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每日晨读《要有礼貌》要有礼貌.mp3 来自小学英语 00:00 02:00.You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone who is walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought something nice or your city is very beaut...
小学英语1-6年级常用短语汇总,赶紧让孩子背起来!on Monday morning 在星期一上午。Monday morning 星期一上午。the same hobby 相同的爱好。animal stamps 动物邮票。Ben’s hobby 本的爱好。some hobbies 一些爱好。collect Chinese stamps 收集中国邮票。many beautiful stamps 许多漂亮的邮票。collect stamps 收集邮票。标签:小学英语。...
小学英语写作必背句型,孩子写作满分的秘密!小学英语写作重点句型短语。二、句型。【第一个句子是说明过去的事,be用过去式(was、were);第二个句子是说明现在的事,用一般现在时be(am、is、are)】【这两个句子是同义句,划线部分是一对反义词,第一个句子用否定句,第二个句子用肯定句。】He wasn`t naughty then.It wasn`t fat then.No,they...
小学英语常见反义词汇总大全,快来学习吧!16. big 大的 -- small, little 小的。40. easy 容易的 -- difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的。54. give 给予 -- take 拿走。57. great 伟大的 -- little, small 渺小的。59. hard 艰难的 -- easy 容易的。60. hard 硬的 -- soft 软的。76. light 明亮的 -- dark 黑暗的。119. take 拿走 -- bring 带来。...
Hurry up and get dressed.Don\\\\\\\\''''''''t forget to take out the garbage.If you don\\\\\\\\''''''''t hurry, we\\\\\\\\''''''''ll be late.If you don\\\\\\\\''''''''t hurry,we\\\\\\\\'&...
Don''''''''t forget to take out the garbage.It''''''''s your turn to take out the garbage. (garbage也可以用trash和rubbish替代。)If you don''''''''t hurry, we''''''''ll be late.If you don...
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