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Eclipse3.0平台与Eclipse2.1平台的一个重要的区别就是,Eclipse3.0平台建立在一个Java框架上,即Open Services Gateway Initiative(OSGi)服务平台.OSGi的采用,使Eclipse走上了完全动态平台的发展道路.本文先简要介绍OSGi框架,然后介绍OSGi框架和Eclipse3.0平台的联系.
BIRT is an Eclipse-based open source reporting platform for web applications, especially those based on Java and J2EE. BIRT has two main components: a report designer based on Eclipse, and a runtime component that you can deploy to your application server.
The SQLExplorer plugin adds a graphical user interface (GUI) to access a database with SQL. With SQLExplorer, you can display the tables, table structure, and data in the tables, and retrieve, add, update, or delete table data.
With the remote debugger provided by Eclipse, breakpoints may be added to the application file, allowing you to debug the application in Eclipse.
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