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Cholesterol: A fatty substance essential for building cells but can contribute to heart disease when levels are too high. 胆固醇Shrimp has a high cholesterol content, similar to that found in eggs.虾含有高胆固醇,类似于鸡蛋中的含量。Akin to: Resembling or similar to something. 类似于The cholesterol content in shrimp i...
“Coffee, even in a concentrated form, is not likely to cause objective injury to the stomach,” Dr. Cryer said. “And much less at the typical doses in usual beverages.”“咖啡,即使是浓缩咖啡,也不太可能对胃造成客观上的伤害,”克莱尔说。Nonetheless, coffee does have an effect on the gut — it can speed up the colon ...
最近有位小伙伴在国外社交软件上老外跟她聊天句子末尾端会带上字母“x”的,她不知道Thank you x是啥意思?CMB = Call me back 给我回电话。DLTM = Don’t lie to me 别对我说谎。DKDC – Don’t know, don’t care 不知道,不管。JLMK = Just let me know 到时通知我一下.LMK = Let Me Know 告诉我。PCM = Please call me 请打给我。URSKTM = ...
20句治愈系英语句子:每一秒都是一个新的开始。The best way to be happy is just to let go of everything that''''''''s making you sad.Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous...
科普 | “人民币”的缩写竟然不是RMB?缩写是''''''''RMB''''''''难道国际上的人民币的缩写也是RMB?人民币的缩写是''''''''CNY''''''''例句:刚刚说CNY是“Chinese Yuan”的缩写,但其实在老外眼里还有一...
英文漫画:Happiness is... 看完走心了!Happiness is when you forget to do your homework and the teacher is absent.Happiness is a window seat on a bus.Happiness is a family reunion after years.Happiness is waking up alongside the love of your life.Happiness is winning after a competitive round of Monopoly.Happiness is f...
但是,芭比发现很多大牌的口红小伙伴们会知道这些口红的中文,但是不知道它们的英文该怎么去读。口红CL是一个法国时尚品牌,它的全称是ChristainLouboutin,根据创始人的名字命名的。接下来我们一起来学习一下跟“口红”相关的英文吧~①lipstick 口红。表示“涂口红”可以直接用lipstick的,又或者是:wear lipstick和put on lipstick。下次遇...
A man without money is no man at all.Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.Never say die.One man’s fault is other man’s lesson.One’s words reflect one’s thinking.The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all.Wise...
例:例:“The boss expected her new Sales Director to carry the ball through Q3. By Q4, the Sales Director had surpassed her boss''''''''s expectations, not dropping the ball once.”“We had to stop the new sales material from going to press because the boss threw a flag on the field. He...
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