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Limelight Hydrangea.An exciting hardy Hydrangea from Holland, ''Limelight'' has unique bright chartreuse blooms in mid-summer.that hold bright and refreshing color right into autumn when the blooms change color to a rich deep pink.The autumn display of chartreuse and pink blooms on the same plant is br...
Macrophylla Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla is a species of flowering plant in the family Hydrangeaceae, native to China and Japan.It is a deciduousshrub growing to 2 m (7 ft) tall by 2.5 m (8 ft) broad with large heads of pink or blue flowers in summer and autumn.[1] Common names include bigleaf hydrangea, fr...
Pruning Hydrangea.Method I is for hydrangea types that bloom on OLD WOOD. ("Old Wood" are stems that have been on the hydrangea since the summer before the current season. "New wood" are stems that developed on the plant during the current season) This group of hydrangeas produce flower buds on hyd...
Thyme-百里香。These flavonoids increase thyme''s antioxidant capacity, and combined with its status as a very good source of manganese, give thyme a high standing on the list of anti-oxidant foods.And with about sixty different varieties including French (common) thyme, lemon thyme, orange thyme and silver thy...
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