节一般翻译为''Tomb Sweeping festival''或者''Tomb-sweeping Day'',扫墓节或扫墓日。Why must we go and sweep the tomb on Tomb Sweeping Day?It reopened to former residents during Qingming, or tomb-sweeping day, in April.Monday was China''s traditional ''Tomb-Sw...
曾证实外星人造访地球时留下的痕迹——“杜立巴石碟”“杜立巴人来自云上,坐在飞行器里。我们的男人、女人和小孩在太阳升起前躲到了洞穴里十次,当他们了解了杜立巴人的语言时,才知道这10新来者的来意是和平的”然而这位“Tsum Um Nui”教授的名字绝对不是个真正的中国名,因此很多人对他的来路和意图产生了怀疑,有人认为这名字可能是虚构的...
Bitcoin is a digital currency used by terrorists and drug dealers, as well as major companies like Microsoft and Overstock.com.Bitcoins have become "the currency of choice for people online buying drugs or other illicit activities," reports Money.com.Coinbase, in San Francisco, runs the world''s larg...
China to allow two children for all couples.China''s family planning policy was first introduced in the late 1970s to rein in the surging population by limiting most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two children, if the first child born was a girl.100 million couples would be eligible under...
VOA Special EnglishBy VOA28 September, 2015.NASA has found lines of "hydrated" salt minerals on Mars. Scientists say these minerals would require liquid water to be created. And where there''s liquid water, they say, there could be life.These dark, narrow, 100-meter-long streaks called "recurrin...
People Showing Concern about Disappearing Plant LifeBy Jerilyn Watson30 April, 2013.Hundreds of thousands of different plants now exist.The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership is warning that up to one hundred thousand plant species could permanently disappear.Last year, Seed Savers Exchange donated two hundred seventy-o...
Allen Penn, who heads Uber’s business in Asia, says that in its first six months in Shanghai, Uber grew faster than it had after launching in New York, Paris or Singapore. Its adoption in Beijing was even faster. “Uber is offering a higher quality standard for a modest premium,” Penn says. “We are seeing growth th...
Uber escapes China taxi app crackdown.0TOTAL SHARES0 HONG KONG (CNNMoney) It looks like Uber has escaped China''s crackdown on taxi-hailing apps.Instead, Uber Black and Uber X partner with licensed local car rental companies -- many of which are state-owned companies -- that already provide services for hote...
Uber在中国遭遇的挑战。要指出的是,快的打车的业务模式和Uber不太一样。To be sure, Kuaidi’s model is different from that of Uber. Its app, which counts 100 million users, is used mostly to hail taxis in some 300 of China’s notoriously congested cities. The company makes no money from those rides, and the hailing app is...
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