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How to Stimulate &Sustain Learner Motivation.Next, I will describe a systematic process for conducting motivational design which includes guidelines for how to analyze your students’ motivational levels and to then prepare strategies based on their motivational profiles.You can not motivate students unless you, y...
媒体与学习- -许多教育行政管理部门以及计算机公司纷纷看好多媒体计算机辅助教学软件的潜在市场与前景,投入巨资开发多媒体教学软件,但是,一个不容忽视的问题是,许多人过分乐观地认为,多媒体教学软件图文并茂、生动活泼,学习效果无疑会大大提高,但是实际情况往往不尽然,就目前而言,多数计算机辅助教学软件设计人员还普遍缺乏对媒体与学...
Media and Learning: A Review of the Debate.Kozma believes that Clark’s view of media as "delivery trucks" creates an "unnecessary schism between medium and method." (p 205) He proposes an alternate theory of learning;Koumi also takes issue with Clark’s notion that media studies should compare &qu...
Media Will Never Influence Learning.We know that the active ingredient in successful media treatments is not the media attributes because in all known attempts to replicate these studies, different attributes produce similar learning results----provided that the required instructional method is present in the compared...
为什么书本学习过程及其学习效果与其他媒体有所不同—书本使用了一套稳定的、固定的字母符号系统—而其他媒体比如录音磁带或演讲,它们传达了同样的语言信息,但使用了不同的符号系统以及一种稍纵即逝的方式?思维模型由符号对象(symbolic objects)或思维实体(mental entities)组成,思维模型和符号系统(如,箭头表示力的方向)的属性以及符...
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