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How Prometheus Gave Fire to MenDLTK''s Countries and Cultures - Greek MythologyHow Prometheus Gave Fire to Men.One chilly winter evening, Zeus gazed down from Mount Olympus and noticed fires burning cheerfully at the hearths of men and women in every village across the land. It did not take him long to realiz...
The Story of Arachne, the WeaverDLTK''s Countries and Cultures - Greek MythologyThe Story of Arachne, the Weaver."No one taught me," Arachne replied. "I learned how to do it as I sat in the sun and the shade; but no one showed me."I have heard it said that all the spiders which have been i...
The Story of Medusa and AthenaDLTK''s Countries and Cultures - Greek MythologyThe Story of Medusa and Athena.Everyone, that is, except Medusa.When Medusa saw the artwork, she commented that the artist had done a fine job considering the goddess''s thick eyebrows -- but imagine how much more wonderful t...
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