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And I hope that someday, when the time is right, you will see fit to share it with one of your children.see/ think fit (to do sth)Your Honor, you have the power to push Leonard Bailey’s execution if you see fit.Make your approach as you see fit.share[?er]in one’s own (good) time.share [?And~I hopethat someday, when ...
句子:Are these any nice restaurants around here?Do you know where he went?We usually play basketball here. 我们通常在这里打篮球。Did you play tennis last night?I don’t know her name. 我不知道她的名字。Please write your name here. 请在这里写下你的名字。We play tennis. 我们打网球。Where were you this morning?Do you li...
演讲与写作‖The Higher Education ~高等教育。For more than 40 years since the reform and opening- up policy was adopted, the Chinese government has attached more and more importance to higher education which has entered a stage of steady development.
Phoebe: I think, I’m the only child in my family and my parents they have not really spoiled me. I think when I was young they asked me to do my things by myself, finish the things by myself and if I want something I have to behave myself and I have to, you know, try to be good and then get my reward. So I don’t thi...
[口语]“前功尽弃”用英文怎么说?“前功尽弃”的英文表达是:Back to square one。“square”是方格的意思。这个用语从字面上理解就是“回到最初的方格”这个词起源于英国孩童的游戏,如跳房子和蛇梯棋。游戏中,开始你可能遥遥领先。但一着不慎,就可能回到原点。Life is a circle, always back to square one.人生是一个圆,总是要回到原点。
“小姐姐”用英语怎么说?C姐最近被这些姐姐们迷得团团转,尤其是“老公姐”陈丽君一袭红衣,剑花飞舞。“小姐姐”的英语表达。有些英语表达适当语境下也可以译为“小姐姐”:pretty girl.长得好看的美女都可以叫“小姐姐”,所以“pretty”就非常合适:说到小姐姐,我们不得不提到另外一个词“少女感”,那接下来我们就来谈谈“少女感”等词用...
今日英语 | 学会这100句英语口语,基本交流没问题,收藏学习!Are these any nice restaurants around here?I am studying English. 我在学英语。We usually play basketball here. 我们通常在这里打篮球。Did you play tennis last night?I don’t know her name. 我不知道她的名字。How did you get here?We play tennis. 我们打网球。Do you...
今日英语 | 2000句可以边睡边记的基础英语口语,轻松秒学!
一分钟英语:Catch Some Z''s.So, what does it mean to catch some z’s? Let’s find out.Catch Some Z’s 睡觉。B:Just let me catch some z’s at my desk.To catch some z’s means to sleep. Some people snore when they sleep. So, this term comes from the buzzing sound of snoring. Comics and even emojis use z’s to re...
每日一词:at risk.今天我们要学的词是at risk.[??t ?r?sk]Kids who don’t get enough sleep are at risk for mood problems, depression, learning difficulties and poor grades.One in four young people in Saudi Arabia are at risk for heart attacks due to unhealthy lifestyles.好的,今天我们学习的词是 at risk, at risk, at risk....
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