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Trojan HorseTrojan Horse:
Siren.Siren:three sisters each with the head of a woman and body of a bird.their beautiful voices lured sailors to their deaths.
Phoenix.Phoenix:the phoenix was a bird that symbolized immortality and rebirth.when the phoenix became old, it would build burst into flame and a new phoenix would be reborn from he ashes.
Medusa.Medusa:one of the Gorgons as punishment, she was made ugly with hair of snakes. One look would turn a man to stone.
Harpy.Harpy:three sisters each with the head of a woman and body of a bird.similar to the sirens, but without the beautiful singing voices.
Griffin.Griffin:body of a lion with the head and wings of an eagle.
Giants.Giants:sons of the titan, Uranus.
Cyclops.Cyclops:demi-gods with a single eye in the center of their foreheads.
Charon.Charon:ferried the dead over the river Styx.
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